The Truth About Courtney & Eric Waldrop's Relationship

Before Courtney and Eric Waldrop, along with their kids, became one of TLC's favorite families, the couple made headlines when Courtney found out that she was pregnant with sextuplets. "It's been an incredible journey filled with all emotions — fears, excitements, worry, happiness — everything. There is just a lot of uncertainty that we won't be able to clear until they get here," said the mother of three, at the time, in a 2017 interview with People . She went on to say, "I just want them to be healthy, healthy, healthy. That's all I can ask for."


With their family and community's love, Eric and Courtney welcomed their sextuplets into the world in December 2017 (via Today). Then on September 18, 2018, television audiences were introduced to the Waldrop family on their hit series "Sweet Home Sextuplets," which followed the Southerners as they embarked on their journey with a sextuplet pregnancy while already raising three young boys (via TLC). Here's a peek into the relationship between the couple that have been together almost their entire lives and are the loving parents to nine children.

Courtney and Eric Waldrop are childhood sweethearts

So, how did Courtney and Eric Waldrop meet? Some couples are high school or college sweethearts, but the Waldrops were sweet on each other way before that. They met while attending the same junior high school and have been inseparable ever since. During the premiere of "Sweet Home Sextuplets," Eric stated, "Courtney and I, we've been together since eighth grade and never been with anybody else. So, it's kind of like one of those, I guess you could say, not high school sweethearts, junior high sweethearts." Courtney chimed in adding, "I really would call it love at first sight." 


Eric proposed while the couple attended Auburn University, and in June 2004, a month after graduating, they exchanged vows. On their 17th wedding anniversary, Courtney took to Instagram and penned a heart-filled message alongside some photos of them, including on their wedding day. She wrote, "From a little boy and little girl that met 25 years ago to now ... a life unexpected!! But a life I wouldn't trade ... and love that has gotten us through some of the hardest times to the most wonderful blessings. I couldn't imagine life any other way right now ... than crazy, exhausting, insane, but incredible! I couldn't do this without Eric ... he's definitely my rock when I start to crumble, he's my strength when I have no more to give, he's the calm to all the crazy, and he loves me through it all."


Courtney and Eric struggled to have children

After four years of marriage, in December 2008, Courtney and Eric welcomed their first child Saylor Waldrop (via The Cinemaholic). After a year or so after having Saylor, the couple decided to try for another kid. Courtney would get pregnant, but unfortunately, the reality star lost the child, and during this time, Courtney was diagnosed with a blood clot disorder, according to Discovery


As the couple tried to expand their family over the years, Eric's wife would experience numerous miscarriages. Courtney shared, "It was devastating because I can get pregnant so easily, I just can't hold on to them. It was upsetting, but we had experienced it before and I knew I had a medical issue that contributed to it." It was with the help of fertility drugs that she was able to carry her twin boys Bridge and Wales Waldrop to full term. Courtney gave birth to her and Eric's middle children, Wales and Bridge, in January 2012 (via People).

The Waldrops always wanted to have a large family

Eric and Courtney Waldrop always envisioned their lives with a bunch of kids running around. Even after having three boys, they still wanted a fourth child. Courtney Waldrop stated in an interview with WHNT News 19 in Alabama, "I knew I wanted a houseful." While pregnant on "Sweet Home Sextuplets," Courtney explained why she wanted multiple children and told the cameras, "I've always wanted a big family. I'm the only child, and I just wanted a house full of kids."


In order for Courtney and Eric to have another child after the twins, they would have to rely on fertility drugs again, and this time around, Courtney was given a low dosage that would minimize the chance of multiple births. However, that was not the case, and during an ultrasound in the spring of 2017, the Waldrops found out they were expecting sextuplets. This left them shocked and worried. "I was scared to death. I'm a smaller framed girl, and my first thoughts were on how I was going to successfully get six kids here without something happening to them or me. There was a lot of fear. We didn't know what to do or think," Courtney revealed to People.

Courtney and Eric Waldrop have a solid marriage

While many would think that having nine kids would put a bit of strain on a marriage, it seems to have been the complete opposite for Courtney and Eric Waldrop. During a phone interview with Today, the Waldrops discussed their relationship now with nine kids running around. Courtney shared, "I know that people would just say I'm just saying this, but honestly, I would say that our relationship is stronger now than ever. We have nine kids together, and he's my rock, and he gets me through. We have to be there for one another."


