Meghan McCain's Reaction To Beto O'Rourke's Protest Has Twitter Seeing Red

If Meghan McCain is known for one thing, besides being the late Senator John McCain's daughter, it's speaking her mind even though it has previously gotten her in some hot water.

In January, McCain was under fire via Twitter after taking to her regular guest column on the Daily Mail where she showed her disdain for President Joe Biden, asking why it was so hard to get a COVID-19 at-home test. At the time, she and her husband had both tested positive and claimed that compared to when former President Donald Trump was in office, President Biden didn't get as much flak for COVID-19 related deaths as Trump had.


And just earlier this month, it was reported that McCain's once-anticipated memoir, "Bad Republican," had low book sales for a possible number of reasons. The former controversial co-star on "The View" is now speaking out once again via the Daily Mail about a certain former presidential candidate's recent viral moment, and though some are coming for her via Twitter, she stands by her contentious opinion. 

Meghan McCain openly criticizes Beto O'Rourke in Daily Mail column

After the school shooting massacre in Uvalde, Texas, former House representative, Beto O'Rourke, approached Governor Greg Abbott in his home state of Texas and gave him a piece of his mind (via CNN). O'Rourke confronted Governor Abbott at a press conference, proposing gun control for military-grade weapons, which got him kicked out, sending the media into a frenzy.


A day after O'Rourke, who is also running against Abbott in an upcoming gubernatorial race, made headlines, Meghan McCain penned her thoughts regarding the heated dispute for the Daily Mail. While speaking on the altercation between the politicians, she described O'Rourke's actions as "showboating for the cameras" fueled by "getting follows on Twitter and shares on Instagram." Twitter, as it does, had some thoughts on her stance.

"Meghan McCain had the nerve to call Beto a washed-up two-bit politician after he dared to confront Republicans in Texas on guns," one user tweeted. "She never accomplished anything in her life. Her claim to fame is that she is the daughter of John McCain."

Seemingly aware of the potential backlash, McCain tweeted this after her article was published: "I no longer engage with anyone who exhibits crazy or disrespectful behavior in my professional or personal life, especially on social media — that era is long gone. I stand by my biweekly opinion columns @DailyMail and am grateful to work for a company that values free speech."


