The Truth About Christina Haack And Tarek El Moussa's Relationship Now

Since their early days on-screen, Christina Haack and Tarek El Moussa have captivated audiences with their engaging dynamic, their undeniable professional connection, and of course, their gorgeous home renovations. The stars behind HGTV's hit show "Flip or Flop," Haack and El Moussa have certainly been through the ringer, and have come out the other side victoriously — but it was touch and go there for a while.


Haack and El Moussa started their home renovation show while they were still married. The then-couple welcomed two children, and continued to present themselves (for the most part) as a happily married pair on-camera. But their relationship slowly started to crumble, and they officially separated (and commenced their divorce proceedings) in May of 2016. 

You'd think that a divorced couple wouldn't have an ounce of interest in maintaining their business with one another. But despite their personal history, Haack and El Moussa have once again hit the screen with a new season of "Flip or Flop." As of publication, Season 9 of the show has attracted millions of viewers, and it doesn't look like the exes have any intention of severing their professional bond.


Tarek El Moussa says his relationship with Christina Haack has never been better

Fans of "Flip or Flop" know that Tarek El Moussa and Christina Haack could (and still do) bicker, but things between the once-married couple were bad at one point. Michael Pando, the director of the show, told Today that one of the most difficult days on set was in 2016 — the former couple got into an argument about a design, but things escalated quickly. "It became personal," Pando revealed. "As the director, I kind of sat back just listening to see when they were going to cross the line, and when they did, then I jumped in and I got in the middle of it." 


But the fighting between El Moussa and Haack that so many of us have come to know might be finally fizzling out. El Moussa told E! News that he and Haack have never gotten along more than they do now (as of publication). Since their separation, they've learned how to value each other differently. "[Our relationship] is in a completely different place," El Moussa shared. "She and I are getting along, we're co-parenting, getting along together, and I really think the episodes are getting better and better."

Christina Haack and Tarek El Moussa are more than comfortable making fun of each other

There's something to be said about two exes that know how to maintain a positive relationship, and Christina Haack and Tarek El Moussa are a really good example of how to get along. As noted by People, the two clearly know how to poke fun at one another, and in a video shared to their Instagram stories, Haack and El Moussa totally roasted each other. 


El Moussa posted a quick video of himself — dressed in a big bomber jacket, dark-colored pants, dark sneakers, and a hat with a flat bill — and Haack came after him so fast, saying that he looked like Vanilla Ice. "Do you know who you look like? Ice Ice Baby," Haack can be heard saying off-camera. "I look like the best you ever had," El Moussa snapped back, clearly poking fun at his ex-wife. Haack then took things one step further, and captioned the post "new vanilla ice." 

It clearly sat well with El Moussa, who shared the post on his own social media platform. An ex-couple that can joke around with each other is a rare and pretty awesome thing to see.

Christina Haack and Tarek El Moussa still know how to call each other out

If you ask a fan of "Flip or Flop" what their favorite part of the show was (and is), don't be entirely surprised if they say it's the quick and witty dynamic between Christina Haack and Tarek El Moussa. The relationship between the exes is just as sharp and fast-paced off-camera as it is on, which is evident by Haack's calling out of El Moussa shortly after Season 9 of their show had its second kick-off. 


As noted by CinemaBlend, El Moussa took to Instagram before the last few episodes of "Flip or Flop" aired to share that his and Haack's favorite renovation from the season would be airing. Clearly the wording didn't strike harmony with Haack, because she quickly went to the comments and refuted her ex's remark. "Wrong episode — tonight's is Norwalk — I don't think it's your favorite ever ... but it's still a good one lol," she wrote, proving that once again, she's no stranger to calling out her ex when she needs to. Who said that divorced people couldn't get along? 

Christina Haack established herself as 'the boss' between her and her ex

One of the aspects of Christina Haack and Tarek El Moussa's relationship — when they were still married — that was so intriguing was their power dynamic. El Moussa always seemed to be the one in charge, and Haack clearly would get annoyed when her opinions would be steamrolled. But in their post-divorce lives together, Haack has made it clear that she's in charge.