On Mother's Day in 2017, Eric surprised his wife with a gift from each of their children to show how much he loved her. While speaking to Us Weekly, Courtney recalled her special day and stated, "He got up early when we were only going off about three hours of sleep and cut me flowers from everybody. It was really special." Last year on Courtney's birthday, Eric shared with Facebook followers how much he loved her, and wrote, "You are the love of my life, my world, my everything. I don't know how you do what you do, day in and day out. You are the most unselfish person I know. Raising nine kids (six toddlers) is so hard and you tackle it like a champ every day." He ended with, "I love you with all my heart and soul. Happy Birthday Courtney. I love you angel."


The Waldrops work hard to provide for their brood

It takes a lot of money to raise a family, and we can imagine that it takes a massive amount of income to provide for a household the size of the Waldrop's family. To provide for his family of 11, Eric has his own maintenance and landscaping business, Robinson & Waldrop Landscape Group, LLC. He runs the thriving business with his partner and childhood friend, Jeremy Robinson, who also attended Auburn University. Both Eric and Jeremy studied landscape horticulture (via In Touch Weekly). According to the company's website, Eric and his crew provide landscaping, landscape design-build, irrigation, hardscapes night lighting, and maintenance services.


During the premiere of "Sweet Home Sextuplets," Eric talked about what he did for a living and shared that in addition to being in the landscaping business, he also does a bit of farming. He stated, "And on top of owning my own business, we live on top of 40 acres. Twenty acres of it is a working sheep farm. We have, like, close to 100 sheep right now."

Before she had the sextuplets, Courtney worked as an elementary school teacher locally in their town of Albertville, Alabama. (via In Touch Weekly). Since becoming a stay-at-home mother, she started her own small business selling handmade jewelry, clothing, and various accessories on her website, God's Divine Nine. The company seems to be doing pretty well because many items are currently sold out.


Courtney and Eric Waldrop are a very religious couple

Courtney and Eric Waldrop share the same sentiment that they wouldn't be able to raise their children without the help of God, and they wouldn't have made it during the hard times without their religious devoutness and faith. "Our faith and trust in God is what gets us through every day. It's what got us through since really the beginning of this journey of finding out we were having sextuplets," Eric explained while chatting with Fox News in a remote interview. He went on to say, "If it wasn't for our faith, we wouldn't be sitting right here right now. There's no question about it. That's a huge part of mine and Courtney's life, and we instill that in our kids, and we lean on God and our faith to get us through every day, for sure."


The Waldrops feeling of being lucky is what prompted them to be a part of "Sweet Home Sextuplets" in the first place. Eric also told Today before Season 1 debuted, "We didn't go into this wanting to be — I don't even like the word — celebrities. We want to show the world what God has done for us and how much we've been blessed by this situation. We want to show America how good God has been to us."

Eric and Courtney had a big choice to make during the pregnancy of the sextuplets

Doctors told Courtney Waldrop that there were a handful of dangers when it came to carrying all six children and that a procedure called selective reduction may be an option worth considering to increase the chances of survival of the fetuses (via People). According to UW Medicine, a selective reduction is an elective medical procedure that will reduce the number of fetuses when a woman is pregnant with multiples.


However, Courtney and Eric decided against it and left it up to God. "We are strong in our faith, but you never know how you're going to feel when you're actually in those shoes. When we let it go and turned it all over to [God], those fears — though we know the risks are still there — were lifted from us" (via People).

With the help of a large team of neonatologists, nurses, surgical assistants, anesthesiologists, and a handful of other specialists, Courtney gave birth at 30 weeks via C-section to fraternal sextuplets. After the Waldrop's three girls and three boys were released from the hospital, the couple stated, "It's an amazingly joyful feeling to have all six babies at home with us. Our lives have been forever changed. We are blessed beyond words and so excited to get life started with these sweet little miracles from above," according to People. 


Courtney and Eric Waldrop are very hands-on with their kids

Audiences who tuned in to watch "Sweet Home Sextuplets" saw Courtney and Eric carrying out parental duties like nursing, helping with homework, and potty training. However, Courtney and Eric Waldrop were also seen taking their kids on a big family trip to Dollywood and the beach, playing with their children and taking them on all kinds of adventures. Pretty much, the Waldrop family was always on the go with their nine kids.


Eric not only has his hands full with the little ones but is busy with his three eldest sons. Courtney told WAFF 48 News, "We've made it a point to not slow down for the big boys. We don't want to hold them back. They continue to do everything they've always done, play every sport, and Eric coaches them."

