OutDaughtered: False Things You Can Stop Believing About The TLC Show

OutDaughteredTLC's hit reality series, is popular among fans for many reasons. The show introduced the world to the Busby family, who welcomed the only all-female set of quintuplets in the United States. Adam and Danielle Busby, oldest daughter Blayke, and quints Ava Lane, Olivia Marie, Hazel Grace, Parker Kate, and Riley Paige have been through their fair share of stressful times as shown on their show, but that's what makes fans love them even more.


The Busbys have always shown the highs and the lows of their life on OutDaughtered, and they are always honest about what they're going through. From Danielle's high-risk pregnancy to the quints spending time in the NICU, to the mold problem in their home, the Busbys lay it all out on OutDaughtered. However, there are still quite a few things about the show that viewers might not understand, like the fact that the Busbys are more than just reality stars. Here are all of the false things you can stop believing about OutDaughtered and its stars

OutDaughtered is the Busby family's only source of income

While there is no denying the fact that being on a reality TV show can certainly be a lucrative business, that doesn't mean that everyone on TV solely relies on a paycheck from a network. The Busbys definitely don't, although many people might assume they do. According to E! Newsreality show families like the Duggars have made between "$25,000 to $40,000 per episode." That means the Busbys could be making anywhere from $200,000 to $520,000 per season, as most seasons of OutDaughtered have anywhere from 8 to 13 episodes. Clearly, the family makes plenty of money from the show, but, considering they have six kids, that isn't all they do to bring home the bacon. 


As Adam Busby's LinkedIn states, he started working for himself in media in 2018, and a 2019 episode of OutDaughtered showed him landing a pretty great work opportunity. Additionally, Danielle has launched two online retail stores, Graeson Bee Boutique, which sells children's clothes, and CADi Fitness, which sells workout apparel. The Busbys are obviously hard workers, and clearly don't rely on just their OutDaughtered paychecks as their only source of income.

OutDaughtered causes stress for the Busbys

While many people love to watch reality television shows, some fans can't help but wonder how healthy it is for a family to have cameras following them around all hours of the day. But the thing is OutDaughtered has definitely not caused the Busby family stress. As Danielle Busby wrote on her blog, It's a Buzz World, she's used to people thinking she is harming her family by putting them on TV. "There are so many people who think the life of a reality show is just ridiculous and full of exploiting your family," she wrote. 


However, that doesn't mean they're right. In fact, Danielle explained that she and her family feel like they're supposed to be on television. "Is it wrong to say that WE FEEL CALLED to show the world God's amazing works in our life?" she continued on her blog, noting that they "never sought out to have 'this life.'" She went on, "We do share publicly, but that is because we feel God called us to do so." Some people might assume that the Busby's show has done harm to their children, but that simply isn't the case. 

OutDaughtered's Busby family always wanted to be reality stars

When you watch OutDaughtered, you might not be able to help but notice how natural both Adam and Danielle Busby seem in front of the camera. They are charming, sweet, funny, and honest, and it almost seems like they were made to be reality stars. However, that isn't exactly the case. In fact, the Busbys never really wanted to be reality stars. 


In a post on It's a Buzz World, Danielle wrote about how shocked she is to be a reality TV star. "I also still think it's crazy we have had a reality tv show...and yes! I still think to myself 'who is gonna watch this'," she shared. Danielle also explained that while "many think [they] chose this path," that's not true, writing, "We prayed about direction and the Lord showed us a path so we said yes!" The Busbys didn't go out of their way to start their own reality show, it just happened, and they're making the most of it. 

OutDaughtered's Danielle Busby always has help with the kids

For regular viewers of OutDaughtered, it certainly seems as though the Busbys have it made when it comes to finding help for their kids. However, Danielle Busby doesn't always get help with the quints and older daughter Blayke, and the couple has struggled to keep up with everything. In one episode of OutDaughtered, Adam Busby is alone with the quints and can't understand how Danielle does it. "Without Danielle here to help, I'm reminded how difficult it is to keep up with all these kids and keep the house in order at the same time," he said, adding, "I know she likes staying home with the kids, but this is tough." 


Additionally, when Adam first went back to work after the quints were born, he said in an episode, "I'm going back to work, and she's gonna be at home by herself with six kids," clearly stressed at the situation. It's obvious that Danielle has had to do a lot on her own. Of course, they have family and friends who help out, but that doesn't mean Danielle has it easy.

