Is Hannah Brown The Real Reason Peter Weber And Hannah Ann Sluss Split Up?

Peter Weber and Hannah Ann Sluss had a rocky end. We've all speculated at the cause of their final fall: Was it the "one that got away" contestant Madison Prewett, who Peter eventually ended up pursuing after the breakup with Hannah Ann, or was wild-card Hannah Brown the straw that finally broke the camel's back?

Arguably it was a combination of the two, but with Peter having previously said that he "had room for two Hannahs in [his] heart" it begs the question — did he actually only have room for one from the start? (via Bachelor Nation on ABC).

Now single, Hannah Ann decided to give some insight into Peter's uncomfortable behavior in regards to the other Hannah on the Bachelor Happy Hour Podcast, and we're all itching to hear the details. Apparently, it wasn't until after the couple's engagement that Peter decided he needed some closure with Hannah Brown. A sentiment which seems like something he maybe could've taken care of before putting a ring on someone's finger?

Peter Weber betrayed Hannah Ann Sluss in the Bachelor finale

Hannah Ann noted that after he pressed her to feel comfortable with his need for pre-marriage closure, she finally said to him, "'This is something that I feel like you don't seem like you're ready for any kind of commitment, let alone an engagement.'" She told the podcast hosts, "That was the first red flag, and I was questioning my own self because he was trying to convince me that that was something that he needed, and I'm like, 'I just don't feel settled with that'" (via E! News).

Unfortunately, Peter's behavior continued to foreshadow a betrayal. After Peter downplayed his unresolved issues, he completely sucker-punched his then-fiancee. She told the Bachelor Happy Hour Podcast that the morning of the breakup they had agreed they would be sticking together and would push past Peter's hangups. She also asked for him to let her know if his feelings shifted at any point. But then just hours later he shocked her. "I can't give you my full heart," he said (via Bachelor Nation on ABC). 

So ultimately, was Hannah Brown the cause of the split? Host Becca Kufrin asked Hannah Ann if she thought "Hannah Brown was a code for 'let me maybe have conversations with other women, a.k.a Madison.'" Hannah Ann admitted, "Probably. I don't quite know. That was so close to us breaking up."