What These Stars From My 600-Lb Life Look Like Today

Plenty of reality shows feature dramatic transformations, but few chronicle the intense metamorphoses that are documented on the popular TLC program "My 600-lb Life." Since its inception in 2012, dozens of men and women have had their lives changed, thanks to the intervention of Dr. Younan Nowzaradan. Based in Houston, Texas, Nowzaraden performs weight loss surgery on patients who often times are desperate to improve their quality of life before it's too late. And while the journey is never easy for these people, it's worth it to be able to reclaim their lives and accomplish goals they had previously given up on.


Some of these brave souls have gone on to become social media stars thanks to their reality television fame. That gives us additional access into their lives, allowing us to keep up on what happens – even after their follow-up segments have aired. So without further ado, here's the skinny on some of the most popular stars from "My 600-lb Life." You won't believe how amazing they look today.

Melissa Morris achieved her lifelong dream

The OG of "My 600-lb Life," Melissa Morris was the very first person featured in the show. These days she's in a much different place. While an episode of "My 600-lb Life: Where Are They Now?" revealed that Melissa's weight has fluctuated over the years, you can see on her Instagram page that she's living her best life every day. 


If you're familiar with Melissa's journey, you know that having children was something she desperately wanted. Despite her unlikely odds (a doctor once told her she only had a 2% chance of getting pregnant, according to her TLC interview), Melissa became a mom to Allona on May 1, 2010. Today, she's a mom three times over, according to a post on her Instagram page.

On top of her motherhood duties, which definitely keep her busy, Melissa also speaks publicly about her journey. She's also been active in Weight Watchers for several years now. Additionally, she's been going to concerts, enjoying time at the beach, catching baseball games, and reading books. There's no slowing her down.

Zsalynn Whitworth found a man worthy of her love

Season 2 of "My 600-lb Life" opened with Zsalynn Whitworth's story, which famously included her manipulative and unsupportive husband, who prioritized his fetish over Zsalynn's literal life. Fortunately for her, the couple finally got a divorce, which she confirmed in a follow-up segment. They still share joint custody of their daughter, but the romance is long since over.


In the segment, Zsalynn also got candid about her emotional state. She admitted that she struggled with loneliness and depression, as well as her cravings for sweets following the divorce. In spite of those challenges, however, she decided that she wants to press forward and finally get skin removal surgery. She also expressed a desire to be more active and start dating — certainly worthy ambitions.

And it paid off! From the looks of it, Zsalynn found someone special, and it looks like everything's going swimmingly for Zsalynn now.

Paula Jones is now a confident selfie queen and outspoken advocate

Paula Jones, who had an especially emotional episode in Season 2 of "My 600-lb Life," is living the dream of long-term weight loss success these days. For one, you can tell just by looking at pictures of Paula on her Instagram and Facebook pages that she's in great shape, especially when you consider where she started. 


She's not afraid to pose in a swimsuit, or post selfies with her arms bared, which shows that she knows she's cute. But Paula also keeps herself accountable, admitting when she has to stick to her diet and work out on the reg. And while she's faced health issues like kidney stones, that hasn't stopped her from staying the course of her weight loss journey.

These days, Paula speaks publicly at weight loss events. She's also outspoken about the obesity epidemic, which has claimed the lives of some of her friends and loves ones. "It is so senseless since it is preventable," she shared in a post. "It just isn't easy." Indeed it isn't, but Paula sure is a role model.

Amber Rachdi became a full-blown social media star

Of all of the stars who have come out of "My 600-lb Life," Amber Rachdi is the emerging Instagram queen among them. She updates her account regularly, showing off her makeup skills, her super cute hairstyles, and her new outfits. She even rocks the notorious Instagram eyebrow pretty flawlessly – way to slay, girl.


Although Amber is a social media star now, she has no plans to appear in a follow-up episode, citing some pretty serious beef with the production crew as the reason. "The experience was very disorganized and jarring and there's not a whole lot I can say using my grown-up tact," she revealed in an interview with Starcasm. "They ran late, reshot difficult to replicate scenes, and really sort of acted like bullies." She said they also didn't respect her boundaries, and tried to push her to do things she didn't want to do.

But Amber also shared that she continues to take good care of herself and work out regularly. Other than having to recover from Hurricane Harvey, which she posted about on her Facebook page, it sounds like all's well in her world.


Joe Wexler got his happily ever after

On Season 3 of "My 600-lb Life," viewers were introduced to Joe Wexler, who weighed in initially at nearly 800 pounds. Fortunately, Joe was able to get help from Dr. Nowzaradan, who performed gastric bypass surgery on him after he lost 140 pounds on his own. 


"It was really tough – one of the hardest things I ever did," he said of the experience in an episode of "My 600-lb Life: Where Are They Now?" After that, Joe accomplished milestones like driving, getting skin removal surgery, and losing 500 pounds. In his follow-up segment, he also revealed that he had met a woman named Sarah, and that they were dating. Sarah also had a daughter. Things got serious quickly, and the couple got married. Unfortunately, things did not work out with Sarah, as they divorced in 2019. As a result of her alleged infidelity, Joe admitted gaining back some weight, but was determined to lose it again. Joe is also working hard in the IT sector and taking online courses, with big ambitions for the future.  


