Signs Your Dog May Need To Lose Weight

When you glance at your beloved pooch, your heart lights up and you get a dose of the hormone oxytocin, which is produced to help the body relax. Obviously, due to all the happiness your pup delivers, you may not always be looking at them with a discerning eye. Recognizing that a dog is overweight isn't always easy. Breeds that have thick fur or lots of fur tend to look fluffy all the time. Also, different breeds have differently shaped bodies, making it harder to tell if your pup needs to shed a few pounds.


According to a study by Pet Obesity Prevention, more than half of all dogs in the United States are overweight. In the study, pet owners reported that only a little more than half of their veterinarians made it a point to bring up their dog's weight during their wellness visits. On top of that, only 15% of dog owners report weighing their dogs at home at least once a month.

And let's face it, it's easy to lose track of how many snacks your dog may be getting, especially if you live in a multi-person household. In addition, rewarding your dog with never-ending treats can be a big mistake when training your pooch.

These are signs that your dog is overweight

When assessing your dog's weight, it all comes down to feeling their bones, specifically the ribs, hips, and spine, according to Modern Dog Magazine. If you can't feel the bones at all, especially the ribs, and notice pockets of fat on their body, it's a good indication that your dog is overweight. With overweight dogs, you'll also won't see a waist indention.


In dogs that are at a healthy weight, you'll be able to clearly feel their bones without pressing. You'll also see a waist that goes in when you're standing above them. The waist should be smaller than the chest, and there should be a differentiation between the two.

You'd also be wise to watch how your dog acts, according to IHeartDogs. Do they go up the stairs slowly? Do they pant when walking, even if it's not a far distance and not hot outside? Do they seem slower than they used to be? If the answer is yes, your dog may be overweight. Any time you notice changes in your dog's behavior or think your dog may be struggling, you should make an appointment with your vet to get it checked out. Then you can get back to posting photos of your adorable pooch all over social media.


