Who Is The Bachelor's Marylynn Sienna?

While many of this season's contestants on The Bachelor have relied on ridiculous antics to stand out from the crowd and get noticed by Matt James, some decided on a very different strategy. In the short time she's been on screen, Marylynn Sienna has introduced herself as the calm, soft-spoken sort that is bearing her heart in order to connect with James.


While we don't know if this will be her strategy for the rest of the season, so far, it seems to be having a strong effect on the Bachelor. "I honestly just want to let you know that I feel like everything in my life has brought me here to meet you," Sienna confessed to James during the first-night introductions. In a cutaway interview, James says, "That doesn't go unnoticed by me and I really appreciate that" (via Instagram).

While Sienna didn't end up receiving the coveted "First Impression Rose," she did receive a rose to progress forward through the competition. So now that she's got us hooked, we can't help but wonder what Sienna is all about. Keep reading if you're just as interested as we are.


Sienna is passionate about environmental welfare

Marylynn Sienna, 28, is an event coordinator from Studio City, California, who has made her ambitions and goals very clear in her official Bachelor bio. In it, she says she's looking for commitment, stable and unconditional love, and a man who will "wear his heart on his sleeves." In the next five years, she wants to be married with two (or more) rescue dogs, living a life that she calls "productive, inspirational, [and] healthy" (via ABC).


Not only does her bio include goals about her love life, but it details her professional goals as well, suggesting that she prioritizes both equally. She explains that she "hopes to start several companies focused around promoting environmental welfare and healthy lifestyle choices," adding that she dreams of starting a "nonprofit that helps the environment reduce and eventually eradicate single-use plastic." But the combination of her love life and work life combine when she mentions that this goal is not only vital for herself, but also for her future partner. Indeed, as Sienna shared with ABC, she wants "her soul mate to share her goals of making the world a better place."

She celebrated the Bachelor finally casting a Black man, and couldn't be happier to be a part of it

What we think really stands out about Marylynn Sienna is that she uses her Instagram for more than just sexy pics. While she certainly shares a thirst trap or two — all power to her! — there's a sort of substance that exists behind her posts that isn't something that a YouTube tutorial can teach you. Whether it's about self-love, the importance of making mistakes, or mental health, Sienna doesn't shy away from the gritty that is not often shown on social media.


In addition, we love that Sienna addressed the elephant in the room that is this season of The Bachelor. In 25 seasons of The Bachelor, Matt James represents the first Black Bachelor, which fans couldn't be more excited about. Rather than ignoring this momentous occasion, Sienna leans into it.

In her Instagram post announcing her participation on the show, she writes, "This season is the first time the show features a black male lead in 25 shows! Can you believe it? It's about time! I'm so proud to be a part of this very diverse cast and break down the boundaries necessary for more equality and acceptance. The Bachelor is one of the most watched shows of all time and it's imperative we start showing the viewers all types of love stories—not just white ones" (via Instagram).


Sienna has a career in acting

Despite her career as an event coordinator, Marylynn Sienna actually has a pretty official IMDb page that lists some prior work experience in entertainment. She had a small part in Yellow River, a 2020 film about an early 2000s Hollywood murder mystery. In addition, she took part in Far Cry 4: Fallen Country, a mini-series based on a mega-popular video game of the same name. Finally, she played Samantha in Anatoliy Kim's 2017 romantic short film, The Vow. It's clear that being on camera comes naturally to this multi-talented beauty.


Despite a growing career on the big screen, Sienna loves being with nature. Her Instagram is full of photos of her on the beach, hiking, swimming, and living it up outdoors — it's all very on-brand for this Cali girl. In her Bachelor bio, she explained that despite having grown up surfing, she is deathly afraid of sharks.