OutDaughtered's Adam and Danielle Busby favor one child

With six children — all of whom are girls — Adam and Danielle Busby are somehow able to juggle everything they have to deal with. However, some viewers assume that Adam and Danielle have a favorite among their daughters. In fact, after Season 5 of OutDaughtered aired, Danielle had to deal with a lot of mom-shamers who came for her after she and Adam had to make a difficult decision regarding their children. 


Specifically, daughter Riley Busby did so well on her placement test that the Busbys decided to move her up a grade level without her sisters. According to People, someone wrote on Danielle's Instagram, "Why does it seem like the entire family revolves everything around Riley?" However, as Danielle told the magazine, "In the instance of letting Riley move up before her sisters, that was based strictly on her." The Busbys don't favor one child, even though some viewers assume they do. 

OutDaughtered sugarcoats the family's problems

Since the Busby family is on a reality television show, it's only natural for viewers to assume that the show might sugarcoat the family's bigger issues. After all, who would want their marital issues and all of their personal business aired on national television? Well, the fact is that OutDaughtered does not sugarcoat the Busby family's issues. On the contrary, the show actually highlights some of the family's problems, and that's how they want it.


In fact, on OutDaughtered in 2017, Adam Busby opened up about his struggle with postpartum depression, which wasn't easy for him to do. But he knew he had to be honest. "I have a big responsibility with the platform that I have been given," Adam told People. "I want to make sure that I bring awareness to the realities of postpartum depression and other mental health issues." The Busbys make sure that they show both the highs and the lows of their life on OutDaughtered, which is just one of the many reasons fans adore them. 

OutDaughtered's Adam Busby is a hands-off dad

On OutDaughtered, viewers can see how great of a mom Danielle Busby is. She speaks to each of her children with love and kindness and is able to care for all six daughters extremely well. It's pretty amazing to see Danielle be a mom, but, while a lot of viewers might assume that dad Adam Busby isn't as involved in parenting as his wife, that isn't true. Sure, he has to work outside the home more than Danielle, but he still cares for their daughters.


Adam told Parade he has one special skill when it comes to parenting. "Usually the mom takes on most responsibilities having to do stuff like fixing hair, picking out outfits and matching hair bows with outfits for the girls," he said. "When you have six of them, you find yourself right in the middle of that. I'm better with a round brush than Danielle!" Adam is anything but a hands-off dad, and that's a fact. 

OutDaughtered shows that the family can't handle all their kids

With six children, it's honestly a wonder that Adam and Danielle Busby aren't constantly overwhelmed as parents. However, on OutDaughtered, they make it very clear that, even though their lives are hectic, they've totally got it under control. Well, for the most part. The truth is that, even though the family can handle all their kids, it isn't always easy. 


Fortunately however, Danielle was already so great at staying organized before she had the quints, and that didn't change after she gave birth to them. In an interview with Channel Guide Magazine, she explained how her organization skills had helped her. "Obviously I had a hard time learning what to do and how to do it with five — but to detail and to plan this and schedule that and to make a system, that I was good at," she said. "When I say I was created and made for this, I honestly was. When I was given five babies, I just had to take those skills and adapt it to baby things." The Busbys can handle all of their kids, and they have Danielle's organizational skills to thank for that.

The Busbys force their kids to be on camera for OutDaughtered

Even though the Busby quints have been reality television stars since before they were born, that doesn't mean they have to be on TV. Some viewers might believe that Adam and Danielle Busby force their kids to be on camera for OutDaughtered, but, in reality, they don't. The Busbys don't make their kids appear on the show, and they've done their best to explain what's going on with all the cameras, too.


In an interview with USA Today, Danielle said that they were very honest with their kids about the show and that they would never make them be on it if they didn't want to. "We've had to get more explanatory to Blayke and the older cousins that this is very different and it's definitely a different type of life," she said. "We respect all the kids' wishes and if they don't want to be on camera at certain times, we don't make them. And we'll do that with all our kids." There you have it! If any of the Busby kids say that they don't want to be on camera, then they simply don't have to be! End of discussion. 

