Annie Murphy Reveals Her True Thoughts About A Schittt's Creek Movie

Annie Murphy wants to see "Schitt's Creek" return just as much as the rest of us. During a recent interview with Us Weekly, the actress who played Alexis Rose on the series revealed that she has some unanswered questions about her character. Murphy admitted that she is still holding out hope that Alexis and her love interest Ted might end up together in a future story that has yet to be told. "I hold out hope. I think that maybe it would be one of those relationships where they let each other go and thought it was final and then maybe drift into each other's worlds down the road," Murphy speculated about what the characters would be up to today.


During the final season of "Schitt's Creek," Alexis and Ted decided to call it quits when their budding careers took them to different locations. The series ended with Alexis single and moving to New York to work as a publicist. "I do think that it was the right ending. As sad as it was to say goodbye to both Ted, I think it was the right thing for Alexis. I think she was on a pretty exciting trajectory career-wise and I really think no world in which she didn't take, or she won't take the PR world by storm and continue having the most wild and bizarre and celebrity-studded adventures at the same time," Murphy stated. Now, she's admitting that she wants to see more of all the characters.

Schitt's Creek the movie?

Annie Murphy is dying for a "Schitt's Creek" reunion. The actress reveals that she wants to see how things play out for her character, Alexis, as well as the rest of the Rose family (via Us Weekly). Murphy says that she believes a movie would be a great way to tie up loose ends left by the show's series finale. "Did David and Patrick adopt a kid? I sure hope Alexis doesn't because I think she is perhaps not quite in that yet, but, I don't know. I just want to see everyone on screen again and I will be a happy camper. ... We were very lucky to have an amazing group of writers on this show," she said.


Murphy joked that she wanted to reunite with her former co-stars so bad that she's been bribing the show's star and creator, Dan Levy. "I mean, I've been sending Dan $5 a day in the mail as a bribe. So far, I have not heard back about a movie officially. But, oh, my God, I would be just over the moon if that ever came to pass because I miss everyone so much every day. Just to see Moira again, I would pay a lot of money to do that," Murphy said of her on-screen mother. Many fans are now hoping that Murphy's words will spark the attention of the right people and that the "Schitt's Creek" gang will reunite on the big screen soon.