Charity Pierce faced setbacks but never gave up

Toward the end of Season 3 of "My 600-lb Life," viewers met Charity Pierce. At her largest, she clocked in at almost 800 pounds, one of the bigger individuals to appear on the show at that time. Fortunately, Charity was able to help herself, thanks to the intervention of Dr. Nowzaradan. 


She underwent weight loss surgery, and lost over 400 pounds, according to an episode of "My 600-lb Life: Where Are They Now?" She also had several skin surgeries, including the removal of a 57-pound fatty tumor and 38 pounds of tissue from her abdomen. She doesn't look like the same person at all! Charity isn't alone on her journey anymore either, as her daughter also struggles with her weight, which was chronicled in the follow-up episode. And while the pair have faced setbacks, they're also working their hardest to get through it together.

Unfortunately in March 2020, Charity revealed that she'd been diagnosed with kidney cancer and had a kidney removed. That September, her daughter shared that her mother "had some struggles but is doing great now."


Nikki Webster feels exuberantly gleeful as her career and love life

Nikki Webster was all smiles in an episode of "My 600-lb Life: Where Are They Now?" – a stark contrast from her episode of "My 600-lb Life." For one, Nikki was able to go shopping for a pair of pants for the first time in 10 years — what a huge accomplishment! 


As she slipped into a pair of blue jeans, you could tell how thrilled she was. "I feel womanly, and sassy," she gushed. "It takes a lot for me to feel sassy." Go ahead, girl! A new pair of pants isn't the only new thing in Nikki's life. Her weight loss has also enabled her to excel at work, something she couldn't do before. "I can finally really contribute," she said.

But the really big news? Nikki shared a Facebook post in March 2018 revealing that she had recently gotten married to Marc, who viewers were introduced to on her follow-up episode. And as she wrote on another post, she's loving life. "I've been able to experience a happiness I never thought possible. It's not that I'm just content... I'm exuberantly gleeful," she shared. What a happy ending.


Brittani Fulfer credits her husband for being her rock

Brittani Fulfer is almost unrecognizable these days compared to how she looked in "My 600-lb Life." Viewers first saw the dramatic changes in her first episode of "My 600-lb Life: Where Are They Now?" Then in a later follow-up episode, an even more svelte Brittani appeared after additional surgery, with renewed energy to reach her goals — though it was a bumpy ride. But she made it, and celebrated by going to the beach without a shred of shame. Woo body positivity!


Additionally, Brittani has been squeezing every drop out of life lately, according to her Facebook page, which appears to have since been deleted. For one, she posted that she got to see her favorite band in concert — Third Eye Blind — something she couldn't have done two years ago, she said. She's also been having adventures out and about with her friends, according to another post. 

Through it all, Brittani's husband has been by her side, supporting her. "I am forever thankful to my husband," she wrote in a Facebook post. "He is truly my strength and without him I do not know where I would be."

Milla Clark is 600 pounds lighter

What a journey it's been for Milla Clark, who weighed in at a whopping 751 pounds in her Season 4 episode of "My 600-lb Life." In addition to that, she was confined to her bed, and relied on her children to tend to her most basic hygiene. To top it off, she hadn't left her home in two years, and couldn't stand on her own two feet.


Fortunately, Milla was able to get the help she desperately needed. By the end of her episode, she was approved for weight loss surgery, having shed 150 pounds and made the effort to stand up. But that was just the beginning, as she continued to steadily make some seriously dramatic progress. After multiple skin surgeries and a double knee replacement, Milla hit the 152-pound mark, according to her follow-up episode. That's a 600-lb difference, and a record breaker for the show!

You can keep up with Milla on her Instagram page, where she promotes her healthy habits and shares her love of walking – something she couldn't do for many years. What an accomplishment.

Ashley Dunn Bratcher is the mom she always wanted to be

When viewers first met Ashley Dunn Bratcher in her Season 4 episode of "My 600-lb Life," she relied on her young son Patrick to help her get things done around the house, like laundry and cooking. That was something she was deeply ashamed of, as she felt like she should she be the one caring for him, and not vice versa. But at 725 pounds, she was limited in her mobility.


Not content with her life, Ashley made the brave decision to conquer her eating habits and get weight loss surgery. By the time her second follow-up episode rolled around, Ashley celebrated a total weight loss of 350 pounds, nearly half of her entire body weight. With that loss came newfound freedom, too, which gave Patrick his childhood back. Now Ashley is the wife and mother she always wanted to be!

Unlike many of the partnerships in "My 600-lb Life," Ashley and her husband didn't break up when she decided to change her life. Rather, they celebrated their 10-year wedding anniversary in 2019, according to a post on her Facebook page. Congratulations, you two!

