Inside Tim Allen's Relationship With His Wife Jane Hajduk

Tim Allen has been stealing our hearts for decades as one of America's finest comedic actors. Whether he's donning a Santa suit for "The Santa Clause" or hamming it up as a family man on "Home Improvement" and "Last Man Standing," Allen has a penchant for connecting with audiences in a way that others cannot. No one knows just how enigmatic the actor can be better than his wife, Jane Hajduk. The couple are always spotted together at events, arm in arm, with huge smiles on their faces. But is their story a love story for the ages or just a fleeting moment in Hollywood history?


Fans may remember that Allen was married once before to Laura Deibel, but the pair divorced after 19 years of marriage in 2003. By that time, Allen had already found love again with actress Jane Hajduk and was well on his way to becoming a married man again. As far as famous marriages go, this union seems solid as a rock, and even Allen himself has admitted that his first marriage taught him what not to do the second time around.

When so many showbiz relationships go down in flames (we're still thinking about all the drama surrounding Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie) how do Allen and Hajduk keep on trucking? What do we know about their relationship, and are things really as blissful as they seem between the funnyman and his wife? Let's dive in and find out. 


Tim Allen's failed first marriage impacted his marriage to Jane Hajduk

It's not uncommon for celebrities to have multiple marriages. Though Tim Allen is certainly no Elizabeth Taylor in that respect, his first marriage to Laura Deibel wasn't a flash in the pan. Allen and Deibel tied the knot back in 1984, just a few short years after his release from federal prison where he was serving time for drug trafficking. Their marriage survived Allen's stratospheric rise to fame as his show "Home Improvement" became one of the biggest hits of the '90s, but ended at the tail end of the decade.


In a 2017 interview with Closer Weekly, Allen took stock of his past. "I'm not the same guy I was the first time [I was married] when I was hiding and doing what people who drink too much do." Allen's candid statement refers to his issues with alcohol when one famous drunk-driving incident forced him to go to court-ordered rehab in 1998. At the time, CBS News reported Allen had too much to drink while golfing in 1997, resulting in him going 30 miles over the speeding limit in his Ferrari.

Perhaps largely in part to his marriage to Jane Hajduk, Allen has been clean and sober for over 20 years. It can't have been an easy journey, but it's a testament to their relationship and Allen's happiness that he managed to shake his demons — and keep them at bay.


Tim Allen and Jane Hajduk got hitched in a small wedding in 2006

Many A-listers opt for incredibly large and expensive ceremonies that could rival even the best royal weddings in history, but Tim Allen went the other way. When he finally tied the knot with Jane Hajduk in 2006 after a few years of dating, it was about as small as you could get. Allen's rep, Marleah Leslie, told People about the happy news at the time, giving a few meaningful details. The nuptials took place at Grand Lake in Colorado in an outdoor ceremony, and the guest list was very exclusive, including only family members and Allen's then-17-year-old daughter, Katherine. 


Notably absent were photographers and the media, which is somewhat of an unusual turn of events for someone as famous as Tim Allen. Quite often, celebrities will strike a deal with magazines, allowing them to cover their wedding in exchange for a one-off fee that can reach into the millions. Some choose to donate the sum to charity, while others use it to help cover the cost of the wedding itself. Allen and Hajduk opted to keep it simple and small, and though we would have loved to have had a sneak peek of the bride's gown or what flowers were picked for the occasion, it's enough knowing that they got their special day.

While it was Allen's second marriage, it was Hajduk's first — and hopefully last — making it an extra special and memorable moment for them. 


The couple work in the same industry

It's not unusual for couples to have met at work, and it's even more common for actors to couple up with other actors. After all, no one knows how demanding a star's work schedule can be better than someone else in the business. Tim Allen may be much better known than his wife thanks to his glittering career, but Jane Hajduk is also an actress. She got her first credit in 1993's "Sex Crimes," going on to have bit parts in TV shows like "NCIS," "Monk," and more. Perhaps most interestingly, this husband and wife duo have also worked together on projects. 


