The Two People Who Were Noticeably Absent From Kylie Jenner's Tribute Video

In 2018, Kylie Jenner wowed the world with her short film "To Our Daughter," dedicated to her baby girl, Stormi Webster. The eleven-and-a-half minute YouTube video has since amassed over 100 million views at the time of writing and inspired a similar amount of tears shed for its sweet content. Following the birth of her second child, Wolf Webster, Jenner released a video for her baby titled "To Our Son." This 10-minute YouTube video featured many parallels to her first mini documentary. Jenner, alongside her partner, Travis Scott, showcased her trips to the doctor, pregnancy cravings, and well wishes from her family — well, most of her loved ones.


While the trending 10-minute film contains sweet messages from Jenner's sisters — Khloe, Kim, Kourtney, and Kendall — as well as multiple appearances from her mother, Kris Jenner, and a few of her nieces, Rob Kardashian and Caitlyn Jenner are very clearly missing from the KarJenner love fest.

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Following the release of Kylie Jenner's short film, "To Our Son," a few of her 300 million Instagram fans took to Reddit to share their thoughts on the video. One particular thread was concerned with Rob Kardashian and Caitlyn Jenner's absence from the video. @Lilynd14 noted Kardashian's well-known preference for privacy and speculated that Jenner may have also created a private video for family use only that he may be included in. 


However, the Reddit user proceeded to point out that Caitlyn would likely have wanted screen time in the short. "While Rob seems to prefer life out of the spotlight, a public birth video seems like something Cait would have liked to be included in," the user wrote. "Even if she wasn't at the baby shower with Kris and the Kardashian sisters, I would think she'd have still contributed a video."

Despite the appearance that Caitlyn may have been excluded from the family affair, the 72-year-old revealed to Us Magazine that she's already met her new grandson. "I have [met him]. The family is growing," the Olympian shared. "Kylie had her little boy, it was announced the other day. I have to be very quiet. I have to be very sensitive and be very careful when I talk about the family, but they're great."


Ultimately, there's no telling why the two of them weren't in Jenner's video, only the clear noticeability of their absence.