Chay Guillory is living her best life with arguably the most life-changing transformation

Chay Guillory's Season 3 transformation on "My 600-lb Life" is arguably one of the most dramatic of them all, and for more than one reason. First, at the end of her debut episode, she had lost a total of 119 pounds, enough to bring her under the 500-pound mark. Then, by the end of her first follow-up episode, she was down to 379 pounds, showing continued and consistent success on her weight loss journey. But during that episode, she also dropped another bomb: Chay came out as transgender and began to live her life as a woman. Congrats, Chay!


In Chay's most recent follow-up episode, viewers learned that she was ready for skin removal surgery. Additionally, Chay is getting closer to her 180-pound goal, at which point she will qualify for gender confirmation surgery. And as if that wasn't enough amazing news, Chay announced in an Instagram post that she's engaged to her boyfriend, Patrick! And in 2020, she revealed she'd gotten married! Given where Chay started, it's absolutely incredible to see how far she's come. It's no wonder she said that she's never been happier!

Bettie Jo Elmore continues to thrive with a growing family

When Bettie Jo Elmore began her weight loss journey of Season 3 of "My 600-lb Life," she wasn't in good shape as she weighed 654 pounds. But thanks to her commitment and hard work, she's a long way from where she was during those dark times, despite the many obstacles that she's had to overcome.


Mainly, in Bettie's follow-up episode, she found out that she had a growth at the base of her spine. And while that's usually not too much of an issue as it can be removed surgically, that wasn't an option for Bettie because she was — get this — pregnant. Knowing that surgery would put her baby at risk, Bettie opted to risk the paralysis the growth could cause her.

By her second follow-up episode, Bettie was on bedrest due to her high-risk pregnancy. But fortunately, everything turned out well, as she and husband Josh welcomed a bouncing baby boy in August 2016. And according to her Instagram account, it seems she's been focused on growing and raising her family. 

June McCamey married the woman of her dreams

Viewers of "My 600-lb Life" first met June McCamey during Season 4, when she was deep in the throes of grief over losing her son Mack to gun violence. Despite the enormous pain of that loss, which is what compelled her to overeat enough to weigh 590 pounds, June managed to get her eating habits under control with the help of Dr. Nowzaradan.


Tragically, in her follow-up episode, June was once again grieving, this time over losing her son Kenneth, which honestly just sounds too horrible for words. But even in the face of so much pain, June managed to lose enough weight to qualify for her first skin removal surgery, though she often pushed back against doctor's orders.

Fortunately, not all is sadness in June's world, as she's made incredible progress on her weight loss journey and loves her body enough to show it off to the world with pride. Additionally, she got married to the woman of her dreams in 2019, according to a post on her Facebook page, which appears to have since been deleted. We wish you all of the happiness in the world, June!


Nicole Lewis put in the hard work and reaped the rewards

All of the stories featured on "My 600-lb Life" involve hardship in some form, but Nicole Lewis really had to overcome some harrowing traumas. But pains from the past didn't stop the mom and Juggalette from putting in the hard work to lose weight and improve her quality of life. In an episode of "My 600-lb Life: Where Are They Now?" viewers learned that Nicole had lost even more weight, bringing her total lost to 326 pounds as of the airing. She also got approved for her first skin removal surgery. That's a serious accomplishment! 


These days, she's doing better than ever, according to her Facebook page, which appears to have since been deleted. She celebrated five years with her love, Charlie, in March 2018, and according to a video she posted of them both at the gym, she revealed: "Charlie is my everything." Sounds like they are taking good care of each other. 

However, in an interesting twist, Lewis sued the production company behind "My 600-lb Life" for fraud in 2019, alleging that they left her with unpaid medical bills. And she's not the only "My 600-lb Life" star to sue.

Cillas Givens is less than half the man he used to be

Of all of the stars on Season 7 of "My 600-lb Life," Cillas Given had a story that ended on a super high note. After enduring a seriously lonely childhood and stunted transition into adolescence, Given really didn't have a lot going on for him. Lonely and emotionally troubled, Given turned to food for comfort, to the tune of a peak weight of 729 pounds. Clearly, he needed a big change if he was going to make it.


Fortunately for Cillas, he had the support of his girlfriend Jessica and her children, as well as the intervention of Dr. Now. By the end of his episode, he had lost a staggering 388 pounds, more than half of his entire body weight. Finally, things were starting to look up for Cillas and his family.

By the looks of it, Cillas is still continuing to make progress despite having a rather hectic life, based on the photos on his Facebook page. It looks like he's slimmed down even from April of 2019, if the photograph he used for a GoFundMe is any indication. Congrats on losing the weight, Cillas!

David Bolton has kept off the weight, and he got engaged

When David Bolton began his weight loss journey with Dr. Now, he weighed in at 747 pounds, and he was unable to work or do much for himself. Fortunately, the Season 6 star was able to turn it all around and lose a whopping amount of weight, finishing his episode at 420 pounds. Later, fans of David learned that he had slimmed down even more, thanks to a family member who said in a Facebook comment that the "My 600-lb Life" star was 295 pounds, as reported by Starcasm.


