Michael Cohen Makes A Startling Confession About Donald Trump's Business Practices

Michael Cohen, former President Donald Trump's one-time lawyer, known as his "fixer," isn't shy about speaking out about his former client. The lawyer wrote a book, and since finishing his prison term, Cohen has been outspoken about various topics related to the former president. The Hill reported that Cohen helped secure several different branding deals during his time working for Trump, so he's familiar with how the former president's business ventures work.


Recently Cohen talked to The Washington Post about Trump's current business practices. Specifically, the former lawyer discussed Trump's various money-making activities and merchandising since leaving the White House. For instance, shortly before Christmas, Trump sold a book of photographs with his signature on it published by Donald Trump Jr.'s company for $75. Much of the merchandising and branding comes as the former president openly considers another run for president in 2024, which blurs the lines between political fundraising and for-profit efforts. Read on to find out more about what Cohen said about how Trump and his family continue trying to make money after leaving the White House just over a year ago.


Here's what Michael Cohen said about Trump's latest money-making

The Hill reported that Michael Cohen noted that Donald Trump is currently employing business strategies that remind him of the things the former president did to make money before he spent four years in the White House.


"They would sell ice to an Eskimo signed by Trump if they could," Cohen told The Washington Post. Later Cohen said that the merchandising and branding "was presented to him and accepted because they flashed some cash in front of his face." Taylor Budowich, a spokesperson for Trump, told The Washington Post that there's an "unprecedented demand for President Trump, his thoughts, and his products continues to grow unlike anything politics has ever seen." He added, "That demand will only expand further."

Trump's current efforts to make money off his name include a speaking tour and his signature on several direct-to-consumer appeals. In addition, former first lady Melania Trump recently attempted to auction the white hat she wore during the official State visit from the French first family, the Macrons. However, CNN reported that the auction failed to secure the minimum bid of $250,000. 


