Mama June Did Not Hold Back In Her Latest Interview

The Shannon family is no stranger to reality TV and sharing every aspect of their lives, which probably explained why they felt so comfortable being so honest with Andy Cohen this week. "Mama June" Shannon, and her daughter, Alana "Honey Boo Boo" Thompson, sat down with Cohen on an episode of "For Real: The Story of Reality TV," which reminded us all just how long the family has been in the public eye. From "Toddlers in Tiaras" in 2011 to a spin-off series called "Mama June: From Not to Hot," and, finally, the newest show in the trilogy, "Mama June: Road to Redemption," the family has never been shy when it comes to sharing their lives. But according to Mama June, this doesn't make them celebrities. In fact, she believes she's as popular as she is because she's a "real person." She added that she doesn't believe herself to "fit out here in Hollywood" (via E! Online).


Mama June admits that being skinny didn't make her any happier

Mama June has had quite the physical transformation since her "Toddlers in Tiaras" days. From brand new teeth to a new hairstyle and a dramatic weight loss journey, June is looking — and feeling — better than ever. But her new look doesn't mean everything is perfect for the reality TV star. In fact, June was quoted saying that she thought being skinny would solve all of her problems, which she quickly revealed didn't end up being true. Thompson chimed in on the matter, explaining that her mother believed that being "smaller" would allow her to do more, fit into more clothes, and even receive less hate from people. But, according to June, it's actually been the exact opposite. And despite having lost all that weight, June still loves to indulge in snacks and junk food every once in a while, which she says she doesn't regret at all. " If you start regretting what you've done, then you shouldn't have done that s–t in the first place," she told Cohen (via E! Online).


Here's what Mama June had to say about the state of her sobriety

Another hot topic of discussion was June's sobriety. Her struggles with addiction have been no secret to the public over the years, as well as how this addiction had affected her relationship with her family, and Thompson specifically. Cohen asked about the state of June's sobriety and she explained that she and her boyfriend, Geno Doak, are "very big into the recovery community." She added, "I believe that during our addiction, both of us what I call our crazy state of mind and sometimes you got to love people through their addiction. He loved me through my addiction, and I've loved him through his addiction" (via E! Online).


That being said, despite the seemingly under control state of her sobriety, June admitted to spending nearly $600,000 in six months on cocaine, and even sold her home in Georgia, her jewelry, and her other possessions to pay dealers. While June claims to be seven months clean, she knows that there's still a rough road ahead, per the UK's Metro.

"Addiction is real, guys," June admits. "I'm a real person, I have real issues and that's what I share with people. I say that I'm a recovering addict. I know I had a problem but it's hard for me to say I'm still an addict because I'm not doing those things anymore" (via E! Online).