In addition to a seriously impressive weight loss, David celebrated another milestone when he and his longtime girlfriend announced that they were getting married, according to a post on his Facebook page. "A wave can start with a single ripple and my ripple was Carrie the love of my life my future my soul," he wrote on Facebook. Congrats, you two!

In other news, David was the second cast member of "My 600-lb Life" to file suit against Megalomedia, accusing the production company of a variety of ills. 

Justin McSwain looks like an entirely new person

South Carolina native Justin McSwain was 688 pounds when he decided to turn his life around and get weight loss surgery. Perhaps one of the most compliant patients to appear on "My 600-lb Life," he responded well to Dr. Now's program, and he managed to lose half of his body weight by the end of his Season 7 show. Justin closed out his episode by getting matching tattoos with his father to commemorate his journey.


Justin's healthy efforts were far from over, though, as he's nearly unrecognizable in photos on his Facebook page. While he hasn't publicly said how much weight he's dropped, it's clear that Justin continues to put in the work, and he is looking super svelte and happier than ever. He spends his time palling around with his dog, traveling to places like New Orleans for vacation, attending conferences about being a bariatric athlete, and getting inked with fellow "My 600-lb Life" alumni.

According to his Facebook profile, Justin has moved back to South Carolina where he works as a graphic designer. He's now married and has one kid with another on the way.

Tiffany Barker looks amazing and has celebrated a huge personal milestone

Tiffany Barker made the decision to get healthy after her size made it impossible for her to work and therefore she was reliant on her boyfriend for care and support. At about 673 pounds, she had a lot to overcome, which wasn't made any easier by the unhealthy habits that her boyfriend continued having at home. But Tiffany managed to prevail, ending her episode over 250 pounds lighter than where she started.


Tiffany continued her progress even after the camera stopped rolling, and not just with weight loss. According to a post on her Instagram page, Tiffany was able to celebrate accomplishing yet another personal goal. "Today, I got sent home early from work for hitting overtime," she shared in the accompanying video. "Never thought I'd be able to do that physically and still be able to function." Well done, Tiffany!

Alicia Kirgan continues to put in the work

Like nearly all of the stars of "My 600-lb Life," Alicia Kirgan had a traumatic childhood that left lasting scars, thanks to her parents' fighting and substance issues. To that end, Alicia turned to food for comfort, which eventually led to the addiction that caused her to weigh in at a peak of 622 pounds.


Fortunately, with Dr. Now's help and a lot of effort, Alicia was able to stop causing herself damage and start focusing on her health. By the end of her episode, she was down to 436 pounds, and from the looks of it, she's still making some pretty insane progress. "The last three years, while amazing, have been some of the most challenging of my life, and with all the changes ahead of me I don't see it easing up... but this is life," she wrote in a Facebook post. "This is what I worked hard to be able to do, live a fulfilling exciting life!" No wonder she's all smiles on her social media.

And Alicia has even more reasons to smile today: In November 2022, she gave birth to a baby girl.

Lindsey Witte is still making progress in life and in love

Season 8 of "My 600-lb Life" was a pretty wild ride, with its fair share of stars unwilling or unable to successfully work Dr. Now's program. However, when it came to Lindsey Witte, that wasn't the case, though she started out in a pretty dire place at 648 pounds. You may recall when her partner, who was scared for Lindsey's life, told her to "eat death, Lindsey," when she made poor diet choices.


Thankfully, Lindsey got her eating and drinking under control, and dropped over 200 pounds by the time the cameras stopped rolling. These days, she shares her progress in a private Facebook group, and she continues to make progress with her weight loss journey. "I am finally loving the person [staring] back [at] me in the mirror and I'm constantly evolving," she shared in a Facebook post (via Starcasm). "There isn't a day that goes by where I am not thankful, grateful or believe I am extremely blessed for this second chance at life." We love to see it!

Christina Phillips looks totally different now

When Christina Phillips of "My 600-lb Life" decided she needed to change her life, she was 708 pounds at just 23 years of age. At the time, Christina was eating approximately 7,000 calories per day, which is exponentially higher that the recommended daily allowance. It's no wonder, then, that Christina turned to Dr. Now for help.


Fast-forward to today, and you can barely recognize the woman who Christina once was. In fact, at one point, she'd dropped so much weight (her lowest recorded weight was 172 pounds) that she struggled with her body image, as she had a ton of excess skin. Fortunately, Christina has found her happy place, and she now runs 5Ks and spends quality time with her nephews. "I am alive, I am better than I was and all I can do is focus on myself," she revealed in a chat with Starcasm. "I'm thankful for where I am at and being able to share my story with others."

To top off the good news, Christina is now a mom to three, having announced her first pregnancy in August 2020 via a Facebook post. 

James Jones has lost an astonishing amount of weight

"My 600-lb Life" star James Jones weighed in at 728 pounds the first time he stepped on Dr. Now's scale. Having lost both his father and his sister to weight-related issues, James knew that he couldn't keep going down the path he was dangerously treading on. 


