Body Language Experts Break Down All Of William & Kate's PDA Moments So Far

Prince William and Princess Catherine's relationship has been a captivating journey that began during their time at St. Andrews University in Scotland. Rumored to have started in 2003, the couple's love story blossomed on the picturesque campus where they were both students. In 2007, the couple briefly parted ways, with a temporary breakup that lasted several months before they ultimately reconciled. Prince William later addressed this period during their engagement interview, shedding light on the challenges they faced. The royal couple tied the knot in 2011 in a grand ceremony that captured the world's attention. Since then, they have become parents to three children: Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis.


When it comes to public displays of affection, Prince William and Princess Catherine strike a balance between their public and private lives. While they're sometimes seen attending official events hand in hand, their PDA moments are generally discreet. The couple has been known to share occasional kisses, with the most famous being their balcony appearance after their wedding.

As we delve into their relationship, our exploration will extend beyond the headlines. In the upcoming article, we'll analyze the subtle gestures and expressions that make up the royal couple's PDA moments. To provide detailed insights, we'll turn to body language experts who can unravel the nuances of Prince William and Princess Catherine's public affection. From stolen glances to subtle touches, each gesture tells a story of a love that has withstood the pressures of public scrutiny.


Prince William gave Princess Catherine a peck on the cheek after a polo match

While we're used to seeing Prince William and Princess Catherine in trousers, suit jackets, and fancier attire these days, the pair, like most young people, were all kinds of casual in their youth. Catherine was often seen attending William's polo matches, especially in the early years of their relationship, supporting him from the sidelines. She was doing just that when they were caught in a brief moment of PDA where they greeted each other with a swift peck on the cheek and a side hug. Despite it looking somewhat formal, their proximity says otherwise.


According to Body Language Expert Jess Ponce III, this moment is way more intimate than initial appearances would suggest. "Now, some might think their embrace looks a bit formal, but trust me, it's more of a laid-back, caught-in-the-moment kind of thing," Ponce told The List. "They've got their hands confidently placed in the middle of each other's backs, showing some serious intimacy and connection." 

Additionally, Ponce told us their lack of a close hug might have something to do with William's less-than-tidy looks after just coming off the polo field. "Sure, they're not in a full-on hug, but hey, let's cut them some slack. It looks like a quick congrats after Prince William's game, and he's probably a bit sweaty," Ponce said. "So, it's totally normal for them to show affection in a supportive half-embrace and a cheeky peck."


William and Catherine's royal wedding kiss was seen around the world

Prince William and Princess Catherine's wedding day was one for the history books. The fairytale event was full of everything the United Kingdom is famous for — pomp and circumstance, a carriage ride, a lavish church, an expensive wedding dress, a palace, and a prince. But, what royal watchers really wanted to see was the balcony kiss, made famous by William's parents, Princess Diana and King Charles III, on their wedding day three decades prior.


Body Language Expert Jess Ponce III also agreed with these sentiments. "That famous kiss heard 'round the world? Total fairytale material!" said Ponce. "Sweet, intimate, and downright captivating. This was the moment everyone had been waiting for, and the couple nailed it, putting the perfect bow on their fairytale romance." But what exactly were the feelings behind the kiss? Well, Ponce believes William and Catherine "didn't seem too fazed."

"Closed eyes, leaning into each other, shoulders touching — it's like they completely surrendered to the moment and each other," Ponce told us. "Fully extended necks reaching for one another, and a small, joyous smile — talk about tuning the world out. They were there for each other, and we were just lucky to witness it." The balcony kiss symbolized not only the joy of their union but also hinted at a promising future together. Overall, the blend of tradition and the couple's connection made the balcony kiss a memorable moment in their wedding day festivities.


William and Catherine held hands the day after their wedding

Prince William and Princess Catherine were seen strolling across the grounds of Buckingham Palace the day after their lavish wedding, and you wouldn't know it by simply looking at them. Somehow, they both appeared fresh-faced and youthful as if they hadn't just had the longest day and night of their lives (no kids were in the picture yet). Catherine looked regal as ever in a flowing blue dress with an added blazer on top while William looked absolutely princely in khaki pants and a navy blazer. Body Language Expert Jess Ponce III told The List that William and Catherine appeared to be "beaming with excitement on their way to their honeymoon."


