The Real Housewife Captain Lee Wants To Join The Below Deck Crew

Working for Captain Lee Rosbach is no picnic. Just ask Abbi Murphy, who recently departed Below Deck. The captain can be quite demanding and has very high expectations of his crew members — but not everyone is up for the job. 


There's one person, though, who Captain Lee thinks is up to the challenge. The Bravo star recently spoke to Hollywood Life at BravoCon and revealed which Real Housewives cast member would be a good addition to the Below Deck crew. 

Captain Lee thinks that Melissa Gorga from The Real Housewives of New Jersey is the one Real Housewife who could handle yacht life. "I think Melissa might," said Captain Lee. "I like her attitude."

Could Melissa Gorga handle being a member of the Below Deck crew?

Where does Captain Lee think Melissa Gorga would fit into the Below Deck team? "If she can handle it, probably second stew," he said.

While Gorga could no doubt tough it out if she had to, we're having a hard time picturing her as second stew. Considering that the job consists of a bunch of work including doing laundry, cleaning rooms, vacuuming, tidying up, and bringing meals to the guests, we can't picture the Real Housewife voluntarily swapping her cozy life for the gig. 


If anything, we can picture Gorga as the chief stew, if not as captain. Lee said that he wouldn't take her on as chief stew, though, not because she isn't capable but because he says that he doesn't think anyone could do a better job than Kate Chastain. "Nobody can replace Kate," he said. 

Who knows, maybe we'll see Melissa Gorga in a Bravo crossover soon, although we have a feeling that she'd be more likely to book a luxury trip on the Valor than sign up as a crew member. 