In fact, James got so serious about the doctor's program that he shed over half of his bodyweight by the end of his episode. And it didn't stop there! "I weighed 239 [pounds] last month when I went to the oncologist," James revealed in a 2019 interview with Starcasm. That means he has dropped nearly 500 pounds, which is one of the most impressive losses in "My 600-lb Life" history. That puts him pretty close to Christina Phillips, who underwent a seriously stunning transformation herself.

You can find James on Facebook, though he doesn't post often. Other than sustaining some injuries from a pretty major car accident, he appears to be thriving, and we couldn't be happier for him!

Sarah Neely's life just keeps getting better and better

When Sarah Neely was first introduced to viewers of "My 600-lb Life," she was 642 pounds and 24 years old. Additionally, she had a majorly bad cellulitis infection and was unable to care for herself or her body. To that end, she departed Ohio and relocated to Texas to seek help from Dr. Now. 


While her first few months in the doctor's program didn't go very well, Sarah eventually got on track, dropping to under 400 pounds by the time the cameras were shut off. After that, she continued to shed excess pounds until she weighed in at a svelte 197 pounds (via Starcasm). That is some insanely good progress!

While it hasn't all been sunshine and roses for Sarah — she struggled with addiction and entered rehab in 2019, according to an Instagram post — things just keep getting better and better for her. For one, she got married in 2020, according to a Facebook post; months later, she and her husband welcomed their first child into the world. Clearly, Sarah is living her best life!

Brandi Dreier is loving life as a mama

When Brandi Dreier started her weight loss journey with Dr. Now, she was nearly 600 pounds. Due to childhood sexual trauma and parents with substance abuse issues, Brandi found comfort when she turned to food, which numbed the pain and brought her a welcome distraction. However, things spiraled out of control, and she knew she needed help.


Brandi had tried to lose weight before, but it wasn't until "My 600-lb Life" came along that she found a way to turn her life around. "We've been trying to go through this process for a long time, and it just happened at the right time," she said of her and her sister in an interview with People. "I was terrified of going on camera, but it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity so we took it."

Take it she did, as by the end of her episode of "My 600-lb Life," Brandi had dropped over 200 pounds. She clearly lost even more than that, if her Facebook posts are anything to go by. Additionally, Brandi welcomed her second child with her partner in late 2020, according to Starcasm. Talk about a happy ending!


Kandi Dreier is so much healthier today than she was

You can't talk about Brandi Dreier without also discussing her twin, Kandi Dreier. Like her sister, Kandi's weight was a serious problem, as she was 604 pounds when she stepped on Dr. Now's scale on "My 600-lb Life." But like her sister, Kandi was determined to reclaim her life and shed her excess weight. So she rolled up her sleeves and got to work.


However, when Kandi was on the operating table during her weight loss surgery, her heart stopped and a pulmonary embolism, and she had to be put into a medically induced coma. Fortunately, she eventually rallied and was able to make a full recovery. "There's not been any other setbacks," she revealed in a chat with People. "It's like it didn't even happen."

Kandi is looking slender these days, which you can see in a post on her Facebook page. She's also a doting aunt who's gotten into kayaking and started dating a new woman in 2020. 

Travis Henry has kept a lot of the weight off

Another success story from Season 8 of "My 600-lb Life" was Travis Henry, a musician and songwriter from Texas. After experiencing childhood neglect and developing abandonment issues, Travis found solace in food when the people in his life let him down. However, Henry's life changed when he met his wife, Yazmin; after a long period of rendering her an enabler, Travis decided to turn things around.


Travis was 617 pounds when he first stepped on Dr. Now's scale, but he quickly started making progress on his weight loss journey. By the end of his episode, he'd lost 240 pounds and was able to resume all of the activities that he couldn't do at his peak weight. Of course, that made Yazmin incredibly happy.

Travis occasionally posts on Instagram, so that's how fans know that he and Yazmin are still going strong. He shared a snap of the two of them heading to the movies, something he wasn't able to do at 600 pounds. He also posted a vlog on his YouTube page, so you can see what Travis' day-to-day life is like. Love it!

Donald Shelton Jr. has dealt with a health condition

Former "My 600-lb Life" star Donald Shelton Jr. has had quite the stunning transformation during his time on the TLC series. When Donald first appeared on the show in 2012, he weighed 675 pounds. Then, he got gastric bypass surgery and lost a significant amount of weight. Sadly, the former TLC star was later diagnosed with Guillain-Barre syndrome, which has affected his mobility and left him unable to walk. Donald now uses a wheelchair, but this hasn't affected his positive outlook on life. His Twitter bio reads, "I am in a wheelchair but don't let it fool u i can still do everything U wont!"


Still, those looking to check in on Donald's day-to-day life are in for a disappointment. The former reality TV star keeps his social media private. Additionally, Donald appears to be dealing with some financial woes. Due to his health condition, Donald requires a wheelchair-accessible van so he can get around comfortably; however, the cost to get one of these vehicles isn't cheap. In February 2022, Donald's relative, Kelli Martin, started a GoFundMe fundraiser to help obtain the van. It raised $1,230.