They both appeared in "Zoom" in 2006, a kids' movie where Allen's character transforms "an unlikely group of ragtag kids into superheroes at a private academy," according to IMDb. Hajduk had the small part of Researcher Taylor, but it must have been a novel experience to be able to work with her husband and the movie's other big stars, Courteney Cox and Chevy Chase. That same year, they also collaborated on Allen's Disney movie, "The Shaggy Dog," which sees Allen's character transform into a sheepdog at inopportune times. 

Judging by her credits, it doesn't seem like Hajduk is as invested in the entertainment business as her husband, but having shared interests can go a long way in keeping a marriage fresh and healthy, so maybe this is part of the reason their union works so well. 


They share a daughter together who was born in 2009

Can you imagine how cool it is to have Tim Allen as a dad? Not only is he the best at making jokes, but he's also the voice of one of the most iconic Disney characters of all time, Buzz from "Toy Story." Allen shares one daughter, Katherine Allen, with his first wife, but in 2009 he became a dad for a second time when he welcomed daughter Elizabeth Allen-Dick with Jane Hajduk. Allen may have been a little on the older side when their bundle of joy arrived, but he was beyond excited — so much so that he even sacrificed his gym room for a nursery. 


He told People at the time, "It's a nice little sacrifice to make someplace [where] she has a really cool room. We're just finishing it today so I want to get home to see what it looks like." Allen also admitted that although he might have been a dad already, he wasn't exactly an expert in the area. When one of his neighbors in the same situation asked Allen for advice, the actor confessed that he told him he had nothing to offer, because the "older you get, the less you know." Despite Allen's self-deprecating attitude, it looks like Elizabeth was the missing piece that completed Allen and Hajduk's family.

Jane Hajduk is always there to support Tim Allen at public events

It's rare to see Tim Allen at events by himself without his wife. Jane Hajduk is always there to support her husband on red carpets, whether it's a premiere for one of his movies or at a gala for Elton John's AIDs Foundation, as pictured above. It's not a stretch to assume Allen and Hajduk are a couple that come as a pair. No matter what they're doing, they do it together.


Even if they're not having a sneaky little kiss, the pair often look blissfully happy simply by standing side by side. It must be tricky to navigate a busy schedule like Allen's, though he has slowed down a little since Fox canceled "Last Man Standing" in 2017. Turning Allen's professional obligations into date nights is a great use of the couple's time. Moreover, their red carpet appearances often make headlines, like back in 2020 when they appeared at the Golden Globes looking as chic as ever. The media loved it, with Country Living running the headline, "Last Man Standing's Tim Allen Looked So in Love With His Wife at the Golden Globes." They must be doing something right.

They're not afraid to show public affection

Some couples avoid public displays of affection like the plague, regardless of whether they're famous or not. But for most of us, at least we can sneak a kiss with our loved ones without having the photos plastered all over the media. Thankfully for Tim Allen and Jane Hajduk, they couldn't care less who sees them locked in a loving embrace. Whether they're seated at dinner or walking the red carpet, they'll act however they want to when it comes to letting each other know how much they're loved. There's something beautiful in that, and it's a testament to how dedicated they are to each other. The cast of "Home Improvement" may have had rocky relationships, but Allen's real-life marriage is as solid as a rock.


In 2022, Allen and Hajduk's red carpet smooch even made headlines when they almost squashed their daughter in the process. Elizabeth Allen-Dick was standing in between her parents at "The Santa Clauses" premiere, when Allen leaned over to Hajduk and planted one on her, with Elizabeth seen visibly pulling a face as she stood awkwardly between them. While Elizabeth, then 13, may have been a bit grossed out by her mom and dad exchanging saliva in public, it was still a sweet family moment that the press loved. 

Most of us might remember feeling embarrassed by our parents getting handsy, but look on the bright side, at least it wasn't at a movie premiere.

They travel the world together

We've explored life for Tim Allen and Jane Hajduk in the public eye, but what's it like behind closed doors? Every family has its own traditions, and they're making sure to give their daughter, Elizabeth Allen-Dick, the best memories. It might sound like a very common thing to do, but Allen bought an RV to travel in at Hajduk's request. During an interview on "Jimmy Kimmel Live" in 2017, Allen joked that his wife wanted to do a trip for her 50th birthday in a "sewage truck ... you call them RVs." Though the actor didn't seem keen on that particular vehicle, he also revealed they have a boat which they enjoyed while visiting their cottage in Michigan.


