New Concerns Raised Regarding King Charles' Charitable Organization

To fans of the royal family, there isn't much that's more exciting than the drama that seems to follow wherever they go. It's often a bit challenging to resist tuning in to see what happens next. For example, King Charles III and Prince William faced a new Prince Andrew scandal a few weeks ago. According to The Sun, the Duke of York's latest scandal involves a trip to Bahrain. The disgraced prince hoped to get a new job, acting in an "unofficial role" as a negotiator between the "West and oil-rich Gulf states." The Sun reported a Swiss billionaire flew Andrew to Bahrain, who was officially a VIP guest of Bahrain's royal family. Another crisis revolved around the royal siblings fighting about a party.


King Charles refused to attend a party with Princess Anne and Prince Edward before his birthday because Prince Andrew was part of a shooting party near Windsor Castle. A royal source told The Daily Mail, "King Charles was said to be displeased that Edward and Anne had been publicly meeting up with Andrew and wanted it made clear that he had not been part of the shoot." The royal family insider told The Mail, "Charles's view is that he [Andrew] should not be in the public eye. His Majesty was not thrilled at all."

Yet another scandal has been revealed surrounding King Charles' charitable organization.

New Qatar donations to King Charles' charity cause concern

New donations from Qatar have raised concerns about King Charles' charitable foundation. The Daily Mail reported the Prince's Foundation would get another round of donations from Qatar, equaling £4.5 million over three years. The outlet said the king secretly went to a Prince's Foundation meeting with Qatar on November 23. Qatar has been in the spotlight as the World Cup host, highlighting the country's poor human rights record.


Prince William refused to attend the World Cup in Qatar, which, according to The Sun is because of Qatar's dismal human rights record. British broadcaster Gary Neville criticized King Charles III and William, Prince of Wales, for being hypocritical about Qatar. Neville told ITV (via Telegraph) that "if Prince William doesn't want to come to this tournament, but he's okay with his father taking charitable donations, that's fine." Ouch.

The latest news about Qatari donations is another blow to the king's charity. The Prince's Foundation is already under investigation after the "cash for honours" scandal surrounding questionable donations to the charity. In 2011, when the king was still the Prince of Wales, Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber al-Thani gave Charles £1 million in cash stuffed into bags (per The Guardian). In addition, Charles' assistant Michael Fawcett promised to help a Saudi donor become a British citizen, as the BBC noted. Fawcett has since resigned from the Prince's Foundation. 