Olivia Cruz enjoys showing off her culinary skills

During her time on "My 600-lb Life," Olivia Cruz lost almost 400 pounds thanks, in part, to gastric sleeve surgery. Nevertheless, People reported in 2016 that the show's doctor, Dr. Nowzaradan, didn't want to approve her for skin removal surgery. The doctor reasoned that despite her success, Olivia still needed to lose more weight and wouldn't agree to provide her with surgery until she did so. Despite the setback, Cruz said she was happy with what she'd accomplished. "I can go back out in society again. And I can make a living for the first time in almost a decade and a half," Cruz revealed.


The TLC star said she was barely able to function just three years prior but has since become "a completely different person." Likewise, as Olivia revealed to TLC, she began fulfilling her culinary dreams. Olivia had previously desired to become a chef, but she'd been forced to stop training due to mobility issues. However, as a result of her weight loss, this was no longer an issue.

Chad Dean wrote a memoir about his food addiction

A memorable star of TLC's "My 600-lb Life," Chad Dean, has had a fantastic journey. Chad was dealing with a serious health risk when he first appeared on "My 600-lb Life" and at one point weighed 701 pounds. Still, the TLC star put in the work to turn things around. Since starring on the show, Chad get plenty of exercise and works as a truck driver. Chad revealed that he does about 500 curls a day and uses exercise bands, which he says he hooks up to the back of his truck. "My son JoJo is autistic, and now that I'm smaller I can play with him more. Just to see that smile, it's worth everything," Chad said.


Still, that's not all Chad has accomplished. The former TLC has also written a memoir titled "I'm In Here Somewhere: Memoir of a Food Addict." During an interview with "The Ashley's Reality Roundup," Chad spoke about what inspired his book. Noting that he began receiving messages from fans on Facebook after his episode aired, Chad said that other people's curiosity about himself and his journey encouraged him to write. "That motivated me to spill out my life in the hopes that I can inspire at least one more person to save their own life like I did," Chad revealed. He added, "My greatest hope is that someone will recognize their issues and stop from ever tipping over into morbid obesity."

Dottie Perkins sued the show's production company

Dottie Perkins from "My 600-lb Life" has experienced quite a lot since her days on the TLC show. The Oxford, Mississippi native initially joined the series when she was 34 years old and began her weight loss journey. Sadly, in 2016, Dottie's son Daniel passed away due to cerebral palsy. This tragedy also affected the star's issues with weight loss. Since then, the outlet reported that Dottie has since moved out of her house and into a hotel room with her other son, Landon. According to Distractify, the former TLC star left her husband, Chris, due to his issues with drinking.


"I honestly don't think Chris is going to really change like he needs and truly give up alcohol because I've been through this before with him a long time ago," Dottie revealed. However, this isn't the only change that Dottie has made. Starcasm reported that Dottie, along with other former castmates, decided to sue Megalomedia, the production company behind "My 600-lb Life." The lawsuit claims the company failed to pay medical bills and manufactured drama with friends and family members to gain viewership. According to one specific allegation from Dottie, she had a drawn-out confrontation with Dr. Nowzaradan that was completely falsified to create a more dramatic narrative.

Gideon Yeakley and his wife Kayleigh split up

Gideon Yeakley has been on quite a journey since he first appeared on "My 600-lb Life" in 2016. Due to his desire to lose weight, the Oklahoma native and his family moved so that he could start Dr. Now's program. Despite some roadblocks, Gideon lost weight, and his family eventually moved back to Oklahoma. In September 2017, Gideon and his wife Kayleigh welcomed a baby girl named Frankie. Later, in 2019, Gideon had a health scare and was admitted to the hospital after he unexpectedly collapsed, according to InTouch Weekly.


"Gideon is at the hospital. He called me at work to come home early because he felt so bad," Kayleigh wrote on Facebook (via InTouch Weekly). Fortunately for Gideon, he soon bounced back and continued to focus on healthy living. Still, that isn't all that's going on in Gideon's life.

Gideon and his wife, Kayleigh, are no longer together. The announcement came via a Facebook post made by Kayleigh in May 2022. Gideon's ex shared an image of the beach that declared, "The honeymoon's over. Also, so is the marriage." Along with the photo, Kayleigh wrote, "After 14 years together, Gideon and I have decided to end our marriage." She further explained that the pair would remain focused on caring for their children.


Karina Garcia started dating a cast mate's ex

Karina Garcia first appeared on "My 600-lb Life" during the show's sixth season. At the time, Karina weighed 633 pounds, lived with her parents, and used a wheelchair due to her weight. In the series, Karina revealed that her food addiction resulted from a childhood illness.


In a clip of the series, the TLC star stated that she'd frequently felt lonely as a child and, in order to feel better, had turned to eating. "Food was always there to comfort me no matter what," she said. Eventually, Karina was approved for gastric sleeve surgery and, after some struggles, she began to lose weight. She eventually lost more than 200 pounds.

