The Truth About Paris Jackson's Famous Godfather

Paris-Michael Katherine Jackson, born in 1998, is the only daughter of music legend and iconically tragic and controversial figure Michael Jackson (via Biography). Now a grown woman working as a model and actor, Paris was recently described by her older brother Prince this way: "Basically, as a person, she is who my dad is," he told Rolling Stone. "The only thing that's different would be her age and her gender." Prince went on to explain in greater detail how his sister resembles their father, sharing, "in all of her strengths, and almost all of her weaknesses as well. She's very passionate. She is very emotional to the point where she can let emotion cloud her judgment."


Dealing with the constantly-prying eyes of the media and the public while growing up famous is something that Paris has had to experience since the moment she was born, with her father's larger-than-life persona and later his tragic death preceeding her always. When learning to navigate the complexities of growing up famous, it helps to have someone who has been there to confide in and learn from. Enter Paris's beloved godfather: Macaulay Culkin (via Best Life).

The sweet relationship between Paris Jackson and Macaulay Culkin

Paris has been able to rely on Culkin for both personal and professional advice, and recently asked him for pointers when she was auditioning for a role in the "American Horror Story" spinoff "American Horror Stories" (via Best Life). Culkin told Paris not to hold back in the audition and to "overdo it at certain points ... kind of like, overact and kind of make it theatrical." Her godfather's advice must have been spot on, because Paris landed the role. 


The two also share a close bond in their personal lives, and even have matching tattoos to show it (via Amo Mama). In July 2017, Jackson and Culkin got matching tattoos of spoons. While this might seem an odd choice, the meaning behind it is heartwarming. Where it came to growing up famous, Culkin once told Jackson, "Don't forget to be silly, don't forget to take something away from this whole experience, and don't forget to stick something up your sleeve." Both parties took the "up your sleeve" part literally by slowly building a habit of stealing spoons, one at a time, from restaurants, airplanes, etc. And gifting them to each other from special places they have been.   

