How Prince William Turned His Harsh Remark About Kate Middleton Into A Compliment

Men are, well, sometimes not the most eloquent with words. It turns out that royal men don't have it together all the time, either. Kate Middle and Prince William hit the town in Wales for an official visit to celebrate St. David's Day. The pair planted a tree for the holiday, but that wasn't the most memorable part. It was, in fact, the part where Prince William threw a slight insult Kate Middleton's way. Of course, he then turned it into a compliment in the end, which likely saved himself an awkward ride home (via GoodtoKnow). 


The royal family is extremely private, which means that sometimes public appearances get a little awkward. There's a fine line between saying enough and too much, but it seems like Prince William's latest comment might have just slipped out. While on their trip to Wales, Prince William told the public that "[Kate] has the coldest hands ever." While that doesn't seem like a lot, it's actually a whole lot more personal than the royal family every gets on press tours.

Don't worry, though. Prince William turned the offhanded comment into the sweetest complement right after he said it. Here's how he twisted her cold hands into a positive, so you can keep the tactic in your back pocket in case you ever need it. 


Prince William turned his offhanded insult into a sweet compliment

Immediately after Prince William's comment about Kate Middleton having "the coldest hands ever," he followed up with the phrase, "They say, 'Cold hands, warm heart'" (via GoodtoKnow). Leave it to a prince to turn it all around in the blink of an eye. Take note, my friends, because this is how you do it. Whether it's the years of PR experience he has under his belt or his decade-long marriage, he definitely handled the insult-turned-compliment smoothly. 


It turns out that you might be hearing a lot more personal info like this in the future, especially when it comes to Middleton. "The changing times have required Kate to start to share a bit more," royal biographer Sarah Gristwood told People. "She's done it carefully enough to be relatable — nothing that would cause controversy and nothing that could be considered oversharing."

It's nice to see the royals letting the public more into their personal lives, even if that just means knowing that Middleton has really cold hands. Royals: They're just like us... kind of. 

