Why Rumors Surrounding A Recent Video Of Justin Bieber And Hailey Have Fans Seeing Red

Ever since Justin and Hailey Bieber became an item in 2016, the public has questioned their relationship with a particular focus on Justin's treatment towards Hailey. There have been countless videos where the public believe that Justin had been rude, aggressive, and angry towards his now-wife, prompting people to express concern about Hailey's overall well-being in their relationship (via CheatSheet). Well, a recent video of the couple has gone viral, and it appears to be showing exactly the kind of treatment that the public has been worried about.


The video in question took place after Justin's recent Las Vegas concert where, according to Billboard, he performed three times within 24 hours at various venues in the area. In the video, it appears that Justin is yelling at Hailey as they two are walking with a large group of people, and Justin looks noticeably angry. It's difficult to hear what Justin is saying, however, but many believe that his body language reveals enough (via the Daily Mail).

Was Justin Bieber simply hyped up from his performance?

Many people maintain that Justin Bieber was not, in fact, yelling at his wife Hailey, but was simply being animated and hyped about his performance. According to Just Jared, there were allegedly sources present at the time of the video who assert that Justin wasn't mad, but was just full of "adrenaline." According to a source on Twitter, "He was not yelling and we were there to witness what went down. He was all adrenaline. It doesn't matter how the f*** it 'appears' to you."


"Dont [sic] spread false information on someone especially when you acknowledge that's just what it appears to you. That's defamation of character," the Twitter user wrote. Another Twitter user says she was in the front row of his concert and witnessed first hand how pumped up on adrenaline he was. "I hate how he's always painted as the bad guy when he's the furthest thing from it," she wrote.

Fans of Justin Bieber have historically defended him regardless of his actions

This wouldn't be the first time that Justin Bieber fans have defended the "Justice" singer to the ends of the earth. There have been countless occurrences of Bieber getting into trouble, whether with the law or otherwise, where his fans maintain his innocence and defend him regardless of his actions. For example, back in 2014, Bieber was arrested in Miami for drag racing a yellow Lamborghini while under the influence of drugs and alcohol, per USA Today. Bieber, who was 19 at the time, was arrested and appeared before the judge, who ultimately charged him with a $2,500 bail. But despite the obvious law breaking and belligerence towards the police, the "Beliebers" were in support of their favorite singer through and through.


One Twitter user wrote at the time, "Although I think his decisions are stupid at times, I'm still going to be here for him, that isn't changing." Another fan demonstrated the same support, tweeting, "I just want to hug Justin and tell him that everything's gonna be alright and that we'll always be there for him no matter what," per USA Today.

In addition, it's hard to ignore the previous suggestions that Bieber has been unkind, aggressive, and in some cases, even abusive towards his wife, per various videos (via YouTube). It's for this reason that many strongly believe that the Las Vegas video did, in fact, show Bieber yelling at Hailey, with concern for her only growing.

If you or someone you know is dealing with domestic abuse, you can call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1−800−799−7233. You can also find more information, resources, and support at their website.


