Here's What Donald Trump Really Wants For His Son Eric

Donald Trump's children rarely leave his side, but the former president has vastly different relationships with each one. Ivanka is clearly the favorite, for instance, while Eric, as Elite Daily notes, seems to be someone Donald keeps at arm's length. There's very little insight, from any angle, about what kind of relationship the father and son share. What we do know is that Eric and older brother Don Jr. were running the Trump Organization while Donald was in office, so clearly they're held in reasonable regard.


Yet, according to Michael Wolff's infamous book "Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House," the former reality star enjoyed telling anybody who would listen that Eric and Don Jr. "were in the back of the room when God handed out brains" (via Twitter). However, Donald has been known to warmly describe his son as "wonderful" online. Likewise, when Eric's wife, Lara, gave birth to their son, Donald tweeted, "Congratulations to Eric & Lara on the birth of their son, Eric 'Luke' Trump this morning!"

Now, the former commander-in-chief is taking a notable stand on Eric's behalf.

Donald Trump wants his son Eric to have a normal life

According to Business Insider, an upcoming book by journalist David Drucker claims that, out of all the Trump children, Eric Trump is the least likely to continue working in the political realm. His father, former President Donald Trump, explained, "He gets treated terribly, just terribly. I think he would like to have a normal life." 


Eric is certainly the least politically active, with the exception of Tiffany, who only spoke at conventions in the lead-up to her father's bid for office, and Barron, who's too young to take part. "Of all his kids, Trump sounded convinced that Eric was the least likely to subject himself to the rigors of political life beyond advocating for his father," Drucker concluded. Eric has been vocal about the negative treatment of their family in the press, so it's entirely possible he's just sick of the attention. 

However, one of his biggest issues came as a result of an investigation by the New York Attorney General. It was looking into charitable funds allegedly illegally used by the Trump Organization rather than being donated to children suffering from cancer, as they were intended. In fact, the company is still being investigated for fraud, with one of Eric's attorneys quitting as recently as September 2021. 


Although Don Jr. is the most vocal on Twitter, Eric has been ridiculed for his unwavering support of his father. Thankfully, as far as Donald is concerned, he won't have to suffer for the cause much longer.

