Carmeon Hamilton's Tips For Styling A Console Table

Shelves are usually the easiest way to decorate a space in a functional way, but putting them up can be a pain (and expensive), especially if you're renting an apartment. If you're looking for a way to decorate a space that doesn't cost you your security deposit, you'll want to get a console table. This piece of accent furniture comes in a variety of styles, from minimalist to ornate, with many DIY solutions for creating and decorating.

Adding a console table to your space, no matter how big or small, can bring symmetry and beauty to an otherwise boring spot. And brightening up a room doesn't mean you have to sacrifice practicality (or money!), and if anyone knows how to strike a balance, it's HGTV "Design Star" winner Carmeon Hamilton. She actually made her own console table by screwing together three pieces of wood and painting it, as she detailed on her website. This cheap DIY design style makes updating spaces super simple.

Styling your console table can be cheap and easy

When you're considering how you want to style your console table, you need to know if you want the space to be functional. In a console table styling, Carmeon Hamilton used ceramic vases of varying heights and a ceramic bowl to add a feeling of symmetry. If you're putting your console table by your front door, having something to hold things like sunglasses, hats, and gloves, like the bowl Hamilton used, adds a touch of the season to any design.

Does your console table need some drama? Add stark color and height to your table design. Hamilton used a large, white ceramic vase that was a direct contrast to her black console table. To start softening up the lines of her design, she added dried branches to the vase. Dried branches are something easily changeable with the seasons, and are reusable too.

The last tip Hamilton has for styling your console table has to do with what goes underneath. In her design, Hamilton used two waterfall benches to break up the open space between the table and the floor. Not only did under the console table make for the perfect storage space for these benches, but their green paisley added a pop of color against her white sofa. For Hamilton, it brought the whole design together since the fabric of the benches was what inspired her design in the first place.