Meghan McCain Reveals Why Her Dad Forced Her To Return A Phone Call From Donald Trump

Although she remains a staunch Republican, it's no secret that former co-host of "The View," Meghan McCain, feels no love for the party's standard bearer, former president Donald Trump. After all, Trump started his 2015 campaign disparaging her father, the late senator John McCain, claiming he was not a war hero because Trump "likes people who weren't captured" (via Politico). While John was serving in Vietnam, he spent five years as a prisoner of war, finally being released in 1973 (via Time).


In 2017, Trump mocked John once again after the senator famously gave the thumbs down when breaking with his party and voting no on repealing the Affordable Care Act. According to Axios, Trump imitated John making that move, with Meghan taking offense to it. As a new columnist for the Daily Mail, Meghan is now promoting her new audio book, "Bad Republican," and explained to the Daily Mail why that particular mocking hurt so much — and what happened after she expressed her outrage.

Meghan McCain got diplomatic advice from her dad when Donald Trump came calling

When Meghan McCain heard about the Axios report, she couldn't believe Donald Trump would mock her father again. "There had been a report by Mike Allen [of Axios] who said that he was physically mocking my dad when he gave his thumbs down for the skinny healthcare repeal," Meghan told the Daily Mail. "And my dad, because of his war injuries, he walked with a limp cause he couldn't bend his knee, and you could mock it if you were a disgusting person."


She went on to explain that she tweeted her outrage at the time, considering her John McCain had already been diagnosed with the brain cancer that would eventually take his life. "What more must my family be put through right now. This is abhorrent," she wrote.

Not long after she tweeted, Meghan got a phone call from a number she didn't recognize, so she didn't answer it. When the voicemail said it was the White House calling and the president wanted to speak to her, she asked her father for advice. "I called my dad and I said, 'I don't want to call him back. This is scary. I don't want to talk to him.' And my dad said, 'You have to call him. He's the President of the United States. It's not an option. You still respect the office.'"


Meghan McCain eventually returned Trump's phone call

Meghan McCain took her father's advice and did call Donald Trump back — what happened during that phone call after left her completely shocked.

"I called him and we had a very bizarre conversation, and he denied making fun of my dad's war injuries and he didn't apologize, but he said, 'I didn't do this, this is fake news, this is Mike Allen lying,'" she told the Daily Mail


Oddly, he then put his wife, Melania Trump, on speaker phone so she could do her best to smooth things over with Meghan and the McCain family. In her new audio book, "Bad Republican," Meghan further elaborates what she thought of Donald and how he hurt her family.

"For years he made a sport of beating the crap out of my family, and he didn't let up once he got into the Oval Office. Trump had supporters boo my father at a rally. He fought the lowering of the flag in my dad's honor when he died," she shared, proving that her opinion hasn't changed much since Donald left office. 

