How Liz Truss Made History When She Resigned As PM

Liz Truss' resignation as UK Prime Minister on October 20 puts her country in more turmoil. According to CNN, Truss resigned a few hours after Home Secretary Suella Braverman blasted Truss for her bad leadership and resigned. Braverman's resignation added to PM Truss's dumpster fire after she fired her finance minister last week. Former PM Theresa May weighed in on the resignation by tweeting: "The Prime Minister is right to provide a roadmap for an orderly transition. MPs must now be prepared to compromise. It is our duty to provide sensible, competent government at this critical moment for our country." Queen Elizabeth II appointed Prime Minister Truss two days before she died, and the final picture of the queen was taken with Truss.


According to The New York Times, many in the UK are angry about Truss and the country's state. "We are in an economic crisis, a political crisis, a food crisis — an everything crisis," engineer Cristian Cretu told the Times. "Whoever is going to replace her, I don't think they will make a difference." But the turmoil in the UK is also warning for the United States. Former General Mark Hertling tweeted: "The failure of Britain to stabilize, the elections of autocrats in several European countries & the surge of US @GOP performance artists gives Putin hope of future NATO/western division. The US can put a stake in that by not electing idiots in 3 weeks. Vote!"

But Truss made history when she resigned as prime minister.


Liz Truss is shortest serving Prime Minister in history

Prime Minister Liz Truss made history with her resignation, not in a good way. The New York Times reported the British PM resigned on October 20 after only 45 days in office. Truss served the shortest term as prime minister in British history, but she inflicted major damage on the UK while in office. PM Truss and her government wrecked the UK financial market and backtracked on most of the promises she made to get elected. The British government's website posted the PM's resignation speech. Truss said in her speech, "I came into office at a time of great economic and international instability." The resigning prime minister added, "I recognize that, given the situation, I cannot deliver the mandate on which I was elected by the Conservative party. I have therefore spoken to His Majesty the King to notify him that I am resigning as leader of the Conservative party."


Town and Country reported that new polls show Britain's Labour Party could win a landslide election, as many in the country have lost confidence in the Conservatives. However, the Tory Party will replace Truss next week in the short term. According to Town and Country, Rishi Sunak and Jeremy Hunt are the top candidates. In a cheeky message about Truss, short-serving White House Director of Communications Anthony Scaramucci tweeted: "Liz Truss lasted 4.1 Scaramuccis."

