MyPillow Guy Mike Lindell Has An Unlikely New Competitor

He may only be 20 years old but he has many hats: Harvard undergraduate; political activist; survivor of the 2018 Parkland, Florida, school shooting. Now David Hogg, with the help and support of tech entrepreneur William LeGate, is adding a new line item to his already head-turning resume: pillow entrepreneur. Hogg and LeGate will be starting a new company to take on MyPillow and its CEO Mike Lindell, who is one of Donald Trump's most high-profile supporters. Lindell most recently went on an on-air tirade about the Nov. 3 election that triggered one host on the conservative news channel Newsmax (via Twitter).


David Hogg's Twitter announcement says it all: "@williamlegate and I are going to prove that progressives can make a better pillow, run a better business and help make the world a better place while doing it." Hogg's role in the company (at least for now) will be advisory. As any college undergraduate can tell you, being in college is not easy — being in Harvard trying to complete a degree, less so (via Twitter).

David Hogg: "This pillow fight just got very real"

Both David Hogg and his new business partner say a new name cannot be revealed until the trademark application has been processed, but there are a few things we already know, courtesy of Twitter. Hogg says that the company includes a few caveats including "Union made in America to create good jobs that support American families" and it will "Have an emphasis on supporting progressive causes." Most importantly, the company would "Not attempt a white supremacist overthrow of the United States government So you can sleep at night."


William LeGate is using social media to reach out to developers and U.S.-based manufacturers to see if the company can hit the ground running. We also know that the company is giving itself six months, thanks to sustainability and union-based guidelines.

Mike Lindell doesn't seem too bothered by the thought of competition — at least for now. In an sms to Axios, Lindell said: "Good for them.... nothing wrong with competition that does not infringe on someone's patent." But if the competition rests on catchphrases, Mike Lindell will need to watch out. As David Hogg put it: "This pillow fight just got very real" (via Twitter).

