Why Andrew Cuomo's Move Out Of The Governor's Mansion Has Twitter Fuming

After resigning from his role as governor of New York, over a long list of sexual harassment allegations, Andrew Cuomo had to move out of his longtime home (via Daily News). On Friday, August 20, Cuomo was spotted moving out of the governor's mansion in Albany. While the 63-year-old was able to move out all of his things and began staying with one of his sisters, he reportedly left his dog behind. According to the Times Union, the outgoing governor asked the mansion staff "if anyone would like to keep his dog" (via Insider).


Two state police sources revealed that a staff member took the dog for a few days but "decided he was too much," per Insider. After the dog spent a few days roaming the governor's mansion, the New York Animal Protective Federation took to Twitter to express their disappointment in Cuomo, as well as their desire to help the dog find a new home. They tweeted, "Captain deserves better. He will be welcomed with open arms (and paws) into one of our shelters." Many other Twitter users shared a similar reaction to the situation.

Andrew Cuomo abandoned Captain in Albany

Upon learning that Andrew Cuomo left his dog behind in the governor's mansion in Albany, many people took to Twitter to share their disbelief. One tweeted, "Someone that would just walk away and leave their pet can't be a good person. That's really cold and cruel. [Cuomo] Doesn't deserve to ever have another dog." Another Twitter user felt this final act should be a push to continue his impeachment, tweeting, "He is a vile human who continues to slander the women who he harassed. Impeachment must continue to ensure he stays OUT if ANY public office."


Many other Twitter users shared that they would love to adopt Cuomo's dog, with one tweeting, "Can someone in the press please ask him if I can adopt Captain? I will go get him," which was retweeted 37 times. While this Twitter user simply wrote, "I can barely leave my dog's side." Considering many people have expressed deep concern for Cuomo's abandoned dog, Captain is sure to find a loving home with an owner who is happy to look after him.

