A Surprising Number Of Voters Support Continued Investigation Into Donald Trump

August has been a telling time for the future of former president Donald Trump. Just mere weeks after the January 6 summer hearings concluded with shocking details regarding Trump's involvement, the world watched as the FBI raided the 45th president's Mar-a-Lago residence in Palm Beach, Florida. 


Despite Trump releasing an official statement trying to absolve himself of any guilt — and penning multiple excuses on his social media app Truth Social — it would be an understatement to say the FBI and Department of Justice's investigation has left an impression on Americans.

Although he has made comments in the past about running for commander-in-chief once again in the upcoming 2024 election, Trump will have to come face-to-face with the revealing data that shows voters' take on the former president's multitude of pending investigations. An Economist/YouGov poll from this month reported that an overall majority of Americans back the FBI's investigation. 

Now, another national poll is showing similar information in wake of the investigative findings.


Most American voters back the various Trump investigations

After news broke that the FBI raided Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence unbeknownst to him, NBC News conducted a national poll to gauge thoughts that American voters had on the matter, including other investigations with Trump at the center.


The poll, administered during August 12 to 16, found that 57% of voters believe the numerous investigations against Trump should move forward, versus the 40% of voters who believe such efforts should be scrapped. When breaking down voting by political party, NBC found that for the voters who voted pro-investigations, the demographic was as follows: 92% Democrats, 61% independents, and 21% Republicans. 

This is a significant study, as it should be noted that during Trump's presidential reign, his all-time lowest approval rating was at 34%, according to Gallup. Currently, President Joe Biden's approval rating is at 38%, up two points from his lowest rating ever during presidency at 36% in May (via Reuters).


We're not sure if Trump saw the data, though he posted some scathing words on Truth Social: "All polls STRONGLY indicate that I am the candidate that Democrats LEAST want to run against, by far, hence the politically motivated Raid on Mar-a- Lago – Which has backfired, big time! I beat them twice, did much better the second time (many millions more votes than the first!), and may just have to do it again. Our Country is going to Hell!"

