Johnny Galecki Calls Out Kaley Cuoco With Hilarious Instagram Comment

Did you know Johnny Galecki and Kaley Cuoco were not only an on-screen couple in The Big Bang Theory, but a real-life one as well? No worries if you forgot, because it seems Cuoco did, too. The Flight Attendant star's adorable Valentine's Day post on Instagram to her husband, Karl Cook, was all about how great their life together is. In fact, she said that she doesn't "remember a moment before [he] entered [her] life" and that it must have been "a boring life" (via BuzzFeed). As someone who was a vital part of that "boring" prior life, Galecki had to say something. 


The actor jokingly commented on her post, "Um," to which Cuoco replied, "LOL." So, it seems the two are on good terms, and can laugh about the whole thing (via Instagram). According to HuffPost, the two actors dated during The Big Bang Theory's first two seasons. Cuoco even revealed that she was "crushing so hard on Galecki" during the pilot, according to US Magazine, but they eventually called it quits in 2009. It was an amicable split, and even Cuoco revealed in Dax Shepard's Armchair Expert podcast that the two are "closer today than [they] ever were" (via ET).

Galecki also commented on Cuoco's Golden Globes IG post

All joking aside, Kaley Cuoco's post to her husband was super sweet. It featured a sepia-toned photo of the two kissing while wearing black face masks. Johnny Galecki wasn't the only one who commented on it either. Cook said, "This is the only way I want to kiss from now on!! I love you so much honey." The two have definitely grown closer together this past year. Despite being married for almost three years, the couple only started living together when quarantine happened (via USA Today). At first, Cuoco believed that living apart was best for their marriage, but being forced to move in together last April has turned out to be "great for [their] relationship."


Living together also means that Cook was there to record Cuoco's adorable reaction to getting her first Golden Globe nomination for The Flight Attendant (via TVLine). The video that was also posted to Cuoco's Instagram shows her real-time reaction to hearing her name get called in the Best Actress in a Television Series (Musical or Comedy) category. At one point, she turns to Cook, who is filming the whole thing to say, "I can't believe it" (via Insider). The post received a lot of love and well-wishes from friends. Even Galecki commented with, "Congratulations, Mooks!!! So well deserved!!!," followed by some of that same friendly banter, "I guess I need to watch it now" (via Instagram).