"There's an innocent energy about them as they stroll hand in hand," said Ponce. "Kate's hand is completely turned into her new husband, following his lead with total vulnerability. His shoulders lean in her direction, playing the enthusiastic protector role. And check out his free hand in the air, indicating an eager and enthusiastic pace. All of this paired with their earnest expressions as they march toward the future — it's a picture-perfect moment."

Surprisingly, William and Catherine weren't even headed on their honeymoon yet. In the most relatable way, Prince William had to return to work right after their wedding so they weren't able to leave until a full 10 days later. However, they were headed to a private island in the Seychelles, so Catherine probably wasn't too upset.


William and Catherine showed their competitive sides during a race

In July 2011, Prince William and Princess Catherine undertook their first royal tour that included several fun activities for the newlyweds. One such engagement was a "friendly" Dragon Boat race between the pair on Prince Edward Island. The very competitive couple ended up paddling along with the rest of the team despite originally planning to only steer the boats. Unfortunately for Catherine, William was victorious. In a hilarious insight into their relationship, William told his new wife, "There's no chivalry in sport" (via Time).


In an adorable moment, Catherine pretended to push William into the water afterward. Body Language Expert Jess Ponce III gave their assessment, telling The List, "Pure joy radiates as they gaze down at the dragon boats, both wearing big smiles. In a full embrace, Kate leans into William, his hand wrapping completely around her shoulders. ... They're completely connected, caught in a fun and lively moment. Their casual attire and light expressions scream youthful energy, and it's a delight to see them so carefree in this setting."

Catherine congratulated William with a peck on the cheek at a polo match

Prince William appears to win a lot of polo matches, and Princess Catherine is always around to hand him a trophy with a peck on the cheek for posterity. William had played a polo match in Santa Barbara, California, during a swift 3-day tour in the United States, in which his team sealed a 5-3 victory, and raised funds for the American Friends of the Foundation of Prince William and Prince Harry. 


So, what about that kiss? "Prince William goes all in, extending his neck and shoulders as he leans in for a committed kiss," Body Language Expert Jess Ponce III told The List. Of course, Catherine is always on point and made sure to adhere to protocol in public. "Kate remains composed, accepting the kiss with a complementary poise. While the kiss itself is formal, the cheek-to-cheek action brings a comfy vibe," Ponce said. "But, hold up — there's a literal barrier between them, and it's the gift Prince William is presenting to Princess Kate. Both hands on the box, he's dividing his attention between the gift and the kiss, leaving Kate to navigate the scenario. A true protocol pro, she's there for both her husband and the event, sealing the deal with a kiss of her own."


William and Catherine shared a celebratory hug at the Velodrome in London

Nothing says romance like an ecstatic hug at the Velodrome in London, right? Prince William and Princess Catherine were all smiles and excited as they cheered on Great Britain in the Track Cycling event and even let their happiness get the best of them as they stood up and cheered with a big hug.


"This picture of Prince William and Kate in a full-on embrace gives us a rare glimpse into the depth of this couple's closeness," Nicole Moore, Body Language Expert and Celebrity Love Advisor, told The List. "As the couple embraces, they push their entire bodies together with no space in between them, a clear body language indicator that there is no lack of intimacy between them. Kate is grasping William's neck and leaning on him, allowing her weight to rest on him which indicates that she trusts him."

Moore did point out that Catherine may hesitate a bit more in public in comparison to her husband. "Even in this embrace, Kate's shoulders are a bit tight and her body is stiffer compared to William's completely relaxed body," Moore told us. "This could indicate that even though Kate desires to be close and intimate with William, there's a tiny part of her that's holding back or defending herself."


William and Catherine were caught staring into each other's eyes at an event

During the 2012 Olympics in London, Prince William and Princess Catherine watched William's cousin Zara Phillips compete in horse riding, however, their attention appeared to be on each other. They smiled, came in close, and looked as if they were two schoolchildren sharing a joke. 


Nicole Moore, Body Language Expert and Celebrity Love Advisor, told The List that the pair have a fun side. "This picture of Kate and William shows the playful side to this couple's dynamic," said Moore. "William placed his hand entirely over Kate's, covering it and gripping it tightly which indicates a truly deep connection. His body is angled slightly toward Kate and his head and neck are leaning into her." 

Moore also noted that the pair are in sync with each other. "They're both smiling at each other with full teeth showing and no tension in their mouths, indicating genuine delight," described Moore. "They almost have the same exact facial expression in this picture which is a sign that the two are very in sync and connected." This may indicate that their private life might be far more playful than what the public witness. "In this picture, we see the couple more in their natural element and we get a glimpse, perhaps, of how they are with each other in private quarters when no one is watching."


