Melania Trump's Mention Of Barron In Eulogy For Her Late Mother Proves Their Strong Relationship

Former first lady Melania Trump had the heartbreaking task of delivering her mother's eulogy at her funeral on January 18, 2024, at the Episcopal Church of Bethesda-by-the-Sea in Palm Beach, Florida. Melania's touching words about her mother were not only a tribute to the love she had for her late mother, Amalija Knavs, but also the love between Knavs and Melania's only son, Barron Trump. 


As her voice cracked with emotion, Melania stood at the pulpit and described her mother's "nurturing spirit [that] had no limits, creating a legacy that will last for generations. She showered her grandson Barron with affection, illuminating his world with love, tender care, and unwavering devotion. In her presence, we were enveloped in the warmth of her embrace. We will be forever grateful for the unparalleled affection she bestowed on us" (via YouTube). 

Melania's mother died at 78 just over a week before her funeral service was held at the same Floridian church where Melania and her husband, former President Donald Trump, were married. The former first lady's initial remarks after her mother's death and her subsequent eulogy were a testament to Melania's close-knit relationship with her mom — a bond that was later passed down to Barron and his grandmother.


Amalija Knavs helped her daughter raise Barron Trump

Melania Trump's mother and father, Amalija and Viktor Knavs, lived with their daughter at Trump Tower in New York City following the birth of Melania's only son, Barron Trump. They later followed the family to the White House after Donald Trump was elected president in 2016. The Knavs helped raise their young grandson, speaking to him in their native Slovenian tongue and cooking him traditional Slavic dishes to instill an appreciation of his maternal heritage.


The former first lady referenced this in her mother's eulogy, first describing her mother's worldliness and love of her native Slovenia. "She left the familiarity of her homeland to be with her newborn grandson in the United States. He was my mother's compass and focus," Melania said. "In [my mother's] presence, the world seemed to shimmer with radiant joy. She was not just a friend but a confidant. A ray of light in the darkest of days. In her company, I found peace knowing she would always be there to listen."

After the conclusion of the eulogy, Melania slowly descended from the pulpit and walked to her mother's casket. She silently placed her fingers to her lips, touched the coffin, and returned to her pew seat between her father and son. The Palm Beach Daily News reported that an inside source disclosed that Knavs will be interred in her home country.


