Why Donald Trump's Fourth Of July Rally Had The Internet Seeing Red

As far as some observers were concerned, the Fourth of July weekend might not have been the best possible time for former President Donald Trump to hold a rally in Sarasota, Florida. A day before the long holiday weekend, his company, the Trump Organization, and its CFO, Allen Weisselberg, were charged with tax evasion. Florida itself is still reeling from a tragedy involving a collapsed condominium that killed dozens, and recent polls show a growing preference of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis among GOP supporters over Trump himself (via USA Today).


But to paraphrase, whatever Donald Trump wants, he apparently gets, and it was apparent that nothing was going to stop the rally from taking place. So it came as little surprise when the former president's son Don Jr. took to Twitter to tell the nation how Trump supporters might be a part of the rally without actually being in Florida, as Don Jr. said: "Guys if you want to tune in to the POTUS 45 Sarasota, FL rally tune in to @rumblevideo where they will be streaming it live. Happy Fourth of July everyone," followed by three American flag emojis.

Twitter turned its back on Trump's Florida rally

One social media user dismissed Donald Trump Jr.'s invitation to his father's Fourth of July rally, saying, "Tune in to 'blah, blah, blah, me, me, me, witch hunt, witch hunt, stolen election, blah, blah, blah, me, me, me, Hunter?' Nope. People to use your favorite word are 'woke' and realize daddy is stuck on repeat. Nothing to see, nothing to hear."


Another said: "Please let us know when there is live streaming of your family's perp walk and we have a date!!! That's going to be so much better." A third RSVP'ed by pointing out that the event could be considered inappropriate, saying: "Will be grieving for the 20 dead and 100+ missing from the Surfside tragedy in Fla." Thanks to the efforts of Trump opponents, the hashtag "LoserPalooza" even made it to the top of Twitter's rankings.

But not everyone sent disparaging remarks Don Jr's way. As one supporter tweeted: "Watched it on RSBN, it was the best rally ever! God bless your Dad! He was on top of his game! You and Kimberly were great also! Great Show & Fireworks! Happy 4th to you and your family!"