According to People, a clip of one of the new episodes of "Flip or Flop" Season 9 showed El Moussa sitting across from Haack to discuss potential properties to flip. She says, "Step into my office" to her ex and father of two of her kids — and this is where things get good. In the clip, El Moussa begins to talk to Haack about business opportunities and what properties might be good to look at, but she quickly cuts him off mid-sentence and pushes a desk name plate in his direction that had "Boss Lady" printed on it. El Moussa may have been waiting for his ex to come out swinging, because he said, "Oh wow, finally!" Here's to hoping that Haack fully embraces her girl boss power.

Christina Haack and Tarek El Moussa's fiancé talk daily

Your ex moves on, great, but all of the sudden, their new partner is a part of your life? Sounds kind of tough, but from the looks of it, Christina Haack and Tarek El Moussa's fiancé, Heather Rae Young, get along. As noted by Us Weekly, Haack and Young have a "system in place" so that they can communicate with each other about Haack and El Moussa's children — daughter Taylor and son Brayden. "We co parent very well together," Young told Us Weekly about Haack and their bond. "We communicate daily about the kids, and they're the most important thing in the world to all of us. So, as long as the kids are happy, we're all happy." Honestly, we love to see it, because kids of divorce aren't always made the priority. 


Young went on to say that the most difficult part of integrating herself into the kids' lives came with their age. "They were already 3 and 8 and they're already little people, they already have the personalities, they already had a routine," she continued. "I came in after the fact."

Christina Haack and Tarek El Moussa still bicker with each other on-screen

Teamwork makes the dream work, right? Well sort of, and if you're looking at the dynamic between Tarek El Moussa and Christina Haack, having a healthy amount of disagreement might not be a bad thing. As noted by Realtor, the divorced couple still find ways to bicker with each other on-camera, adding to their specific brand of television. And while their tiffs are a lot more about work now and far less about their personal lives, "Flip or Flop" fans can still tune into a classic Haack/El Moussa disagreement. 


During an episode in Season 9, El Moussa and Haack were renovating a three bedroom, two bathroom house in California. They only had a renovation budget of $82,000, so they were stretched pretty thin and, of course, disagreed with a number of choices along the way. For example, Haack wanted a yellow front door, and El Moussa went with blue instead. Haack wanted to go for a retro kind of style, and opted for a pink tile for the kitchen backsplash — but as you may have guessed, El Moussa killed that idea. Together or not, these two know how to push each other's buttons.

Christina Haack will not be invited to Tarek El Moussa's wedding

There must be a couple of downsides to having such a public relationship with your ex. Every detail gets accounted for, and every little inch of life gets put under a microscope. So it shouldn't come as a huge surprise to find out that despite their good working relationship, Christina Haack won't be invited to Tarek El Moussa's wedding to Heather Rae Young. 


As noted by Entertainment Tonight, the famous exes won't be joining together one another on their wedding day any time soon. "No, no exes at the wedding," El Moussa said when he was asked about his ex-wife and her potential attendance. "Small, less distractions, more intimate, better conversations with the people around us. You know, we just think smaller is better." Sounds good to us. 

Young echoed the sentiment, saying that her wedding to El Moussa is going to be "intimate" with just their "best friends and family" invited. "We're gonna have to be strict with our list," she revealed.

Tarek El Moussa said his divorce from Christina Haack wasn't worth 'throwing away' their show

It's safe to say that a lot of people were surprised to find out that Christina Haack and Tarek El Moussa were joining together on screen once again for "Flip or Flop," even after their separation and divorce. It's not hard to understand why people were a bit thrown, either — how many divorced couples could keep seeing each other regularly?  


So what motivated Haack and El Moussa to push through their differences? El Moussa said that they'd both worked too hard to give up what they'd started together. While being interviewed by Today, El Moussa and Haack were asked why they kept the show going despite their ups and downs, and they explained that keeping "Flip or Flop" going was worth it. "We've been doing this a really long time, it's a part of who we are and what we do," El Moussa shared. "It didn't seem worth it to throw all of that away." Haack followed up the sentiment by saying that during their time on "Flip or Flop" they'd welcomed two amazing kids, so it was in everyone's best interest that they learn to work together.

Christina Haack and Tarek El Moussa co-parent like champs

Christina Haack and Tarek El Moussa seem to be killing it on the co-parenting front. To be fair, they've had a bit of practice, but they absolutely deserve an A for effort. Haack told Us Weekly that her son with El Moussa, Brayden, was only 9 months only when they separated. Their daughter, Taylor, is five years old than her brother, so she was a bit more clued in as to what was going on. 


