Legal Expert Shares Why Andrew Cuomo Is Likely To Resign

It was announced Tuesday, August 3, 2021 that New York Governor Andrew Cuomo indeed sexually harassed multiple women following an investigation by the state attorney general's office into allegations against him (via CNN). In another shocking finding, it was revealed the embattled official retaliated against at least one of his victims for speaking out about her story (via The New York Times).


As New York State attorney general Letitia James stated in a 165-page report, ​​"Governor Cuomo sexually harassed current and former state employees in violation of both federal and state laws." She further elaborated, "The independent investigation found that Governor Cuomo harassed multiple women, many of whom were young women, by engaging in unwanted groping, kisses, hugging, and by making inappropriate comments."

Given these findings, it's not surprising that many people are calling for his resignation, with politician Maya Wiley tweeting, "11 women. 11. #Resign." And Fordham law professor Zephyr Teachout commented, "If Andrew Cuomo doesn't resign immediately, he should be impeached immediately. New York can't function and provide the basic services of government with a dishonest, lawbreaking, toxic Governor."


The List spoke to Angela Reddock-Wright, an employment attorney and sexual harassment investigator and mediator based in Los Angeles who shared a statement about why a resignation is the likely outcome following the report.

Governor Andrew Cuomo violated the law by harassing women

As Reddock-Wright explained to The List in light of the headline-making report, "What is interesting about this investigation is the State Attorney General's office found that Governor Cuomo violated both state policies against discrimination and the law."


"What this means is that the alleged victims of Mr. Cuomo's purported harassment may consider pursuing civil actions against him," she went on to explain, adding, "That could open up Mr. Cuomo to multiple claims, where both the state could be liable and he could be liable personally."

Reddock-Wright also spelled out that, "This development is sure to place a substantial shadow over his accomplishments as governor, and the threat of lawsuits is likely to lead to his resignation." She did concede, "He may argue that the investigation is tainted and motivated by politics; however, with so many women coming forward against him, such an argument is not likely to stand."

