Hannah Brown Reveals Why She Thought The Bachelor Was 'For Losers'

Hannah Brown opened up about her life post-Bachelorette in a new interview with Marie Claire, and she is not holding back. 

In the interview, we see a confident and determined Hannah who refuses to settle. "I wasn't planning the whole time to be, like, this empowered woman," said the reality star. "I am. And I do feel that way. But the thing that I told myself I was going to be was real."


Hannah has certainly been that, and it's why she's so endearing to her many fans. She's been open about everything from her desire to find love to the slump she hit after the dramatic conclusion of her Bachelorette season.

Hannah Brown never planned to be on The Bachelor

Hannah isn't known for mincing words, but her revelation that she never looked upon The Bachelor very favorably is still a bit of a shock. As she bluntly put it, "I didn't aspire to be on The Bachelor. I didn't watch the show. I thought it was for losers truly." 


Hannah obviously changed her stance, joining not just The Bachelor but also becoming the Bachelorette. She was motivated by her search for "the one," not reality fame, but she came away from her Bachelorette season with only the latter. She now has millions of Instagram followers, and it's not something she had ever anticipated. 

"Getting Instagram followers when I got back home was freaking me out," she said. "Everybody gains followers, but it was like, Okay, I'm about to have a life with another human, and that's what I'm going to be focusing on. And that didn't happen. So now I have all these random humans who are really interested in me and what I have to offer. And I'm like, I actually have a lot to offer, don't I?"


Hannah Brown now just wants to focus on personal growth

Hannah may have ended her Bachelorette run as a single woman, but she's come out of it with a lot of opportunities, like her current stint on Dancing With the Stars. "It's not just about winning the Mirrorball," she said. "I want to be in this competition as long as possible because I know I need this growth."


Hannah revealed that she has a habit of getting in her own way, and it's something she's working on. "Oh, I am 1,000 percent too hard on myself," she said.

Hannah Brown still wants to get married... one day

While Hannah still wants to meet that special someone, she's no longer in a rush. "I will not settle," she said. "It doesn't matter how lonely it might feel on a Saturday night by myself when I see my friends posting pictures with their husbands or out with the guy they're dating. I don't care."


Hannah is focused on living a successful life, and she doesn't feel like she needs a man to do that. "I don't want to have to have a man to feel whole," she said. "It's not that I need that to feel like I have a full life. No, I have a full life."

