Everything You Need To Know Before Trying A Mud Treatment

For many people, a spa day can be at the top of their list when it comes to self-care. Mud treatments are no different and are one way to take things up a notch. With Greek, Egyptian, and Native American origins (via Travel Earth), mudding isn't going away any time soon and has only evolved to attract even the most lavish consumers.


Today, mud treatments can be found everywhere, from luxury spas to bodies of water and even volcano craters throughout the world, as stated by Amex Essentials. And no, these aren't like the mud pies you used to make in your backyard as a kid. In fact, there's a wide range of treatments available, whether it's in the form of a face mask or a full-blown head to toe bath. If you're interested in trying this detoxifying beauty treatment, keep reading to see what you should know before dipping your toes into the world of mudding.

What are the benefits of mudding?

To achieve radiant-looking skin, look no further than mudding. And while it may sound a little gross, Piedmont Healthcare explains it's purifying for the skin thanks to its cleansing properties which exfoliate and help dermatologic issues like eczema and psoriasis.


Research also shows that mudding can help blow off steam during the middle of a busy week since it helps bring down cortisol levels, the hormone released by the body when we're stressed (via PubMed).

There are even different types of mud worth testing out. According to Healthline, sea mud found in saltwater from the Middle East can help alleviate backaches and decrease swelling thanks to minerals like magnesium and potassium. As per Well and Good, locations like The Dead Sea have the advantage of a low elevation with increased oxygen levels, which further helps promote healing.

Other varieties of mud also come from hot springs and are chock full of restorative ingredients like volcanic ash, which alleviates joint issues like rheumatic disorders (via Forbes). A body of water where multiple visitors converge can be more of a free-for-all since everyone shares in the mud and involves rubbing handfuls of mud into the skin until it dries and rinsing off (via Travel Earth). While there are no major rules or restrictions when experimenting with mud treatments, some populations should exercise caution before approaching it.


Who should avoid mudding?

Since mud can be kept at a high temperature up to 104 degrees F, many spas will turn you away if there's a history of high blood pressure, open wounds on the skin, or you are currently pregnant. Also, before diving headfirst into a mud bath, it's essential to try to keep it out of the eyes or the mouth (via Travel Earth). Considering how hot the baths can get, How Stuff Works recommends upping your water intake a day before the treatment to prevent dehydration.


For the sake of infection control, it may also be a good idea to ask the spa how often their mud baths are changed out in between clients and what the sanitary practices are, explains Chicago Tribune. One thing's for sure, even though mudding gets a bad rap for cleanliness reasons, it's one of the most therapeutic beauty treatments out there that can truly make a difference in detoxifying from the inside and out.