As of 2019, the former TLC star appeared to be keeping up with her healthier habits. She no longer needed to use a wheelchair and had been more independent as a result. The star told TLC that she was working towards getting skin removal surgery and was planning to move into her own place (via Distractify). However, that wasn't the most surprising thing that changed for Karina. She also started dating Gilbert Donovan, the husband of former "My 600-lb Life" star Lupe Donovan (via The Cinemaholic). Gilbert drew controversy after viewers watched him pressure his wife into having sex after her surgery. Additionally, in her day-to-day life, Karina is reportedly working as a bilingual customer service rep for Westcorp.


Tara Taylor split from her fiancé

Since beginning her weight loss journey on TLC's "My 600-lb Life," Tara Taylor has undergone quite a transformation. The former TLC star appeared on the series' second season when she was 35 years old. During her episode, the Louisiana native revealed that she had struggled with her weight her entire life and it had gotten to the point that she stayed indoors due to a lack of confidence. Tara worked hard to adapt to a healthier lifestyle, eventually losing 278 pounds. A follow-up episode in 2015 revealed that Tara went on her first date with a man named Eugene Perkins. At the time, Tara had reportedly known Perkins for more than 14 years.


The pair dated for a bit before eventually becoming engaged. It seemed like Tara's romantic life was in a good place. But sadly, the former star gave her fans a shocking update in 2020. Tara split from her fiancé after it was revealed that Perkins had been using a dating app to cheat on Tara with other women, according to "My 600-Lb. Life' Stars: Where Are They Now?" (via Starcasm). Though Tara didn't detail exactly how she found out that Perkins was cheating on her, she did make it clear that the couple had broken up for good. "You never know what you find on the internet," she said. Tara later added, "When someone shows you who they are believe it. I hope you find what ur looking for Mr. Perkins!"


Marla McCants is now a motivational speaker

On "My 600-lb Life," Marla McCants was at the end of her rope. She had lost almost all of her mobility and was bedridden, weighing close to 800 pounds. Not only was she struggling physically; traumatic experiences from her past continued to haunt her, causing her to rely on unhealthy habits to cope.


However, Marla was able to get weight loss surgery with the help of Dr. Now, and her story since then has become nothing short of awe-inspiring. At the end of her episode, post-surgery, Marla had lost a few hundred pounds and weighed around 500 pounds. But she continued to lose weight, and in the two years following her surgery, she lost an unbelievable 560 pounds total. And according to her Instagram, she now spends her time as a motivational speaker and philanthropist. In an interview with Sister Circle TV, Marla shared that she's also writing a book. When asked what the main message of the book is, she said, "You can overcome your struggles and fears. You can overcome. You can do it. I did it. ...And I believe God has put me here to share my stories not just for me, for everybody else that's out there struggling."


Janine Mueller has continued to lose weight following struggles on the show

Season 6 alum Janine Mueller gradually lost almost all her mobility as she gained weight and used a scooter to get around. On the show, she weighed close to 700 pounds but was able to lose over 100 pounds naturally on her episode. After many difficulties, including an emotional struggle to board the plane to see Dr. Now, she qualified for weight loss surgery and was able to lose even more weight. She went from 678 pounds to 281 pounds — an incredible 397-pound weight loss.


Though she has faced challenges since she appeared on "My 600-lb Life," including breaking up with her boyfriend whom viewers saw on the show, Janine has continued on her weight loss journey and is having a "total blast" traveling, according to her Facebook. A post from 2020 includes photos of Janine and her loved ones and is captioned, "Just got back from an AMAZING vacation!! Spent the holidays with my childhood best friend & family. Had a total blast!" From what we can tell from her Facebook posts, Janine is thriving.

Octavia Nichelle is keeping a 'slow and steady' pace

Season 7's Octavia Nichelle had a difficult and traumatic past that contributed to her weight gain. However, her past challenges did not stop her from committing to losing weight. She began her journey with Dr. Now at 692 pounds, and by the end of her episode had dropped down all the way to 456 pounds.


From what we can see, Octavia's life has improved immensely since her time on the show. On her Facebook page, The Life of Octavia, Octavia posts updates about her life and weight loss transformation and does the same on her Instagram. In a 2021 post, Octavia shared a dramatic before-and-after shot of herself, captioning the photos: "I struggled with posting this picture. I cried when taking the before picture. I didn't want people to see me like this. I remember my buddy and favorite cameraman said you want to see how far you've come. I get it now! No one can take away what God has blessed me with. I'm not doing unhealthy things to lose weight faster. I'm doing MY best. Slow and steady wins the race."


Lupe Samano is staying strong

Lupe Samano was a guest on Season 4 of "My 600-lb Life," and like many others on the show, she's had a tough life. She faced abuse from her former husband, Gilbert, and fans will be pleased to know that Lupe left Gilbert after the show. Shockingly, Gilbert went on to become involved with another "My 600-lb Life" star, Karina Garcia.