Last year, Courtney took to Instagram when basketball season was over for Saylor, Wales, and Bridge. Along with a batch of photos of the boys playing basketball and posing for pictures in their uniforms, she wrote, "Basketball Season for these three boys has officially come to an end. It's been a fun and very busy season. Eric coaches all three boys, and as hard as that may be, he wouldn't trade it for anything."


Eric and Courtney are a couple who enjoys giving back

Before Eric and Courtney Waldrop's sextuplets were born, the town of Albertville, Alabama, where the family resides, hosted a 5K fundraiser that was also a gender reveal to raise money for the family to help offset the costs of bringing their big bundles of joy into the world (via The Gadsden Times).


"We've been very, very, blessed with a lot of love and support," Courtney shared with Fox 61 News about all the help and support they've received. "We wouldn't be here right now without all the love, support, and prayers." After the sextuplets were born, the Waldrops decided as a thank you, they would, in turn, host a fun run of their own to raise money for their beloved town.

"It was really important to do this event because the town and community has been so gracious to us and so supportive of us and we've just have felt every prayer," Courtney also told WHNT 19 News during the event. The station also spoke to attendees of the event, and Katie Ball, a friend of the Waldrop family, shared, "This family means a lot to me. We have kids the same age. So I've been willing to do any and everything that this family needs." The Waldrops donated all the proceeds to the Pregnancy Crisis Center and Albertville City Schools.


The Waldrops had to lean on one another more during the Pandemic

During the pandemic, Eric and Courtney Waldrop had to adjust to taking care of all nine children without any extra help. Courtney talked about how hard it was having all the kids home during this time with Fox News. "It has been a challenge. When school permanently closed down and the big boys come home, and I still have six 2-year-olds. I'm trying to do everything on top of school work. It's a lot for sure." The Waldrops were used to having some help with the kids, but that all stopped during the height of the pandemic. "No one was coming over ... My mom and dad are in and out constantly. Friends and family are in and out constantly, and there was a good chunk of time that nobody was coming over. That was hard," Courtney disclosed to Hollywood Life.


Also, right before the height of COVID-19, they decided to renovate their home to make more room for their large family and had to live in a mobile home until the renovations were done. Courtney shared with Hollywood Life that the remodeling had to be shut down for a while, which pushed back renovations. Courtney and Eric kept the kids busy by keeping them outdoors and playing with them, and Eric would take the older boys fishing a lot to pass the time. The couple credited getting through it all with their faith in God.

Eric and Courtney Waldrop love the winter months

The winter months are relatively busy for most parents, and the same goes for Eric and Courtney Waldrop. Along with the business of Thanksgiving and Christmas, there are the birthdays of all nine of their children. In an exclusive statement to People, Courtney stated, "The holidays have always been special for Eric and I and celebrating with our three big boys — but now that we have our six babies to share it with, it makes everything a little more special."


They also shared Christmas is not the only big celebration they have with their family during December but also the birthdays of their sextuplets, which the Waldrops calls their "six miracles." Also, the Waldrop's older boys, Saylor, Bridge, and Wales, have birthdays during that time of the year, so it appears the winter months are just one big extravaganza in their household. Courtney and Eric also told the outlet that the holidays for them are a beautiful reminder of all the things they are blessed to have. 

The Waldrops always put their kids first

Eric and Courtney Waldrop and their children had starred in "Sweet Home Sextuplets" for three seasons. Even though they had over 1 million viewers tuning into the series each week, the Waldrops decided for the sake of their kids it was time to step away from the show.


In a YouTube video, Eric and Cortney shared with their fans that they would not be filming Season 4 of "Sweet Home Sextuplets." Courtney revealed, "So, we have filmed for three seasons, and we ended last summer. ... But since then, we have not been filming. We have not had any film crews in our house. And we have decided that what's best for our family right now is to not continue with the show."

The couple went on to say they've enjoyed the entire process and have appreciated all the positive and encouraging messages from fans, but filming the reality series has been grueling for the older boys, so it was time to pull the plug. "Filming was very hard on them ... They carried a lot of the show because they're cute, and they're funny," Courtney stated and added, "It was a lot to ask of them." Courtney and Eric decided that it was time to stop the show because they didn't even want their kids to dislike filming and become unhappy with the process. The Waldrops felt if they did another season, that would be the direction they would be headed in.


