M. Davis-McAfee

Photo of M. Davis-McAfee
Murray, KY
Murray State University
Politics, Music & Entertainment, Style
  • Melanie has been a writer for The List since the spring of 2022.
  • No matter the topic, she is passionate about celebrating, empowering, and educating women to help them live their best lives as leaders, innovators, and advocates for themselves and others.
  • An avid thrifter and vintage lover, Melanie has spent years exploring how fashion has changed over the decades.


Melanie began writing lifestyle, food, and wellness content for a small Midwestern publication in the summer of 2020. Her writing has since expanded to include society, culture, astrology, politics, and entertainment. In addition to writing, Melanie works as a radio tech and writer for her western Kentucky NPR member station, WKMS 91.3 FM, giving her an in-depth look at the political news of the day. She is also a Carnegie Hall veteran who has been singing since she was a toddler and performing onstage since she was a pre-teen.


Melanie has a Bachelor of Arts in music business with an emphasis on vocal performance from Murray State University.

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The List's lifestyle content is created by an authoritative collaboration of editors, writers, and experts representing the ever-evolving world of style, beauty, wellness, relationships, entertainment, and more.

Enhanced by our trusted experts and writer knowledge, The List's editorial staff regularly assess our coverage to ensure that it is accurate, comprehensive and inclusive. Complete information on our editorial process available here.

Stories By M. Davis-McAfee