Dark Cottagecore Decor Is In, And It's Perfect For Winter

No two seasons are alike in the decor world, and as each season passes, more and more style trends are cycled through in what appears to be a never-ending system. However, one of the latest design trends appears to be timeless. This trend is dark cottagecore, which shouldn't come as a surprise because cottagecore has been taking over the internet for a few years now.


Cottagecore is an aesthetic style that describes both how someone dresses themselves and how they decorate their space (via The Vou). There are countless online guides to achieving a cottagecore aesthetic, but there are ultimately just a few things you need to know to get started. A cottagecore aesthetic is rooted in nature and fairy tales, which themselves are typically ingrained in nature. Therefore, clothing in this aesthetic often involved flowy dresses, flowers, bare feet, and natural accessories. Decor options then include a lot of wood, mushrooms, flowers and other plants, and more.

This year, though, dark cottagecore is emerging as a popular decor and clothing trend, and it makes perfect sense. Winter is the dark season of the year, and winter during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is even darker. This is how to achieve a dark cottagecore aesthetic.


Dark cottagecore should always remain natural, too

Cottagecore, and now dark cottagecore, aesthetics are undoubtedly among TikTok's favorite DIY home design trends, and it's clear to see why. These trends help people feel connected to nature and one another in a time when that isn't always easy to feel. They're also simply really pretty and act as an escape, though it's worth noting that fairycore isn't the same as cottagecore (via Chasing Daisies). For a dark cottagecore aesthetic specifically, you don't have to stray too far from traditional cottagecore staples.


According to Elite Daily, the dark cottagecore aesthetic trades in some of the white and otherwise bright colors of the cottagecore aesthetic for blacks and other dark colors, like deep reds. You might decorate your home with art of black mushrooms, for example, and you would wear flowy black dresses and cute black boots. You could even dive into fun projects like flower pressing to make your own dark, dried decor.

The key to understanding dark cottagecore is knowing that it's still rooted in nature; you're simply reaching for the darker items in nature. According to My Cottagecore, you might decorate with poisonous plants or even cobwebs. After all, this movement is also known as goth cottagecore. Still, there's a line. Dark cottagecore should still exemplify the 19th century European lifestyle that regular cottagecore is known to embody. Only employing dark decor in the Halloween sense will mean losing the cottagecore feel.


With this information in mind, go forth and bask in the darkness that naturally counteracts the light.