Additionally, Lupe had several struggles on the show, one major one being the car ride to Houston to get help from Dr. You. The car ride was such a strain on Lupe's body that she had to be admitted to the hospital for heart failure as soon as she arrived. Despite all the adversity she faced, Lupe wasn't deterred from losing weight. In her update episodes, we learn that she was able to lose more than 400 pounds, leaving her weighing around 200 pounds. In a 2019 Facebook post she wrote, "only 21 lbs away from my goal weight of 180...I GOT THIS#!!! IM GOING TO FINISH THIZ JOURNEY WITH A BIG SMILE ON MY FACE..TEARS IN MY EYES , AND LOTS OF GRATITUDE IN MY HEART...CAUSE WITH MY WEIGHT LOSS I FEEL SO MUCH MORE ALIVE...SO MUCH MORE ENERGY...CONFIDENCE...LIVLINESS..." She added that she went from a size 8XL to a size 14-16 and that it felt good to be able to shop for "regular clothes."


Mark Rutland is losing weight without surgery

On Mark's episode of "My 600-lb Life," viewers were shocked to see Mark refuse weight loss surgery, insisting that he wanted to lose weight the natural way. Mark himself acknowledged how much he needed help; on his episode, he said, "When you get to be this size, you're definitely broken mentally. I know I'm fat, and I have the ability to change, but I can't stop eating because when I'm eating, it's the only time I get relief from the physical pain. It's the only time I'm happy."


Going against his family's wishes, not to mention forgoing help from Dr. You, Mark decided that he wanted to lose weight on his own, without the help of weight loss surgery — and it looks like his plan is working. He's been documenting his weight loss journey on TikTok, and his account is full of clips of him working out and providing motivational content for others. In a recent TikTok, a fan asked him how he stays motivated to keep going on his weight loss journey. Mark replied, "I choose to do this [weight loss] and that makes me feel stronger. ... Just get through the day and try to do the same thing tomorrow. Try to string together a bunch of good days. That's progress."

Annjeanette Whaley plans to marry her longtime girlfriend

Season 7 star Annjeanette Whaley said on her episode of "My 600-lb Life," "It sucks to carry all this weight. It feels horrible, it hurts. When I'm eating, I don't feel all the pain of my life. I have to find a way to change." And fortunately, she did find a way to change. On her episode, she loses a jaw-dropping 274 pounds, weighing in at 405 pounds before she was approved for weight loss surgery.


It appears that Annjeanette has continued to lose weight since her time on the show and, despite apparently breaking up with her girlfriend, Erica, on the show, the couple is still going strong. So strong, in fact, that Annjeanette referred to Erica as her "soon to be wife" in a Facebook post, and it appears they've since married. On top of her strong romantic relationship, Annjeanette seems to be spending lots of quality time with family and friends and overall enjoying life. Her Instagram bio reads, "Currently Living My BEST Life," and after all she has overcome, that seems to be true.

Randy Statum is reunited with his daughter

Randy Statum was having a hard time in life for many reasons when we met him on "My 600-lb Life." First and foremost, he was struggling with his weight. Dr. Now told him that his heart was becoming weaker and weaker and would give out if Randy couldn't lose weight. To make matters worse, he had recently been left by his wife, who took their daughter with her. It's safe to say Randy was struggling with his mental health, which was contributing to his unhealthy eating habits.


Randy was eventually approved for weight loss surgery after losing 100 pounds. He continued to lose weight after his surgery and is now around 350 pounds. But weight loss wasn't the only good thing that came to Randy in the years since his episode: he was reunited with his daughter, Khloe, which is extremely heartwarming considering how sad he was to not be able to see her during his episode. Randy also has a new girlfriend named Jennifer Armstrong who he says is "the love of his life." All in all, Randy's life has done a complete 180, and we couldn't be happier for him.

Pauline Potter changed her life after a health scare

Known for receiving the 2011 Guinness world record for the world's heaviest woman, Pauline was 678 pounds when she was on "My 600-lb Life" in 2015. Pauline was struggling with mobility and relied on her son to help her complete daily tasks. And while she tried to lose weight several times in the past, she was unsuccessful. "I am absolutely trapped in this body. I feel like I'm dying every day. The biggest highlight of my day is eating," she said on the show.


For Pauline, a wake-up call was needed, and it came in the form of an ulcer that turned into sepsis. Pauline had developed an addiction to pain pills, which negatively impacted her health and led to the formation of an ulcer. The ulcer then turned to sepsis, which is a life-threatening infection, and it was this health scare that allowed Pauline to get serious about losing weight. Ultimately, Pauline was able to lose more than 300 pounds — in fact, she was down to 225 in 2019, according to her Facebook.

Robin McKinley and her nephew have continued to lose weight

Robin McKinley, who was on Season 7 of "My 600-lb Life," was going to go on the show with her brother, Chris Rogers, but he experienced health problems that prevented him from participating. Instead, Robin's nephew (Chris's son) Garrett went on the show with her. Both Robin and Garrett weighed over 600 pounds when they began their journey with Dr. Now, but after hard work and commitment, and eventually weight loss surgery, the two were able to lose over 250 pounds each — a huge accomplishment.


But what happened after the show? Only good things. Both Robin and Garrett continued to lose weight, and both were approved for skin removal surgery. Photos on Robin's Instagram show her looking happy and healthy and enjoying life. As far as family duos go, Robin and Garrett are one of the most inspiring on the show.

