Inside Kandy Muse And Tamisha Iman's Fight On RuPaul's Drag Race: Untucked

Season 13 of the Emmy-winning series "RuPaul's Drag Race" has recently come to a close, but during its longer-than-usual run, it delivered some jaw-dropping moments. These ranged from fan-favorite Denali being eliminated, to Kandy Muse being saved after being told to sashay away. Kandy was part of another huge moment, though. During one episode of "Untucked," the bonus show that features the queens debriefing while the judges decide their fates each week, Kandy found herself in a heated fight with fellow contestant — and drag elder — Tamisha Iman.


Tamisha Iman has been a drag entertainer and pioneer for 30 years, has beaten cancer, and was even cast to be on Season 12 of "Drag Race" but ultimately couldn't take the opportunity because of health complications. Kandy Muse, on the other hand, is a younger, scrappier queen who is never afraid to let her opinions be known. 

Just what had these queens so heated, though? Here is your full scoop into this "Untucked" feud.

Just what was said in this fight?

The now-infamous fight begins with Tamisha Iman declaring that there are queens in the competition she doesn't particularly like and that Kandy Muse is "arrogant," which sends Muse into a heated frenzy asking all of her competitors if they think she is (via YouTube). One fellow queen, Joey Jay, simply says, "What are you doing right now, girl?" This appears to stun Muse for a second but she continues to ask other queens before her attention returns to Iman.


Iman continuously refers to Kandy as "little girl" during this debacle, which only infuriates Muse more. Because this fight occurred rather early on in the season, most of the queens were still in the race, and most of them were at a loss for words as the two continued to scream at each other.

Some queens do jump in once the confrontation gets face-to-face. Gottmik jumps in to say, "Tamisha, leave her alone!" and Tina Burner joins Gottmik in trying to separate the two queens. There are no shortage of insults, with Muse telling Iman she has no star quality and Iman thinking Muse is way in over her head.

This fight spawned one of the most quotable moments of the season with Iman's "I said what I said" in her specific intonation in the heat of the moment, but what could have caused such a heated argument to break out? 


Why did the fight happen in the first place?

Both Kandy Muse and Tamisha Iman arrived at "Drag Race" with something to prove, and this heated fight after the Bag Ball only exposed this drive for both of them. Being separated on day one of the season couldn't have helped either. With some queens being deemed winners (Kandy) and others losers (Tamisha) during the premier episode, egos were bound to inflate. Tamisha also had the extra pressure of performing with an ostomy bag, which no one else knew while filming.


During Season 13's reunion episode, Iman declared that "Kandy and I would never be friends, but I don't wish her any ill will. I don't wish her any negative hate or anything like that" before adding that she would have "hit her" if the cameras weren't there (via TVLine).

It ultimately appears that Kandy came into the competition with a defensive persona — though we see that soften over the course of the season — and Tamisha was unhappy with how she'd been performing thus far. Still, this argument detracted from LaLa Ri, for example, who couldn't express her feelings about being up for elimination that week.

Overall, this fight was no doubt a product of the pressure cooker environment the queens were in, but do you think one queen was particularly in the wrong in this fight?


