Ainsley Seiger Reveals What It's Like To Work With Danielle Mone Truitt On Law & Order

"Law & Order" fans rejoiced when NBC announced that Chris Meloni would be returning as Elliot Stabler in the latest addition to the franchise, "Organized Crime." The show also introduced viewers to new favorites, including Sergeant Ayanna Bell (played by Danielle Moné Truitt) and newcomer Ainsley Seiger, who takes on the role of hacker Jet Slootmaekers.


Landing the part was a "blessing" for Truitt, who was best known for her work on the 2017 television series "Rebel" and 2020's "Deputy" (via IMDb). "I think that's a big deal and it's something that I feel very grateful to be," she told Yahoo!. "It just feels good to be apart of something, you know, where you see a lot of different people of color and sexual orientations being represented," adding that "It took until probably the first day of the second season for me to actually accept the fact that I was on 'Law & Order!'"

As for Seiger, her role on "Organized Crime" is her big break. She had recently graduated from the University of North Carolina School of the Arts and only appeared in short films including "American Waste" and "Bernstein's MASS: An Artist's Call for Peace" (via Deadline). The actress says her first scene with Meloni was a memorable one. "I had to be typing on my computer," Seiger told KSN. "And my hands were shaking so hard ... I just did key smash. I didn't I didn't even type anything coherent. I was so nervous."


Ainsley Seiger loves sharing scenes with her costar

In addition to Chris Meloni, Ainsley Seiger loves sharing scenes with costar Danielle Moné Truitt, and the two got to work together a lot more during the second season. "I have loved getting to shoot more with Danielle this season. I love her so much as a person; I have so much love and respect for her, and it's awesome to get to have a lot of love and respect for her as my Sergeant when I'm Jet," Seiger told ScreenRant.


The actress is also enjoying the dynamic between their two characters, with loner Jet learning how to be a part of team. "Because she's so used to working alone, I don't think she's used to developing close attachments with people — and I think that we're getting to see a much more loyal side of Jet than we're used to seeing," said Seiger. "This is someone who, even at this point in Season 2, is not fully on board with the whole eye contact and touching thing. But this is someone who would 100% go to bat for Bell or Stabler at any given moment, no questions asked."

