10 Tributes Kids Left For The Queen That Made Us Cry

Britain — and, indeed, the world at large — is reeling from the heartbreaking death of Queen Elizabeth II. The long-reigning monarch passed away at the age of 96 at her summer home in Balmoral, Scotland, with various members of her family rushing to be by her side once it was clear that the end was in sight. 


Buckingham Palace initially announced that she was resting under medical supervision, following a busy day welcoming new Prime Minister Liz Truss (via The Guardian). Just a short while later, the palace confirmed that Her Majesty had "died peacefully," shocking the world with how quickly the situation had changed. 

In fact, Prince Harry didn't get to say his goodbyes to the queen because the Duke of Sussex simply couldn't make it to Scotland in time. 

There are strict procedures in place for when a British monarch passes, including an official, and very lengthy, mourning period for Britain. Likewise, tributes have poured in from all over the world for Her Majesty. These are some of the sweetest messages from children processing the loss of the queen.


Kids drew the queen in all her finery

Most of the children who paid tribute to the late Queen Elizabeth drew the beloved ruler in all her finery, usually wearing a crown and jewelry. This particular child also chose to match the queen's heels to her lipstick while thanking Her Majesty for her service.


As Hello! magazine points out, Elizabeth had an extensive lipstick collection and was frequently spotted taking a second to reapply a coat in public, too. Back in 2008, she matched her lip color to her stunning ruby jewels, so, clearly, this kid has the right idea about the queen's chic fashion sense. 

Her beloved corgis and favorite colors featured prominently

Queen Elizabeth's corgis were close to her heart, so it's not surprising that this little one chose to include a cute puppy on their condolence card on the left. 

They don't need to fret, though, since a source confirmed to the BBC that the "corgis will return to live at Royal Lodge with the Duke and Duchess. It was the Duchess who found the puppies which were gifted to Her Majesty by the Duke." The insider was referring to Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York. 


Similarly, it's well known that the queen always wore one color, so it stands to reason that another tribute, on the right, captures Her Majesty in a classic all-yellow ensemble — complete with a stylish hat.

Children sweetly offered condolences to Her Majesty's family, too

One child depicted Queen Elizabeth in a crown and labeled the picture "classy lady," while another offered a message of condolence for the rest of the royal family, who are understandably reeling in the aftermath of her death.


Kate Middleton, Princess of Wales, even revealed Prince Louis' heartbreaking reaction to the queen's death, which highlighted how hard it's been for them. 

One child's message noted that they shared a birthday with the monarch, which is surely going to make it more emotional next year, when Her Majesty would've turned 97. 

Multiple kids included their ages on their cards

Emphasizing how impactful Queen Elizabeth's lengthy reign was on everybody, several children noted their ages on handmade condolence cards. One 8-year-old presented the queen in an all-purple outfit, while another, named Matthew and aged 9, gushed that she was his "inspiration." He continued: "I loved you," and "I will miss you." 


Even though these children are quite young, it's understandable that this change in the monarchy will impact them, considering that the queen had been a steadfast leader their whole lives.

Queen Elizabeth was typically drawn wearing a hat

Given her propensity for fancy headwear, it makes sense that many children drew Queen Elizabeth in a hat. This particular kid noticed her love of color-coordinating, too, complementing the queen's orange hat with matching jewelry. 


They drew her in a purple ensemble, which is close enough to the late royal's favorite color, blue, according to Express. The queen wore blue more than any other hue, which is why most royals wore the blue for Trooping the Colour this summer.

Her Majesty had fans all over the world

People all over the world are mourning Queen Elizabeth, and one child came all the way from Singapore to pay her respects. A talented 4-year-old named Margot drew Her Majesty alongside one of her dedicated foot soldiers; a corgi with a bone; and a crowned female figure that might represent the queen's late sister, Princess Margaret, based on the writing.


Funnily enough, Buckingham Palace canceled the famous tradition of changing the guard amid the queen's health concerns

The queen was often presented in one of her classic outfits

When it came to saying it all without words, many children chose to simply present the queen as she was most often seen in public: in a chic monochromatic outfit. In fact, Queen Elizabeth chose such bold ensembles to ensure that she stood out in a crowd for security purposes.


In this tribute, one of Her Majesty's beloved dogs accompanies her once again, while a smattering of stars shows just how special she was. 

Young mourners did their best to find the right words

It can be hard for children to express their feelings when someone passes, and, in the case of this young mourner, he or she could only note, "I am sad you died." Queen Elizabeth is shown here in a chic all-pink outfit, with blonde curls, a blue crown, and a green scepter. 


Evidently, Her Majesty is being remembered exactly as she was: fun-loving, young at heart, and endlessly colorful — or, as former PM Boris Johnson put it succinctly, "radiant" (via Sky News).

Paddington Bear saluted the queen in this drawing

Paddington Bear paid tribute to the queen on Twitter following news of her death, writing simply, "Thank you Ma'am, for everything." The unlikely duo enjoyed a spot of afternoon tea together at Windsor Castle this summer, so it makes sense that this talented little artist drew him saluting Her Majesty, who also happens to be walking her beloved corgis. 


However, according to the Independent, the Royal Parks organization asked mourners to stop bringing marmalade sandwiches — Paddington's favorite snack — when paying tribute to the queen. 

Who better to accompany Queen Elizabeth on her final journey than Paddington?

Indeed, Paddington Bear featured prominently in many children's messages for the queen. As the Daily Mail notes, drawings emerged in the wake of her passing depicting Her Majesty reuniting with her beloved husband, Prince Philip, while another showed Paddington taking her hand as the queen told him, "I've done my duties Paddington, please take me to my husband."


This tribute appears to be the inspiration for little Ben's message, which shows the monarch and one of her corgis being shepherded by the iconic bear. 

What a fitting way to say goodbye. 

