Lara Trump Claims Donald Earned A Surprising Amount Of Money As President

The amount of money Donald Trump made during his presidency has remained unclear not only while the former president was in office but also since he left. Trump's presidency was shrouded in controversies, including the releasing of his tax forms, and Americans could soon face a second term of this nonstop controversy if Trump decides to run for the highest office in the land again in 2024 — and wins.


According to Insider, a recent poll shows that most Americans don't want a rematch between Trump and sitting president Joe Biden in 2024. After all, the last election cycle left us all exhausted. Newsweek even recently wrote that the Republican party may want fresh blood in the next election, a chance to start anew, even if their policies remain the same as during Trump's tenure.

If Trump were to run again, people across the country would undoubtedly want to understand his finances and how much he's making while in office. Since leaving office, for example, Trump's been losing his fortune in some big ways. Would this continue if re-elected? We ultimately may never know, but we do now know via Lara Trump how much the president apparently made during his first term — and it's shocking.


Donald Trump apparently made less than many thought

Donald Trump's finances are always a public concern, and he previously revealed he lost a whopping sum of money as president. However, this doesn't mean he shouldn't come forth with how much he made while in office. As it turns out, he now doesn't have to, because Lara Trump, the former president's daughter-in-law, revealed recently how much he apparently earned.


According to Independent, Lara appeared on Fox News on Tuesday and told the network that her father-in-law made just $4 during his four years in office. She cited that he made $1 per year because the rest of his money was graciously given to charities. "​​I'm old enough to remember when we had a president who worked all day, everyday, for the American people," she told Fox News, explaining that he didn't feel the need to be rewarded for his work. "He had to take $1," she continued, explaining that the president couldn't deny the salary in whole (via MSN).

Naturally, this caused some uproar online. Twitter users instantly argued back that Trump didn't earn his money anyway, citing his golf outings. "Actually, Trump spent almost a total of one year just playing golf. Those trips, according to the GAO, cost $64 million just in DOD and Homeland Security costs," one user wrote. "That does not include the cost of Air Force One or other costs. The all in total comes out to over $144 million." Meanwhile, another user commented, "Made $4 in four years??? He made millions billing The Secret Service for rooms, cart rentals and meals during his weekly golf trips."


So, what do you think about Lara Trump's claim?