William and Catherine held hands as they walked to church at Christmas

Prince William and Princess Catherine held hands as they walked from Sandringham to the traditional Christmas Day service at St. Mary Magdalene Church in 2013. Catherine donned a tartan coat by Alexander McQueen, and let's be truthful, we don't actually know what type of non-descript black coat William wore. The adorable pair were all smiles, as they braved the cold weather, unfortunately having left a baby Prince George at home playing with wrapping paper. 


"This photo demonstrates how the couple appears when they are trying to pose and are aware of the cameras," Nicole Moore, Body Language Expert and Celebrity Love Advisor, told us. "Their hands are intertwined, but it's not a tight grasp and they both appear more stiff rather than yielding and leaning into each other like they are when they are flirting and playing. Their body language here indicates that they are close, but holding back. Perhaps the couple feels that their relationship and intimacy must take a back seat to their royal duties."

William and Catherine held hands as they watched a swimming competition

Prince William and his wife Princess Catherine were clearly enraptured by what was going on in front of them as they watched the 800-meter freestyle competition at the Tollcross Swimming Centre during the Commonwealth Games in 2014. While very obviously into the swimming, the royal couple made sure to give some attention to each other as they cuddled up close and even held hands, which we don't often see from them. 


Body Language Expert Jess Ponce III gave us some insight, telling The List, "Intense looks, united focus — this couple is in it together, locked onto the game. Despite any personal stakes, they showcase unity in action. ... They're not here as individuals but as a complete couple." 

Ponce also remarked on the gender roles between the couple and how these roles manifest between the two royals during public appearances. "There's a touch of traditional gender imagery — he's at ease, leaning back with legs spread out, while she sits with crossed legs, bent toward him. Together, they paint a picture of unity with a dash of stereotypical guy-and-gal positioning."

William clasped Catherine's hand after the birth of Princess Charlotte

In May 2015, Prince William and Princess Catherine were the picture of baby bliss as they exited the hospital following the birth of their daughter Princess Charlotte. Catherine looked surprisingly fresh-faced and elegant despite pushing a baby out just hours before and wore a yellow Jenny Packham dress to compliment the spring season. Prince William naturally looks like a protective husband and father as he held his baby in a carrier.


Nicole Moore, Body Language Expert and Celebrity Love Advisor, gave us some insight into what's going on. "His body language here indicates a desire to take the lead and protect Kate," Moore told The List. "Even though the couple is going downstairs, Kate's body is turned toward William's and she is looking directly at William's face rather than looking down to see where she is going. Her body language here indicates that she really trusts William to lead her." 

Moore notes that while Catherine's body language often shows that she is independent, that's not always the case. "In this picture, we see the truly soft side of Kate and it's in stark contrast to the poised, power stance she often takes when appearing in public," said Moore. "Kate's body language often indicates that she is poised, self-sufficient, and does not 'need' to be supported by William. However, here, we see that she really does appreciate being supported by her husband."


The royal couple got flirty and playful in the snow

In 2016, Prince William and Princess Catherine took their children Prince George and Princess Charlotte on their first family skiing holiday to the French Alps. Their kids enjoyed playing in the snow for the first time, and they took official photographs for the public to enjoy. What really raised eyebrows was a photo of William and Catherine play-fighting in the snow as Catherine appeared to throw a snowball at her husband who grabbed her wrist to stop the attack. 


Nicole Moore, Body Language Expert and Celebrity Love Advisor, told The List that the playful dynamic shared by the couple is important to see. "In the picture of William and Kate playing in the snow, we see that play is an essential part of how this couple maintains closeness," Moore asserted. "William is often pictured playing with Kate like he is here and it may indicate that William sees making Kate laugh as one of his main roles as a husband."

Moore also added, "In this picture, Kate responds as she typically does when William plays and flirts with her; she leans in fully, with full excitement. It's clear that this couple values play as a cornerstone of their relationship and perhaps, they are happiest and closest when they are laughing together."


Prince William wrapped an arm around his wife at a charity event

Prince William and Princess Catherine are known for their sports rivalry and that was put on display in February 2017 when they, along with Prince Harry, raced each other in a sprint. The three were supporting their Heads Together charity with racers competing in the London Marathon for the organization that coming April. In the playful photo of the couple, William can be seen wrapping an arm around Catherine's shoulder who smiled affectionately. 


