Dr. Fauci Reveals How He Really Feels Trump's COVID Battle

On Friday, October 2, 2020, former President Donald Trump revealed that both he and his wife, Melania Trump, had tested positive for coronavirus. The announcement came only a month before the 2020 Presidential election, and caused a predictable wave of confusion. Trump ended up being admitted to Walter Reed Hospital on the same day of his announcement, and posted a short video to Twitter explaining the decision.


CNN shared his announcement: "I want to thank everybody for the tremendous support. I'm going to Walter Reed Hospital. I think I'm doing very well. We're going to make sure that things work out. The first lady is doing very well. So thank you very much, I appreciate it. I will never forget it. Thank you."

Dr. Anthony Fauci, who heads the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), refrained from speaking too much about the former president's health while he was sick. However, this week he told The Telegraph that Trump was "lucky" to have survived the disease at all.

Donald Trump could have gotten others very sick, or been very sick himself

Dr. Fauci added that he believes the former President Trump was especially fortunate since when you factor in his age and weight could have," he could have gotten into serious trouble. I think he was quite fortunate."


It's believed that Trump may have contracted the virus while traveling with former aide Hope Hicks, who reportedly had symptoms of coronavirus on a flight with Trump and his team (via The Daily Mail). The White House then engaged in a series of evasive tactics, including refusing to tell the public when Trump had finally had a negative coronavirus test.

Brigham and Women's Hospital physician Dr. Jeremy Faust told ABC News one reason the White House needed to be open is that this deception put others at risk. "People ought to have the right to know whether or not they should be quarantining themselves if they're at risk. Potentially the president and his team have put others in harm's way."

