This Is How Much Princess Charlotte Is Actually Worth

The royal children are gradually gaining traction in their own right, with George and Charlotte completely stealing the show at the Platinum Jubilee concert while fans couldn't get enough of this sweet moment between Prince William and Princess Charlotte while they were watching the 2022 Commonwealth Games. Suffice to say, the older they're getting, the more the Cambridge trio is coming to the fore. 


Charlotte is clearly the standout, though. Hello! magazine notes that, when her father becomes king, Charlotte could inherit the title of Princess Royal from Princess Anne. However, if she's still using it at the time, then it won't be possible to pass the title along. Princess Royal is generally bestowed upon the eldest daughter of the reigning monarch, but it's not a given. Charles I created it in 1942 for his daughter, Princess Mary. 

In honor of her seventh birthday, Charlotte enjoyed two lavish celebrations and was gifted a pony from her doting parents, as an insider told Us Weekly. Evidently, she's already enjoying the life of a wealthy royal, which is in keeping with Charlotte's impressive net worth. 


Princess Charlotte's net worth is based on her economic value

According to Reader's Digest Australia, despite not being old enough to legally vote, drive, or purchase property, Princess Charlotte is worth $5 billion. 

The main reason for this is the "Charlotte effect," which denotes how the little girl's style influences people all over the world, to the tune of billions in revenue. For instance, when she was spotted wearing a yellow patterned cardigan from a British department store, it sold out within 24 hours. However, Charlotte doesn't actually have billions of dollars at her disposal just yet. 


Her net worth, alongside the rest of the royal children, is based on her perceived economic value to the UK. She has enough influence to potentially drive billions of sales, and her net worth is calculated accordingly. 

As Us Weekly details, the adorable mini royal has enjoyed an impressive style evolution considering she's so young. In particular, Charlotte is a big fan of an eye-catching accessory, from cute hairbands to a sparkly unicorn keychain attached to her school bag. And, yet, with a bonafide fashionista as her mother, we shouldn't have expected anything less.

Plus, as Charlotte's recent video with Prince William proves, she's the spitting image of Kate Middleton

The stylish little girl is reportedly a tomboy through and through

Princess Charlotte may be following in her mother's footsteps in many different ways, but, despite her stylish public outings, the mini royal is reportedly a total tomboy behind closed doors. As royal expert Katie Nicholl told Entertainment Tonight, her nickname at Willcocks Nursery was "Warrior Princess." 


Nicholl explained, "Apparently she earned that nickname because obviously she is a princess but she is quite a tomboy. She loves climbing trees and she's very much an adventurer."

Aside from being a keen horse-rider, Charlotte enjoys running around outside with older brother Prince George. The super-close siblings especially love playing soccer and croquet together. In fact, per People, Prince William reckons his daughter is a soccer star in training and could even go pro someday. However, her favorite sport is actually gymnastics, as Tim Lawler, the chief executive of Sports Aid, shared with Hello! magazine

He recalled how Charlotte was also excited to watch the swimming event at the 2022 Commonwealth Games. Lawler noted, "While they're trying lots of different sports at home, I understand, when I asked her about sport she answered very easily and said, 'It's gymnastics that I like.'" 