"William's hand on Kate's shoulder lets him bring her close to him, but it's a more casual and less intimate gesture than resting his hand on her waist," Body Language Expert Blanca Cobb told The List. "As William and Kate tend to be more formal in public, it seems fitting for them." Cobb does point out, however, that they appear to be on different mental wavelengths. "There's a mismatch in their facial expressions. Kate's smiling whereas William's mouth is open," Cobb described. "Look carefully and you'll see that William's tip of his tongue is touching the roof of his mouth. Typically, this indicates that someone is thinking about or struggling with something. Add in that his right shoulder is leaning downward away from Kate, something is on his mind."


William and Catherine joked with each other at the London Marathon

Prince William and Princess Catherine clearly have a playful and fun relationship, which we're often granted glimpses of during moments of spontaneity between them. In 2017, the royal couple cheered on runners at the London Marathon, and passed out water, while still finding a little time to joke around with each other. William is seen pretending to blow an air horn toward Catherine, who pulls her head back with a grin on her face. 


Nicole Moore, Body Language Expert and Celebrity Love Advisor, told The List, "In this picture, we see that Kate enjoys flirting and being playful with William ... Her smile when William is flirting or being playful with her is the most genuine, deep smile we ever see from her." Moore gave some context to the photo, telling us that Catherine appears much more relaxed than usual. 

"Although Kate's body is leaning away from William in this picture, her smile is wide and she looks genuinely enthused. While she can appear quite tense in public outings, here her body language matches Willam's and both are very relaxed and tension-free. ... It's almost as if we see the real Kate when she's flirting and playing with William."


Catherine gently touched William's cheek while watching tennis

In 2017, Prince William and Princess Catherine attended Wimbledon where they cheered on Roger Federer as he faced Marin Čilić. In a rare moment of pretty intimate PDA, Catherine was seen touching William's cheek as if to wipe something off, or simply to show her affection for her husband. She looked intensely at him as she did so as if studying his face. It was Catherine's second appearance of the 2017 season after she arrived on opening day before taking in a match played by Andy Murray. 


Body Language Expert Blanca Cobb told The List, "Kate reaches out to gently touch William's cheek as a way to make a connection, show affection or an attempt to get his attention. William's open mouth suggests that he might be talking or getting ready to talk. With his arms by his side, William's keeping to himself for the moment."

Prince William placed a protective hand on Princess Catherine's back during Princess Eugenie's wedding

Prince William and Princess Catherine were seen attending the wedding of his cousin Princess Eugenie in October 2018. Catherine's outfit was on point as usual; she was dressed in a fuschia dress by Alexander McQueen with a matching pink fascinator by Philip Treacy. As William and Catherine exited St. George's Chapel at Windsor Castle, William put a protective hand on Catherine's back, as we've seen him do several times before. Nicole Moore, Body Language Expert and Celebrity Love Advisor, told The List that Prince William's body language "shows where his priorities lie." 


Despite appearing to have a lot on his mind, he made sure to keep his wife at the forefront. "His lips are pursed, indicating that he's deep in thought, but the fact that he placed his hand on Kate's back at the same time indicates that he's still thinking of Kate, even in the midst of deep thought," said Moore.

The body language expert also noted that Princess Catherine may not need her husband's support all that much. "It's interesting that Kate remains poised in this image with her shoulders squared and her spine straight," said Moore. "Her body language here indicates that she acknowledges Williams' hand on her back, but she isn't going to yield to it or change her posture to lean more into his hand. She's almost saying here, thanks for the support but I don't need it." 


William and Catherine took a romantic stroll in Ireland

In 2020, on a tour of Ireland, Prince William and Princess Catherine were sure to give royal watchers several adorable moments of PDA. But the photo of them walking arm in arm together on Howth Cliff might just be the cutest one of all. While they had a packed schedule of engagements, including a walkabout in Galway and practicing the traditional Irish sport of hurling, they still prioritized affection for each other. 


"With the sides of their bodies touching, William and Kate are keeping each other close," Body Language Expert Blanca Cobb told The List. "Notice that William's shoulder is slightly behind Kate's, which indicates that he's got her back. This means that he's taking a supportive stance with his wife. It appears that he knows his wife well because, with her slight grasp on the back of his jacket, she's showing that she wants or needs his support."

