Bachelorette Finale: Hannah Gives Tyler A Second Chance

The two part season 15 finale of The Bachelorette was wild. First, Hannah eliminated Pete who many thought was a sure bet to get that final rose. Then, she got engaged to Jed, broke up with Jed, and finally ended the whirlwind season by asking Tyler out on a date. Even for a reality dating show, that's a lot of drama. How did Hannah end up with Tyler? 


Hannah Brown thought she had found true love with musician Jed Wyatt. The pre-taped footage in the finale shows that she happily accepted his proposal, breaking Tyler Cameron's heart in the process. But Jed's ex-girlfriend threw a wrench into the relationship in June 2019, when she revealed that they were still seeing each other when he first appeared on the show. 

"We spent the night together the night before he headed to L.A.," Jed's ex, fellow musician Haley Stevens, told People. "He told me [the show] was just an obstacle and we'd be stronger on the other side because of it."

Jed's ex added that, while she had known early in the relationship that he had auditioned for the show, they both thought being accepted was a long shot and that he was only doing it to advance his music career. "He wanted a platform," she said. "He kept telling me, 'I don't want my dad to have to help me pay rent anymore.' He said he only wanted to be top five... to be a major player so that it would be beneficial."


The bombshell was too much for Hannah's heart, and she ended up breaking things off with Jed. He admitted that, while he considered himself to be single when the show started filming, he hadn't actually verbally confirmed that with his ex. Yikes. 

In the live part of the season finale, Jed apologized again and said that, while he did initially have ulterior motives, he ended up truly falling for her. Hannah wasn't buying it, though, and confirmed that their relationship was definitely over.

Fans cheered the empowering moment and were even more delighted when Tyler was brought out on stage. It was immediately clear that Hannah and Tyler still have some serious chemistry. 

Hannah confirmed that she does still have feelings for Tyler and asked him out, but that wasn't the best part. The true highlight of The Bachelorette season finale was Hannah affirming her independence. "I have realized that I don't need a husband," she said. "I want a husband, but I don't need one."

As happy as we are that Tyler is getting a second chance, we're even more ecstatic that Hannah knows she'll be more than okay on her own if things don't work out with him. "I'm really, really proud of the woman that I've become through all this, because I am hella strong!" she said.


