Why Britney Spears' Gifts To Jamie Lynn's Kids Are Really Sending A Message To Her Fans

Britney Spears has been making headlines for speaking out in hopes of ending her 13-year long conservatorship. Last month, Britney shocked many fans when she bluntly spoke out against her father, Jamie Spears, who she says loved having control of her life, per Variety. The pop star also admitted that others, including unnamed members of her family, helped to keep her under Jamie's thumb. 


"I would honestly like to sue my family, to be totally honest with you. I also would like to be able to share my story with the world, and what they did to me, instead of it being a hush-hush secret to benefit all of them," Britney said during her court appearance. "I want to be able to be heard on what they did to me by making me keep this in for so long, it is not good for my heart. I've been so angry and I cry every day. It concerns me, I'm told I'm not allowed to expose the people who did this to me."

Since Britney's court hearing, her younger sister Jamie Lynn Spears has also come under fire from fans. Some online critics have called out Jamie Lynn for not supporting Britney and even speculated that she has been trying to use Britney's fame to boost her own career. While Britney hasn't mentioned Jamie Lynn's name, she may have just sent a big message to fans regarding her relationship with her younger sister, per People.


Britney sent Jamie Lynn's daughters a box of goodies

According to Page Six, Britney Spears' relationship with her younger sister, Jamie Lynn Spears, may not be as strained as some fans originally believed. Jamie Lynn took to her social media account to share a cute photo of a package that Britney had sent to her two children, Maddie, 13, and Ivey, 3. The box was full of items such as stuffed animals, a tote bag, some shoes, and other goodies that Britney gifted to her nieces. "Nothing sweeter than coming home to a box full of goodies for my girls from their Auntie," Jamie Lynn captioned the Instagram snap. The outlet noted that the gifts could be a way for Britney to show fans that there is no bad blood between her and Jamie Lynn.


Following the conservatorship hearing, Jamie Lynn's husband, Jamie Watson, spoke out in support of the "Stronger" singer. "I can assure you her family loves her and wants the best for her. I wouldn't be around people who weren't. Who wouldn't want to be in support of Britney?" Watson stated. In addition, Jamie Lynn has also offered her public support to her older sister (via People). "Since the day I was born, I've only loved adored and supported my sister," Jamie Lynn proclaimed last month.

