Inside Erin Andrews' Fertility Struggle

Erin Andrews is one of the toughest and most hardworking women in the game, but the veteran sportscaster and former "Dancing with the Stars" co-host has suffered more than her fair share of difficulties in life. As ET reported, Andrews was diagnosed with cervical cancer back in 2016, which turned her entire world on its head and made the beloved commentator reconsider what that was really important to her. Expressing regret over everything she'd put her family and, in particular NFL star husband Jarret Stoll, through, Andrews admitted, "It's a lot but, to be honest with you, it could've been a lot worse and it could've gone a different way. So thankfully it didn't and thankfully I went and got tested."


The commentator initially kept her diagnosis a secret, because she was in shock and had no idea how to break the news to her nearest and dearest. Andrews was particularly concerned about her work commitments, with both the Super Bowl and "DWTS" coming up fast. After undergoing two surgeries, she was eager to get back to work, and heralded the support of her family, who ensured Andrews wasn't pushing herself too hard. Stoll, meanwhile, went into full "competitive mode," reassuring her they would get through it together. The couple held back on having kids for obvious reasons, and now Andrews is opening up about how tough their journey has been, bravely sharing her story once again.

Erin Andrews is unashamed of her IVF journey

Erin Andrews hopes to make other women feel less alone by sharing her struggle to get pregnant, and the lengthy, often frustrating IVF journey that's been dragging on for years. In a personal essay, posted on Bulletin, the veteran sportscaster revealed she's been involved in the "time-consuming and emotionally draining process" since the age of 35, admitting sometimes, "your body just doesn't allow it." Andrews explained it's all about timing, but juggling IVF with her demanding work schedule is incredibly stressful and often makes her feel as though it's a choice between continuing her career or having a family. Especially in the male-dominated field in which Andrews works, "women feel the need to keep things like this quiet." 


However, she argued, "It's so common that people are starting families late and put so many other aspects of their lives on hold," adding, "I am not ashamed, and I want to be vocal and honest about this." The "DWTS" alum expressed support for everyone in a similar situation to her and husband Jarret Stoll, acknowledging, "It can be so isolating, but in reality, we are all there together." Unfortunately, IVF doesn't always work, something Andrews knows all too well considering she's undergoing her seventh treatment. "I'm now 43, so my body is kind of stacked against me," she revealed. However, the sports commentator remains hopeful and wants to spread some of that positive energy to other couples who are struggling out there.


