This Announcement From Peter And Madison Has Bachelor Nation Stunned

When last we saw Peter Weber, the pilot who seems to be making a second career out of looking for love on all the wrong reality shows, he had just jilted his fiancee of a hot minute, Hannah Ann Sluss, and proclaimed the one true love of his life to be none other than — gasp, shock! — Madison Prewett, whom we'd all been predicting as the winner of this mixed-up Bachelor season. Admittedly, this prediction was based on a misread spoiler, since it turned out that the candidate Peter's mom was endorsing in that famous teary teaser was actually Hannah Ann.


In fact, as she made clear during After the Final Rose, Barbara Weber couldn't stand Madison. After Peter announced he'd be pursuing a relationship with Madi, Barb predicted that he'd "have to fail to succeed," but nobody could possibly have guessed just how soon that fail would come. Although Peter claimed at the time, "I love Madison and that should be enough," guess what? It wasn't.

Just two days later, here are Peter and Madison back on social media (not like they ever left), this time announcing their split on their respective Instagram accounts. According to Peter, the couple "have mutually decided to not pursue our relationship," while Madi's Instagram says that she and Peter "have decided to go our separate ways [and] move in the direction of our purpose." Yeah, just overwhelmed by all the emotion there.


Are we really surprised that Peter Weber is still a bachelor after The Bachelor?

Okay, maybe it's not too shocking, this relationship failing to work out. The premise of reality dating shows is basically a setup for failure, and one of the reasons we may watch them could be a sense of schadenfreude from seeing pretty people stumble and fall along the rocky road to romance. But just two days of true love with Madison? For someone who claimed to have "given his heart to two people" (via E News), ol' Pilot Pete certainly lost no time reclaiming it from both women.


There was one big winner as everything played out, though, and that was definitely not Reality Steve, as he didn't see this coming, either. Even Paul the Octopus couldn't have called it. The one left doing a happy dance at this latest development was Peter's mom. As soon as she heard about the Peter/Madi split, she posted an Instagram video of herself singing "Leaving on a Jet Plane" as a not-so-fond send-off to the daughter-in-law who was never to be.

So is this mess finally over? Probably not, since the main players — even Barb — are likely to be recycled for a new round of reality shows. But can we at least take a short break from all the back-and-forth drama? In a parting shot borrowed from Hannah Ann Sluss, we'd like to tell Peter and co. that we "don't need anything more from you... Leave. Leave, bye."


