Did Prince Harry Just Hint At Baby Number 2?

Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor is 6 months old, and he's got his got his milestones all ticked off: He's got two teeth, he's just starting to crawl, and there are rumors that he's ready to talk. But will he able able to add big brother to his list of accomplishments soon?


When Archie's parents, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex, paid a surprise visit to a British Army wives coffee morning in Windsor, they spent time playing with babies and young children, and took the opportunity to ask other parents about what it was like to have a second one, prompting instant speculation that they're looking to add to their family. "Harry was really, really quite interested in how things were with second children as well... we were trying to encourage him to have a second one," one military mum tells Forces Network in a television interview.

Royal watchers have already been speculating about a second baby Sussex

Prince Harry's questions about what life is like with a second child will certainly get people talking about whether a sibling for Archie will be announced sooner rather than later, but those rumors have already been swirling for weeks.


Cosmopolitan says talk of Baby Sussex 2 kicked off after Meghan Markle was seen recycling some of her maternity clothes during her Africa tour, when a shirt dress she first wore publicly in Tonga (when she was about three months pregnant) made a reappearance. Then Markle followed that with a khaki-striped maxi dress which she wore when she was in Australia last year. If that wasn't enough, Markle attended the One Young World Summit in London in mid-October, wearing a beautiful purple dress first spotted when she was five months pregnant.  

No matter when — or where — Archie's sibling is born, we're certain he or she will be as cute and lovable as Archie (and his cousins) are.