Princess Catherine gave Prince William a royal butt tap

In December 2022, Prince William and Princess Catherine attended the Earthshot Prize awards in Boston. The Earthshot Prize is a program established by William and Sir David Attenborough offering yearly funding to individuals or initiatives dedicated to addressing the challenges of climate change. Catherine looked sensational in a long green gown by Solace London, which was actually rented from Hurr in keeping with the sustainability theme of the night. 


It appeared, however, that despite the serious undertone of the night, Catherine could not keep her hands off her husband, or his royal bottom. As William waved to fans in front of the green carpet, Catherine only had eyes for him and placed her palm firmly on his butt. Body Language Expert Blanca Cobb told The List, "Kate's hand on her husband's tush is both playful and flirtatious. It's a way to let him know that she's thinking about him and she probably feels like he's a bit sexy."

The future king and queen's outfits and mannerisms have synced

In their first appearance of 2023, Prince William and Princess Catherine were so in sync that they even wore matching outfits, and what's more romantic than that? During a visit to the Royal Liverpool University Hospital, the royal couple wore outfits that were so complimentary in color and style, that it looked as if it was planned. A video posted to X, formerly Twitter, (via People), shows the couple in a conversation with a staffer at the hospital who joked to William that he and Catherine were matching, to which he agreed "coordinating" was a better word for it, as he laughed.


The pair were seen greeting hundreds of royal watchers and waved in the exact same way, with the same foot forward, meaning their body language was as in sync as their outfits. Body Language Expert Blanca Cobb gave The List some insight into what this coordination means. "When a couple's body language is mirror images of each other, this suggests that they're completely in sync at the moment," Cobb explained. Their emotional connection is strong."

Princess Catherine congratulated Prince William after a win on the polo field

The Princess of Wales showcased unwavering support for her husband, Prince William, at the highly anticipated 2023 Royal Charity Polo Day. Her expressions ranged from a pre-game thumbs-up to animated cheers from the sidelines (via People), demonstrating her enthusiasm for the sport and devotion to her man. In a heartwarming twist, the success of the day extended beyond the polo field. The 2023 Royal Charity Polo Day triumphed in fundraising, collecting over $1.2 million for causes dear to the hearts of the royal couple.


In this photo, Princess Catherine is seen congratulating William on his win after a standard peck on the cheek, but her fingers look quite firm on his shoulder as if she's struggling to keep him in place. 

"Ever wondered what's going on in Kate's mind in this photo? Her gaze and posture are firm and fixed. Despite the smile, there's a hint of tension in her face," Body Language Expert Jess Ponce III told The List. Ponce also noted that Catherine might be thinking about something she desperately wanted to share with William. "It's not that the love isn't genuine, but there's definitely more to this look than meets the eye. Something's on her mind, and she's locking eyes with her husband. ... Wide eyes usually signal excitement or openness, but hers are laser-focused and intense," Ponce said. 


William and Catherine were in their own world at the 2023 BAFTAs

Prince William and Princess Catherine attended the 2023 BAFTAs looking like a real prince and princess as they strutted down the red carpet. William wore a velvet suit jacket and Catherine donned an ethereal, flowing white gown from Alexander McQueen, reminiscent of a wedding dress paired with long black gloves. The most dazzling part of their looks, however, were the smiles they had for each other as if they were in their own world and the cameras didn't matter.


In this photo, it looks as if Catherine wants to get her husband alone, and perhaps have a private moment despite the hundreds of people around them. "Notice how Kate's hand is enveloped in his. This handhold is a protective handhold as his hand is completely covering hers," Body Language Expert Blanca Cobb told The List. "Her right shoulder is leaning slightly downward towards William suggesting that she wants to get a little closer."

Prince William offered Princess Catherine a helping hand as she navigated the stairs

Prince William lived up to the fairytale image of a knight in shining armor as he offered his hand to Princess Catherine so she could navigate the steps in her long gown. In November 2023, the loved-up royal couple attended the Royal Variety Performance at the Royal Albert Hall in London. Both were decked out in their finest attire, but as usual, it was Princess Catherine who stole the show in her blue, floor-length Safiyaa gown with padded shoulders sporting newly chopped side bangs. Naturally, Prince William appeared as if he couldn't keep his eyes off his wife, as he proudly showed her off. 


Body Language Expert Blanca Cobb weighed in on the romantic moment, telling The List, "Prince William is exuding chivalry. His palm up allows him to support Kate as she places her hand in his."

