The Most Searched Thing In Alaska On Christmas Is Nothing Like You'd Expect

The festive season is officially upon us and, although 2020 has been a difficult year for most people, the world at large has proven not even COVID-19 can stop Christmas. With just over a week to go, many people are searching for the perfect last-minute gift for that special someone they forgot about, while many of us are planning for what's to come in 2021, which will hopefully be considerably better than the year we've just endured.


Most Google searches around this time are understandably Christmas-themed, with many families planning for the festive period in advance by checking what's open and when, while others are looking to connect online with their loved ones while social distancing naturally keeps us apart. Aside from shopping and figuring out food, weather, and what to watch on the day, there's one particularly odd search up north that's pretty surprising given the time of year.

Alaskans are staying remarkably healthy this year

Satellite Internet conducted a highly-scientific list utilizing Google Trends, as well as bit of Christmas magic, to ascertain the most popular searches in each state over the Christmas period. The most popular search overall, unsurprisingly, was "Netflix," which was the #1 query in 12 states. This makes sense, particularly considering people will be mostly relegated to their homes this year, so ensuring the optimum viewing experience is paramount.


Elsewhere, "last minute gift ideas" were a major concern for the residents of Alabama, Connecticut, and Kentucky, while Massachusetts had an existential crisis, wondering "what is Christmas?" California, true to form, was worried Starbucks might be closed for Christmas Day. Wyoming, on the other hand, just had to get a look at the classic Kardashian Christmas card (they're going to be disappointed this year).

The weirdest search by a long shot, though, was in Alaska where denizens were wondering what the "Planet Fitness hours" for the festive period are. It's impressive that Alaskans are planning how to burn off the extra pounds before they've even put them on. We admire their commitment.

