Britney Spears Claps Back After Her Sister Jamie Lynn's Interview

Jamie Lynn Spears has made a splash after her interview on "Good Morning America." While the sit-down with host Juju Chang was intended to help promote her new memoir, "Things I Should Have Said," it quickly turned into a she said, she said situation between Jamie Lynn and her sister, Britney Spears.


According to Variety, when asked about Britney's conservatorship, Jamie Lynn said she tried to get her sister help. "I've always been my sister's biggest supporter," Jamie Lynn said during her interview. "So when she needed help, I set up ways to do so, went out of my way to make sure that she had the contacts she needed to possibly go ahead and end this conservatorship and just end this all for our family. If it's going to cause this much discord, why continue it?"

Jamie Lynn went on to say she has always loved her sister and is unsure why they are in the position they are currently in (via Insider). After hearing Jamie Lynn's interview, Britney had a lot to say.

Britney responds to her sister's comments

After Jamie Lynn Spears' interview aired, Britney Spears took to Twitter, slamming her sister's comments. According to Variety, Jamie Lynn touched on her riff with her older sister, specifically the parts of her memoir where she refers to Britney as "erratic" and the controversial performance in 2017 where Jamie Lynn sang Britney's hit songs.


With a 104-degree fever, Britney lets it all out, saying her sister is selling her book at her expense. "She was never around me much 15 years ago at that time ... so why are they even talking about that unless she wants to sell a book at my expense ??? REALLY ???" Britney Spears wrote on her Twitter. "Then where the lady mentioned why did she accuse you of doing remixes to her songs ... I know it may sound like a silly thing to most people but I wrote a lot of my songs and my sister was the baby. She never had to work for anything. Everything was always given to her !!!"

Britney Spears continued, stating that she is disgusted by her family, who ruined her dreams and have always tried to hurt her. Shortly after the tweet was posted, Jamie Lynn created her own post on Instagram, defending her interview and her memoir and accusing Britney of telling the wrong story when it comes to their relationship.


