Are Kate And William Planning To Have A Fourth Child?

Five-year-old Charlotte likes being a princess. She's already putting on toy tiaras (via US Weekly). Prince George, who a family friend called, "a jolly little person," loved The Lion King and Legos when he was six. But now he's seven; he may well have moved on (via People). Two-year-old Prince Louis hasn't started preschool yet because of the COVID-19 pandemic, but he's due for it, soon (via Express). At least while Prince William and Duchess Kate's three children stay at home, they have a fourth member of their family to play with: a new cocker spaniel puppy (via Daily Mail).


Now, sources have told US Weekly that William and Kate are looking to welcome a fifth member into their growing royal household. The Queen is said to be "overjoyed." Prince William, meanwhile, took some convincing. "He said that three children is more than enough," according to the magazine's source. For her part, The Duchess of Cambridge has switched to a nutrient-rich diet in preparation for a fourth (and final?) child.

Why William and Kate are planning on having a fourth kid

Part of Kate and William's decision to attempt another pregnancy is timing. The Duchess of Cambridge is aware she may not be able to have children for much longer. "She put the idea on hold when [the coronavirus pandemic] hit, but now there is light at the end of the tunnel with the vaccine and [Prince George and Princess Charlotte] scheduled to return to school in April. She feels ready to start trying again," a source told US Weekly. Part of the reason that Kate is anxious for a fourth child has to do with Princess Charlotte. "She wants Charlotte to have the same enjoyable experience [as she did]" the source explained to US Weekly, "to grow up with a little a sister to confide in and look out for." Prince William, while hesitant at first, is now reportedly "on the same page" and "excited." Us too!


We'd be lying if we said we weren't worried about one thing: the cake. More specifically, the cake that would be served at a potential fourth child's christening ceremony. Guests of Prince George's, Princess Charlotte's, and Prince Louis's christenings all got a slice of William and Kates's eight-layer wedding cake. And, as Hello Magazine points out, by the time Prince Louis was christened in 2018, that cake was a respectable seven years old. Which would make it almost a decade old, today. Can it possibly survive long enough for baby number four?

