Omarosa Has Harsh Words For Donald Trump

Omarosa Manigault Newman was once one of President Donald Trump's biggest supporters, publicly defending her former "Apprentice" boss, and short-lived real-life boss, at every turn. However, when she was unceremoniously fired from the Trump White House, the gloves came off. Omarosa was one of the former president's most prominent Black supporters, not to mention serving as both an assistant to Trump and as the director of communications for the White House Office of Public Liaison, per The Guardian


The reality star promised to tell all, admitting post-departure, "I have seen things that have made me uncomfortable, that have upset me, that have affected me deeply and emotionally, that has affected my community and my people" during a "Good Morning America" interview. And indeed she did, in 2018's "Unhinged." Per Deadline, Trump recently lost a case claiming his former staffer had violated her confidentiality agreement by spilling secrets about her White House tenure in the book.

Empowered by this latest victory, Omarosa is taking aim at her former boss once again.

Omarosa reckons Trump knew he was a 'super-spreader'

Amid reports that former President Donald Trump met with multiple people despite testing positive for COVID-19, Omarosa Manigault Newman confirmed there was "no question" he was a "super-spreader" throughout the White House. As Business Insider notes, Omarosa argued he simply didn't care whether staffers, Secret Service agents, or any other "essential personnel" caught the virus from him. The "Unhinged" author was speaking on "The Choice" at the time, in response to revelations from another book, by Mark Meadows, that suggested Trump tested positive days before anybody actually found out. As far as Omarosa is concerned, Trump likely knew he was sick but interacted with everybody anyway. 


It was announced on October 12 that both Trump and his wife Melania had tested positive for the deadly virus. That same day, his 2020 campaign manager also tested positive. Then, in the following days, several other White House staffers did too. According to Meadows, the former president received a positive diagnosis on September 26, almost a week before it became public knowledge. Omarosa pointed out the "worst and most despicable part of the story" is Trump attended an event for Gold Star families and later blamed them for giving him coronavirus. As Omarosa reasoned, this proves outright, "Donald Trump only cares about himself."

However, given the almost religious devotion Trump's cronies have to him, the former "Apprentice" star admitted staffers "would have probably considered themselves blessed if they had contracted" the virus from him.