OutDaughtered's stars are big fans of taking a lot of vacations

On just about every season of OutDaughtered, the Busby family — usually along with their extended family as well — takes a trip. For example, on Season 4 of OutDaughtered, the Busbys went to Hawaii, and, on Season 5, they took a Disney cruise along with some more family members. All of their trips seem super fun and sometimes a little extravagant, but that doesn't mean the Busbys are going on vacation constantly. 


The truth is that a family vacation for the Busbys can oftentimes be more stressful than relaxing, as Danielle Busby shared on her It's a Buzz World blog. "How do we keep 6 kids occupied on a plane for 8+ hours, airport layovers, jet lag, sleeping situations, transportations...carseats and a van big enough to transport us, how many bags can/should I bring, snacks.... the list goes on!" she wrote. She isn't wrong, and, even if it seems like the family is always on vacation, that's just not the case. 

OutDaughtered's Adam and Danielle Busby don't want more kids

Even though Adam and Danielle Busby have their hands full with six daughters, there's no denying the fact that they're both amazing with their kids, and it definitely seems like the OutDaughtered family was meant to be big! However, some viewers get the impression that Adam and Danielle Busby don't want any more kids ever, and that's not exactly true.


While fans will remember the drama between Adam and Danielle when he revealed he didn't go to his vasectomy post-op appointment to make sure the procedure was a success, that isn't to say the couple is done growing their family. In an interview with Us Weekly, they revealed that, while Danielle won't give birth again, they are still open to more kids. "Shop's closed," the mom of six said. "It would be nice to have a little boy and carry on the Busby name here, but there won't be any more children unless one day God put it on our hearts to adopt." Their house may be full, but their hearts are still open.

OutDaughtered's Adam and Danielle Busby have problems in their marriage

Because of the nature of a reality show, there has to be a certain level of drama that will keep viewers interested in the lives of the people on their TV screen. No one really wants to watch people live happy-go-lucky lives every day without at least a few problems. So, while the Busby family is usually happy on OutDaughtered, they do show Adam and Danielle Busby having some issues. 


For instance, on Season 5 of OutDaughtered, Adam and Danielle had an argument when Adam accepted a job offer without consulting his wife about it. They had already had some tension because of the gig due to its location in in Dallas, Texas, but when the company said they would let Adam stay in Houston, he accepted. The two definitely had to work their problems out, but that doesn't mean Adam and Danielle have marital issues. They are still completely head over heels in love, and, in 2019, they took a romantic vacation. Sharing a picture of them on vacation on Instagram, Adam wrote, "She still makes my heart skip a beat."

OutDaughtered's Danielle Busby is "just" a stay-at-home mom

First of all, there is no such thing as being "just" a mom because stay-at-home moms have the hardest jobs in the world. That aside, many fans of OutDaughtered think that Danielle Busby is a stay-at-home mom and nothing else. But the fact of the matter is, on top of raising six daughters and taking care of her house and her husband, Danielle also has two side businesses she started. 


First, Danielle launched her own children's boutique, Graeson Bee, which she runs with the help of her husband, Adam. But that's not all she manages. Additionally, Danielle and her two sisters, twins Crystal and Ashley, launched their own workout wear line, CADi Fitness. CADi is something Danielle is passionate about, especially. "So excited we have launched a fitness clothing line together," she wrote on Instagram when the site launched. "It has been so fun and exciting!" she continued. Clearly, Danielle is a total boss in every sense of the word, and she has no intention of slowing down any time soon. 

The quints on OutDaughtered get more attention than sister Blayke

Since the Busbys didn't snag headlines until after they found out they were pregnant with the first all-female set of quintuplets in the United States, it would make sense that the quints would get a lot of attention. However, that doesn't mean the quints get more attention than their older sister, Blayke. 


In fact, in an episode of OutDaughtered, Adam and Danielle Busby expressed their concern for Blayke feeling neglected and discussed what they're doing to help. "I feel bad for her having to deal with how wild and crazy the quints are right now," Danielle said, according to People. "She has to be stressed. I'm glad that we're putting her in gymnastics and kind of letting her have her own thing." Clearly, the Busbys are doing their best, and fans can stop believing that Blayke doesn't get any attention. Adam, Danielle, and their whole family are making it work, despite the chaos that is being on Outdaughtered. 