Those trips sound like wholesome adventures, but Allen and Hajduk's travels don't end there. The actor also told Kimme that they went on a little trip around the world to try and figure out where his ancestors were from. "We thought we were Irish ... I took my family to Ireland. And then they said, 'Oh, we think the family might be German,'" said the star. "So the next trip we went to Munich. And they go, 'No, you're probably Scottish.' So I don't know what we are," he said. 

Regardless of the reason, it looks like the Allen family isn't afraid to pack a suitcase and see what the world has to offer.

They're both self-confessed 'Neat Nicks'

It's clear from everything we've looked at that Tim Allen and Jane Hajduk have a great foundation for their relationship, which is why it's standing the test of time. However, there is one bone of contention between the pair that might not be visible at first sight. No, they don't argue about botched DIY like Allen and his "Home Improvement" co-star Patricia Richardson, but they clash a little bit over the desire for one common thing: staying neat. In an interview on "The Kelly Clarkson Show" in 2022, Allen said that both he and his wife are self-confessed "Neat Nicks."


Allen started by explaining that during his various hotel visits on the road, he often finds himself tinkering with the fixtures and fittings, perhaps moving some floral arrangements an inch or two, or placing a statue somewhere else. Clarkson then asked what that meant for Allen's home life. "My wife and I are both neat nicks," explained the star. "But it's always one item in the house ... that's passive-aggressive fighting. And it happens to be a lamp ... I'll come in, and I go, 'Why is that lamp over there?' and I'll go in and it's literally six inches to the left." This playful back-and-forth has been going on for years, according to Allen, who revealed he went to design school. 

Even the most perfect couple in the world has to fight about something, and this doesn't seem like a bad deal. 


They're big into the holiday season

While Tim Allen's body of work is nothing short of impressive, there's one role that he's become synonymous with: Santa Claus. Allen has played the part of Saint Nick in three "The Santa Clause" movies and one television spinoff, and while we've heard Tim Allen was more grinchy than Santa Claus, it'll always be part of his identity. Some might assume Allen is a little sick of everything related to Christmas by this point, but that couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, both Allen and his wife Jane Hajduk love the holiday season so much that they get things started as early as possible. 


In 2022, Allen told News x Muse at the premiere of "The Santa Clauses" that he was excited to trim the tree, while Hajduk and their daughter, Elizabeth Allen-Dick, agreed. For her part, Hajduk admitted that they started listening to Christmas music the day after Thanksgiving, telling the reporter that they simply love it. 

Christmas isn't just a family tradition to the Allens, but also a family business. Elizabeth appeared in the show alongside her dad, playing the role of Sandra Claus. For her parents, it was a beautiful thing, with Hajduk also having an on-set presence. "It was a new experience for both of them, and they just worked their butts off," Allen told Us Weekly. "It's very impressive to watch." Allen confessed it was a moment he would never forget and "carry with [him] forever."


Family life is important to them both

"Home Improvement" star Patricia Richardson might worry Tim Allen will never forgive her, but there's only one thing this actor cares about — his real-life family. Allen has forged a career out of playing dedicated patriarchs, but it's not just an act; it's simply who he is. Both he and Jane Hajduk are focused on their family, making sure everyone stays closely connected. This is evident in many ways, from Hajduk's unwavering support of her husband at events to their daughter appearing in the same projects as her dad. The family is also close with Allen's eldest daughter, Katherine Allen, from his first marriage. 


Keeping a tight family unit when you work as much as Allen does can't be easy, but it looks like this thriving partnership between him and Hajduk is the key to success. After all, it takes two to tango, and if you don't have family, what do you have? 

While Hajduk hasn't spoken much about their family life, Allen was quizzed on it by HuffPost back in 2014. When they asked him what parenting advice he would give his wife, he said with a laugh, "I'm going to avoid that because it's a beehive." The actor was right to do so, proving that even clever interviewers can't get him to put his foot in it when it comes to his biggest supporter and greatest love. 