Despite the difficult circumstance, they made it work, and both Haack and El Moussa were determined to stay positive around their kids. "We just make sure that we're together at activities like sports games and school functions," Haack explained, emphasizing how important it is to make her kids the priority. 

So what's the secret to their success? Haack said communication is key. "It's important when you're coparenting to make sure that you're on the same page," she continued. "We have a schedule where we make sure that if one of us has to travel, that the other picks up for the other one. And we just make sure that whatever's best for the kids is what we're going to do."

How does Tarek El Moussa's fiancé feel about him filming with his ex-wife?

If you've been wondering how Tarek El Moussa's fiancé feels about him working in such close proximity with his ex-wife, then you're probably not alone. A very natural response from a current partner to a former partner could be intertwined with skepticism, doubt, and a little bit of insecurity. But from the looks of it, El Moussa's fiancé is more than ok with his dynamic and professional relationship with ex-wife Christina Haack. 


Heather Rae Young of "Selling Sunset" told Entertainment Tonight that she's never been concerned about El Moussa working with Haack, and simply stated that the relationship is a part of the job. "It was never an issue, because it's work. It's his job," she revealed. "They've been filming for 10 years, who am I to dictate? I am very supportive. We support each other through everything." We love to see a healthy relationship. 

As far as Young making an appearance on "Flip or Flop" herself? Never say never. Her wedding to El Moussa is certainly going to be filmed, and could very easily make its way onto "Flipping 101" or "Selling Sunset." We'll just have to see what happens.

Did Christina Haack reveal any of her second divorce details to Tarek El Moussa?

After getting divorced from Tarek El Moussa, Christina El Moussa became Christina Anstead. As noted by Entertainment Tonight, she then became Christina Haack (her maiden name) following her separation from Ant Anstead. So did El Moussa and Haack become comrades in (divorced) arms after Haack went through another devastating split? Yes and no. 


El Moussa told Entertainment Tonight that to the best of his knowledge, Haack was doing great in the aftermath of the split. He echoed the sentiment in a chat with Us Weekly, saying that Haack was faring well. "You know, we don't talk too much personal stuff, but based on what I know, she's doing great," he explained. In a separate interview with Us Weekly, El Moussa added, "I prefer just to stay out of it." 

Having said that, though, El Moussa acknowledged that he understands why people are so invested in his ex's relationship status. "People have watched kids born, people have watched us raise kids, they watched us get divorced, they know us," he continued. "They've been following our lives for almost 10 years. They feel like they're a part of it, which makes sense."


Tarek El Moussa was very accommodating when Christina Haack welcomed baby Hudson

In the brief time that Christina Haack was married to Ant Anstead, the couple welcomed a baby boy, Hudson. As noted by People, Hudson was the couple's fifth child — both had two children each from previous relationships. 


Despite any personal history or past, Tarek El Moussa was more than accommodating when Haack was in the hospital with Hudson; according to Us Weekly, he took his kids (whose mother is Haack) to the hospital to visit her. "They're actually going to visit the baby tomorrow while I'm filming, and then I'm going to be home and I'm going to get them," he explained. "But I'm sure I'll swing by in the next day or so and meet the baby." We just love to see co-parenting at its finest. 

Of course, things got a little complicated for Haack. As noted by People, she filed for joint legal and physical custody of Hudson when she and Anstead split up — Hudson was only 14 months old at the time. Neither Haack or Anstead were demanding spousal support from one another, and blamed their divorce on "irreconcilable differences." Hate to see it.


Christina Haack and Tarek El Moussa only live five minutes away from each other

If you've gotten only one impression of Christina Haack and Tarek El Moussa's current day relationship, it should be their commitment to their kids. The exes are so determined to give their children a happy and healthy upbringing, that despite any personal history between the two of them, they live just five minutes away from each other. We love to see it. 


Haack told Us Weekly that she and El Moussa used to live about half an hour away from each other, and it was a "nightmare." "As you can imagine, you've got school and soccer and stuff, so if we leave a pair of shoes or there's a soccer ball, it's so easy now to just, like, run over there and pick something up. It's just a lot more simple," she revealed. "The kids' schools are close and everything is, like, a five-minute drive." 

El Moussa and Haack might be stars on-screen, but they also clearly know how to respect one another. Considering that there are kids and business interests involved, we love to see just how well they're doing.

