Is Real Houswife Melissa Gorga Pregnant?

During a Wednesday night sit down on Daily Pop, the Real Housewives of New Jersey star, Melissa Gorga, 40, spilled the tea on... herself. When discussing the drama between co-stars Joe and Teresa Giudice, host Carissa Culiner asked Gorga if she regretted being on RHONJGorga responded, "I'm a completely different person right now than I was 10 years ago when this all started. I'm a lot more independent. I'm a business woman. I cook a lot less" (via E! Online). 


Melissa, of course, is Teresa's sister-in-law, and fans have followed their ups and downs through the years — most recently their downs. Since Joe's release from ICE Custody, however, she says the family has banded together and are in a much better place (via Bravo's The Daily Dish).

However, it didn't end there. As Gorga continued her interview, she let something big slip. Or did she?

Melissa Gorga didn't mean 'pregnant' like that...

As for continuing the RHONJ show, the hosts of Daily Pop asked if Gorga would drop out if her husband asked her to. "I don't think so," she said, "No, not at this point. No, we are pregnant now at this point." 


The hosts of Daily Pop looked back shockingly at Gorga as she realized what she had just said. With three children in the house already, Gorga tried to save herself by saying, "No, no, no not that kind of pregnant. We're pregnant with the show. So it's like, we're in it. I'm going to go to the end with this show." She continued, "Oh my God here we go! I am not pregnant. I'm pregnant with the Real Housewives of New Jersey. I have to stop saying this. It's like the worst analogy." 

Melissa Gorga says RHONJ is like another baby

Gorga even told Us Weekly, "I always say when I'm filming, the show is like my child! The premiere is tonight, so it's like season 10 is my new baby."

Even after apologizing and trying to cover up her slip, she said, "People are thinking that I am pregnant and I'm not confirming that just yet." After pausing a moment, she broke out into laughter at her own slip up — once again — by using the word, "yet." So, does Gorga, who already has kids Antonia, Gino, and Joey with long-time hubby Joe Gorga, really have a bun in the oven, or is this all just a big misunderstanding? The reality star denies all rumors of pregnancy, so RHONJ fans will have to stick around and see if another Gorga baby is in the future.


